But at some point, Wang Fuxiang fell asleep leaning on her shoulder.Zhao Yun looked at her sleeping soundly.Those crooked eyebrows, pink cheeks, and ruddy lips.Zhao Yun really wanted to kiss him.But Zhao Yun suppressed the excitement in his heart, and then put her on the bed, leaning against the wall and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yun took Wang Fuxiang and his guards towards Xiliang.At this time, it was heard that Ma Chao was leading an army to attack Guo Yuan, the prefect of Hanoi.

It turned out that Yuan Shao's plan to go south made his son Yuan Shang occupy Hanoi County where Cao Hong was based.Yuan Shang ordered his general Guo Yuan to be the prefect.At this time, Yuan Shang was defeated in Jizhou, so he fled to Hanoi County.He wanted to join forces with Ma Teng and Han Sui to attack Cao Cao together.

However, Cao Cao persuaded Ma Teng one step earlier and ordered him to lead his army to attack Yuan Shang. After the victory, he returned Hanoi County to Xiliang.Ma Teng thought about this, so he agreed to Cao Cao's request and asked Ma Chao to attack Yuan Shang and Guo Yuan in Hanoi County.

Zhao Yun heard this and knew that Ma Teng was thinking too naively.So I rushed to Hanoi County overnight.However, at this time Ma Chao had already defeated Yuan Shang, Yuan Shang fled to Liaodong, and Guo Yuan was also beheaded by Pang De.Zhao Yun knew that it was impossible to reverse the situation.So I met Ma Chao in secret.

Zhao Yun knew that Ma Teng would not let him go when he escaped from Xiliang last time, so Ma Teng could not let Ma Teng know his whereabouts.Knowing that Zhao Yun was coming, Ma Chao secretly took him into Hanoi County.Ma Chao was very happy, so he said to Zhao Yun, "It's great that you came. We just defeated Yuan Shang and won Hanoi County."

"Meng Qi, you seem to underestimate Cao Cao?"

"Zilong, where did you start talking about this?"

Zhao Yun said at this time: "You have fallen into Cao Cao's plan."

Ma Chao didn't know, so he asked why.Zhao Yundao: "This is Cao Cao's strategy to lure your father. When he conquers the north, his next target of conquest is Xiliang. Otherwise, he would be so generous as to give Hanoi County to Xiliang."

When Ma Chao heard this, he didn't know what to do.Zhao Yundao: "You discuss with your father and lead the army to attack Xudu."

"Xu Du is Cao Cao's base, and I am afraid it will be difficult to attack."

"Cao Cao led a large army to attack the land of Wuhuan, Xudu is empty, as long as you lead the army to attack, Xudu will be defeated in a few days, and it will be impossible for Cao Cao to return to the army to rescue." Zhao Yun said.

Ma Chao thought about this, so he led his army back to Xiliang overnight and informed Ma Teng of the matter.However, Ma Teng hesitated.Ma Chao then went back to see Zhao Yun, who had secretly entered Fufeng County at this time.

Zhao Yun saw Ma Chao coming and asked him how things were going.Ma Chao told Zhao Yun the truth.After hearing this, Zhao Yun said, "Now that you have captured Hanoi County, Han Sui will never sit idly by. The conflict between your two families has already intensified, and now they will fight each other again. Cao Cao took advantage of this to Let Xiliang have internal strife, so that there is no time to look south."

"But my father won't listen, so what can I do?"

"Your father didn't listen, he must be worried that Han Sui would suddenly turn against him."

"My father's concerns are not unreasonable."

"You can make an appointment with Han Sui to take Xudu together. If he agrees, it will be easy to enter Xudu. If he doesn't agree, let your father stay in Fufeng, and you lead the army to attack Xudu directly. After you capture Xudu So why not let Xiliang go to Han Sui?" However, Zhao Yun thought for a moment, was it too naive to try to save Xiliang on his own.

"Zilong's words are true. I'm going to persuade my father to join the army in Xudu." Ma Chao said and left.

