In addition, Lu Su heard that Cai Zhong and Cai He had come to surrender, so he wanted to go to see Zhou Yu.But Zhuge Liang came to see him.Lu Su then welcomed Zhuge Liang in and asked him what was the matter.Zhuge Liang said: "My lord discussed the land of Jingxiang with you before, but I don't know what Marquis Wu thinks?"

"Now that Cao Cao has not been broken, why is Kong Ming in a hurry to discuss this matter?"

"Zijing's words are wrong. Now Jingzhou is in the hands of Cao Cao except for Jiangxia. Once Cao Cao is defeated, Jingzhou is so big that it may be difficult for Marquis Wu to lead his troops to capture it one by one. Therefore, taking this opportunity, Kong Ming On behalf of my lord, come to discuss with Zijing."

"Since Kong Ming has this intention, Zijing is willing to listen to Mr. Wang's advice."

"Jingzhou was originally owned by Liu Biao, so it should be guarded by Mr. Liu Qi."

After Lu Su heard this, it was clearly an excuse to use a puppet to negotiate.So he said: "Jingzhou is a strategically important place. Whoever can take it from Cao Cao should be in charge of it."

"If you have Zi Jing's words, Kong Ming will have no worries."

As Lu Su spoke, he wanted to go to find Zhou Yu, but Zhuge Liang said with a smile at this moment: "Why is Zijing rushing to find the governor, Cai Zhong and Cai He came to surrender, how could they hide it from the governor."

"Mister also thinks they are fraudulent surrenders?"

"If they didn't pretend to surrender, why did only two of them come?"

"Since it's a false surrender, why did the governor take in the two?"

"I'm afraid only the governor knows about this."

Just as he was speaking, there was a burst of insults from outside the camp.Then there was the sound of someone being beaten with a stick.Lu Su was very familiar with this voice.So he and Zhuge Liang went to have a look, and it turned out that the person who was beaten was Huang Gai.

Seeing this, Lu Su didn't know what happened.So he asked Zhou Yu.Zhou Yu said that he did not obey the military order, and repeatedly insulted himself.I wanted to behead him, but because of his contribution to Jiangdong and his advanced age, he changed it to a staff of one hundred.He also revoked his military position and stayed in the army for marquis use.Lu Su saw Huang Gai screaming while being beaten with a stick, his voice was very miserable.So I asked Zhou Yu if he could write down the general stick and make up for it in the future.But Zhou Yu is categorical and decisive, and the military orders are like mountains, how can it be child's play.Then he refused Lu Su's plea.All the generals were frightened when they saw it, but Zhuge Liang was the only one who laughed.

After the staff passed, Lu Su hurried forward.But Huang Gai passed out long ago.Lu Su ordered Huang Gai to be taken down, and called a military doctor to check on him.Lu Su also went to check, and saw that the back had been beaten to pieces, which was horrible.He couldn't help but secretly complained that Zhou Yu had struck too hard.

The next day, Huang Gai woke up, and a burst of pain spread all over his body.At this time, he couldn't help complaining in the tent, scolding Zhou Yu's son angrily.Cai Zhong and Cai He had long witnessed Huang Gai being beaten.So he wanted to come to test Huang Gai's mind in the name of visiting.The two comforted Huang Gai.When Huang Gai saw them coming, he knew that they wanted to test him.

So he shouted and said: "Zhou Yu's son, I am a veteran of the third generation, and I have made countless achievements. If you, a yellow-haired boy, dare to beat me with a stick in front of everyone, I will definitely be incompatible with you."

Cai Zhong also said: "Looking at Zhou Yu's arrogant and domineering appearance, our two brothers also don't like it, let alone the general?"

Huang Gai said bitterly: "Now Zhou Yu is in charge of the Jiangdong soldiers and horses. I wish I could avenge today's revenge."

Seeing this, Cai He also sighed and said, "Zhou Yu is so arrogant, General Huang must not be able to take revenge in this life if he stays in Jiangdong."

