It's always easy for new students to enroll, and it's even easier for their peers to hang out together. With the last person Xu Linong coming, the four of them quickly became acquainted.

During the conversation, it was learned that Sun Qian came from a medical family, and it is very likely that he is a descendant of Sun Simiao's old family.Xu Linong is from outside the province, and his family's conditions are good. His family is mainly engaged in the business of agricultural products. His parents sent him to this school to study, so that he can inherit their business in the future.

Compared with the four, Zhong Qiang's identity is much simpler, but Lu Tao, who has compared his strength with him, admires him very much. It is indeed the biggest among the people, and the four of them quickly ranked the elder and younger.

Zhong Qiang was the eldest, Lu Tao finally admitted his "second child" status after a while of crying and howling, Xu Linong was the third child, and the eye-eyed grandson Gan was the youngest the fourth child.

It was almost noon when the four of them arrived at the dormitory, they got out of bed casually, cleaned up, and then the four of them rushed to a hotel in front of the school, ready to eat and drink. Fortunately, Sun Qian's family background is good and he is not stingy. People, if it were Zhong Qiang's treat, he would definitely not be able to afford it.

Although the Marriott Hotel is not a star hotel, it is also a very good hotel next to the school. Zhong Qiang has never seen this kind of scene before, and today he couldn't get rid of it, so he had to bite the bullet and follow them in. He hadn't had time to change into his old clothes yet, but he looked a bit shabby in the crowd at this moment. Looking at the clothes of the people around him, he couldn't help but look a little cautious.

Lu Tao quickly discovered this problem, and pulled Zhong Qiang closer to him as a sign of encouragement. At the same time, Xu Linong and Sun Qian took the initiative to stand behind them to show their identities as big brothers.

"Student, please stop." Just as the four of them were about to enter the door of the hotel, a waiter at the door suddenly stopped the four of them and said to Zhong Qiang.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Being stopped suddenly, Lu Tao still asked in a polite tone, but his expression was cold. He already guessed why these people stopped them, and asked in front of Zhong Qiang.

"Sorry, our store stipulates that people with disheveled clothes are not allowed to enter! And your friend's clothes will affect the taste of other customers when entering our store, so please ask your friend to change clothes before coming back." The waiter seemed to be I am used to seeing people with status, so I didn't care too much about Lu Tao's misbehavior, and explained in a neither humble nor overbearing manner.

"You! Look at people with dog's eyes, call your boss out!" Seeing that the eldest brother he admired was humiliated, Lu Tao couldn't help being angry no matter how well-bred he was, he burst out of suppressed emotions, and shouted at the waiter.

Lu Tao's voice was so loud that all the diners in the hotel hall could hear clearly. All the people couldn't help but stop and looked towards the door. They immediately saw the scene of four people confronting the gatekeeper at the door.It was the first time for them to see someone daring to be arrogant in front of the Marriott Hotel, and they couldn't help being very interested in watching the development of the matter.

"What happened?! Why are you so noisy!" At this moment, a serious middle-aged man in a black suit with short hair and short hair came over and asked the door very majesticly.

"Report to the general manager. This guest is disheveled. According to the hotel's regulations, he is not allowed to come in." The waiter who stopped the four hurriedly explained to the middle-aged man that the middle-aged man was actually the manager of the hotel.

The manager of the hotel has long seen Zhong Qiang standing behind Lu Tao, his eyes are constantly examining Zhong Qiang's face, trying to find out what, he doesn't believe that someone dares to yell for him in front of his shop, but he doesn't identity?

Standing there, Zhong Qiang felt a little ashamed when he was blocked at first, but when Lu Tao stood in front of him, he remembered the brotherly relationship between Zhang Hu from the same village, and even more remembered that the two walked different paths The dream of wanting to make his hometown rich, if he can't even handle this scene at this time, how can he achieve a great cause in the future, and how can he talk about ideals? After that, his mentality will be much more peaceful and natural, and the sudden increase of unknown power in his body will also make him feel better. He seemed to be more confident, and his temperament changed drastically in an instant!

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