After Ma Chao left, he thought to himself: "If I let him capture Xudu, is this a leak of secrets?" Zhao Yun thought about this, and suddenly remembered that Yan Liangwenchou was killed by a drunken slip of the tongue last time.I don't know what will happen this time.Zhao Yun immediately realized something, so he wanted to go and chase Ma Chao back.But Ma Chao has been gone for a long time.Zhao Yun knew that the matter had come to this point and could not be undone, so let's see the situation.

At this time, Ma Yunlu had heard that Zhao Yun had returned to Fufeng County, so he took Zhao Tong, who was a few years old, out to see Zhao Yun.Seeing them coming, Zhao Yun couldn't help hugging Ma Yunlu and Zhao Tong into his arms.The scene is very happy.Wang Fuxiang saw their family reunion, so she left silently.When Zhao Yun was paying attention, Wang Fuxiang was nowhere to be seen.So he asked Ma Yunlu where the guard who was standing next to him had gone.

Ma Yunlu shook his head, then asked who the guard was.Zhao Yundao is his brother.So he went out to look for Wang Fuxiang, and saw that Wang Fuxiang was about to ride away on horseback.Zhao Yun stepped forward to stop her, and then asked her why she left.Wang Fuxiang said that she was going back to Xinye.

Zhao Yun saw some cracks in the corners of her eyes, and knew that she definitely didn't want to disturb him.So he said: "It's dangerous for you to go back alone, let's go back together in a few days!" Zhao Yun didn't know why he felt pity for Wang Fuxiang.He didn't know if he had feelings for her.But Zhao Yun didn't dare to think about it, after all, he already had a wife and children.She didn't want Ma Yunlu to be disappointed, let alone Wang Fuxiang.

Wang Fuxiang is a considerate person. Hearing this, he said, "I'll go to Xinye for the time being!" Then he galloped away.Seeing this, Zhao Yun ordered Zhao Fan to lead dozens of people to escort her back to Xinye.Zhao Fan was ordered to leave.

The next day, Zhao Yun heard that Ma Teng was planning to send Ma Chao's troops to attack Xudu.However, due to the preparation of food and grass for the horses, the march will be delayed.

This matter soon spread to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao broke out in a cold sweat.Then ask Ji Yu Chengyu.Cheng Yu said: "Prime Minister has gone deep into Liaodong now, and it is impossible to send troops back to rescue each other. Now there is only one plan to save Xu Du."

Cao Cao asked Cheng Yu for advice.Cheng Yu said: "Marriage!"

Cao Cao didn't quite understand what he meant, so he asked, "How to get married?"

"I heard that Cao Ying, the prime minister's sister, and Ma Chao, the son of Ma Teng, are in love with each other. Why not let them do so now?"

"Zhongde's plan is very clever!" Then he sent the envoy to go to Xiliang to propose marriage.

The next day, Ma Chao was about to enter the army.Suddenly I heard that Cao Cao sent envoys.Ma Chao didn't know why, so he got off his horse and led the envoy to see his father.

The emissary met Ma Teng, and then handed Ma Teng a letter from Cao Cao himself.The letter said: "General Ma Teng, I have a very close friendship with you. I have repeatedly persuaded you and General Han Sui to stop fighting and make peace. This is to let the people of Xiliang live and work in peace and contentment, and not suffer from the suffering of war. I also took advantage of my expedition to Liaodong to lead an army to attack Xuchang. This is an unethical act. I once thought of marrying my own sister to my brother's son Ma Chao, but it seems that this matter will be abandoned. If you can persist in your obsession and enlightenment, Rein in the horse and stop the army. You and my two families will cultivate the good of Qin and Jin together, and turn hostility into jade, wouldn't it be beautiful, I hope you will be careful in your words and deeds, and worship you."

After Ma Teng read it, he handed it to Ma Chao.Ma Chao was secretly happy after watching it.Then he asked the envoy, "Is what Cao Cao said true or false?"

"My prime minister keeps his promises, so there can be no falsehood." The envoy replied.

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