Huang Gai asked, "I don't know the two generals, what do you mean?"

Cai Zhong and Cai He then exchanged winks.Then I looked around the camp, and there was no one else.Cai Zhongdao: "It is not difficult for the old general to seek revenge."

When Huang Gai heard this, he asked anxiously, "I don't know what clever plan the general has, so that I can avenge today's revenge?"

Cai He said: "The old general, why don't you surrender to Prime Minister Cao on the left side of the river? The prime minister is short of a navy general who is as skilled as the old general."

Huang Gai thought for a moment, and then pretended to say: "You two must be teasing me. I think the two must have been sent by Zhou Yu's son to test this old man."

Cai Zhongdao: "The words of my two brothers are not false, as long as the old general has this intention."

Huang Gai said: "Although I have the intention of surrendering Cao, I hate that no one recommends me."

"We can recommend you to the general."

"The two generals abandoned Cao Cao and went to Jiangdong. Why are you here to persuade me to vote for Cao Cao? It seems that you must have come to play tricks on this old man."

Cai Zhong and Cai He then reported to Huang Gai about their false surrender.After Huang Gai heard this, he was overjoyed and said: "It turns out that you have come here in a false surrender. It seems that Zhou Yu's son is definitely defeated. I don't vote for Jiangdong at this time. Am I just waiting here for the prime minister to come and behead me? I hope you two can help me." The old man recommended you to Prime Minister Cao to seek a half-time official position, and I will repay you for your great kindness when the time comes."

Cai He said with a smile: "You are welcome, old general. We will write a letter to the Prime Minister for you immediately." The two brothers retreated after speaking.Huang Gai was overjoyed to see them retreating, but he didn't expect his trick to succeed.But I thought: "Now there are two people who recommend me, but who should present the letter of surrender to the prime minister."

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly reported: "Adviser Kan Ze is visiting!"

When Huang Gai heard this, he was very happy.I just wanted to get up and go out to meet him, but the pain in my lower back was really unbearable, so I had no choice but to give up.Seeing this, Kan Ze hurriedly asked him not to move.Kan Ze saw that Huang Gai's injury had reached his bones, so he asked, "Is there any enmity between the general and the governor?"

Huang Gai replied, "No injustice, no enmity!"

"In this way, the punishment of the governor is indeed a little heavier."

"Thinking of my veteran of the third generation, I never thought of being humiliated by Zhou Yu's child today. It is really hateful."

"I'm afraid this statement is not the general's original intention."

When Huang Gai heard this, he never imagined that Kan Ze would see his tricks.So he said, "What does Derun mean by this?"

"If I'm not mistaken, one of you is willing to fight, and the other is willing to suffer."

Huang Gai knew that he couldn't hide it from Kan Ze, so he explained his plot to feign surrender.In fact, Kan Ze has long known that this is a bitter plan co-starred by Zhou Yu and Huang Gai.Kan Ze just wanted to test Huang Gai to see if he was hiding something from him.At this time, seeing that he actually told himself such a confidential matter, he said: "The general told Yu Derun about this, are you not afraid that Derun will leak this matter?"

Huang Gai said: "I know that Derun has already guessed this matter, so I didn't say it. Now that Derun has learned about this matter, I wonder if I can do something important for the public."

Kan Ze said: "Does Gongfu want Kan Ze to present the letter of surrender?"

Huang Gai said: "I really have this intention. I wonder if Derun is willing?"

Kan Ze said: "Since Gong Fu has the heart to serve the Lord, how can Kan Ze not have the ambition to serve the country?" After speaking, he waited for Huang Gai to write a letter of surrender, and immediately went to Cao Ying.

Let's say that the Cai brothers went to Jiangdong for a few days, but there is no news about the Cai brothers.He couldn't help becoming anxious, he thought that Zhou Yu had seen through the trick of surrendering.

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