Alchemy body

Chapter 160 Farewell

But seeing that Ling Fan was thinking, Kong Chen continued: "If you guessed correctly, the teacher, the main purpose of your coming back this time is to ask about the token, right?"

"Uh...Master, you are really good at predicting things, you have guessed all of this!" Ling Fan was a little surprised.

"Alas!" Kong Chen sighed, and continued: "This is all cause and effect, even if the teacher deliberately conceals it, I still have to tell you."

After a pause, Kongchen said: "Speaking of tokens, it has something to do with your life experience. I remember traveling around the world as a teacher back then. When I passed Qingzhou City, I saw a house on fire. I wanted to Helped, but found that the person who set the fire was not an ordinary person."

"Not an ordinary person? Could it be a cultivator?" Ling Fan guessed.But what Ling Fan didn't understand was, what does this have to do with him?

"That's right!" Kong Chen nodded, but then said regretfully, "If you're an ordinary person, you'd be the first to attack as a teacher, but the other party is a cultivator. If you make a move as a teacher, you will definitely expose your strength and identity as a teacher. Helpless, I can only watch that family being burned into ruins. Amitabha!"

"Master, I can't blame you for this! The other party is a cultivator, and Master, you are knocked down to the mortal world, and your strength is naturally unable to compete with it. It is understandable for you not to rescue him!" Ling Fan said.After all, Ling Fan also deeply remembered the lesson of his master, that everything should be saved.If you insist on saving each other, not to mention that you won't be able to save others, but instead risk your own life, then the loss outweighs the gain.

When Kong Chen heard the words, he stared straight at Ling Fan, and said, "That family's surname is Ling!"


When Ling Fan heard it, he couldn't help grunting in his heart.

"Amitabha! In fact, before the Ling family was burned down, the whole family of the Ling family was already dead. Even if you were a teacher, it was too late. The only thing you can do as a teacher is to chant scriptures for the whole family of the Ling family, hoping to save them However, when he was being rescued by the teacher, he found that there was a baby skeleton among the incinerated bones. After this person died, the three souls and seven souls left the body, but the baby skeleton, the three souls and seven souls The soul not only did not disappear, but gathered in the bones. Such a situation is really rare. After all, if the three souls and seven souls are not scattered, it proves that the person is not dead. But the body is gone, only the bones are left, so how can it be said that it is true? What about the living?"

After a pause, Kong Chen immediately said: "After several deliberations, the teacher feels that this infant skeleton must be removed. After all, if it is not removed, then once the infant skeleton with three souls and seven spirits absorbs resentment and yin energy, it will become rigid Demons endanger the world."

Upon hearing this, although Ling Fan felt a little unbelievable, he felt vaguely that the infant skeleton must have something to do with him, otherwise the master would not have mentioned it in such a long-winded manner.Swallowing his saliva, Ling Fan seemed to ask, "What happened next?"

"Amitabha Buddha! So good! As a teacher, he used to be a high-ranking disciple of Buddhism. He cultivated himself to pursue Bodhi. If he is not destined to live in eons, he will surely become a Buddha. If he falls into the mortal world, without the golden body of Buddha Dharma, although he has spare power, he is still similar to ordinary people. Once the physical strength is exhausted, he will die like a mortal. It's a pity to be a master of the profound Dharma!" Kong Chen sighed.

"Then the master tried every means to revive the infant skeleton, and accepted him as a disciple to teach the Buddhist scriptures. And the infant skeleton back then was me now?" Ling Fan finally deduced after contacting him back and forth.

"That's true! Your skeleton is really rare. If it is a living person, it must be a rare material with excellent bones. I am afraid it will be rare to see it in ten thousand years. It would be a pity if it was destroyed. Besides, as a teacher, he was already down. It is our fate to meet you before all the oil is gone." Kong Chen nodded.

"Master, is this apprentice really from the Ling family?" Although the matter and the dust had settled, Ling Fan still couldn't believe it.After all, if this life experience is true, then the family in the comprehension world where people from Juxian Island are rumored to snatch immortal artifacts from the mortal world is actually my own.

"Yes or not, these are not important anymore, after all, you are no longer a mortal body now, let the past grievances in the mortal world pass!" Kong Chen said.

"Tu'er really doesn't have any feelings for the Ling family. After all, you have been brought up by your master since childhood. If it weren't for the master, I am afraid that Tuer would not be where he is today! However, Tuer doesn't care about the past, but it seems that the Ling family will never be with you." The apprentice can't get out of the relationship!" Speaking of the Ling family, Ling Fan really didn't have any impression, but the key point is that the members of the Ling family can handle immortal weapons, which is obviously beyond Ling Fan's comprehension.The members of the family are dead, but there is only one seedling left, and it is still difficult to escape the eyes of the immortal.

"This...?" Kong Chen was puzzled.

"Master, this disciple now possesses two celestial artifacts, one of which was snatched by a cultivator back then." Ling Fan told the truth without hiding anything.

"Immortal Artifact?" Kong Chen couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.Originally, they thought that Ling Fan would go to the realm of cultivation, but they didn't expect that Ling Fan not only succeeded in cultivation, but also brought back a fairy weapon.

"It should be an immortal artifact, otherwise the immortals from the heaven wouldn't come to snatch it!" Ling Fan said.


Kong Chen obviously couldn't calm down when he heard the words.After all, Ling Fan possessed a fairy weapon, so he would definitely become a thorn in the side of others.Not to mention cultivators, but even attracted immortals, one can imagine how dangerous Ling Fan's current situation is.

"Hey! Master, don't worry, my disciple is an auspicious person, with his own appearance. In the past, I might be afraid, but it's different now. I have a peerless magic weapon to protect me!" Ling Fan laughed.

"En? What kind of magic weapon?" Ling Fan's return this time really surprised Kong Chen.

"I don't know exactly what the magic weapon is. However, according to my master in the cultivation world, this magic weapon is used to suppress demons in the cultivation world." Ling Fan said.

"A magic weapon to suppress demons?" Kong Chen couldn't believe it when he heard the words, and then said: "The Piao Miao sect in the cultivation world is so generous that they will give you such a magic weapon?"

"Piaomiaozong?" Ling Fan responded with contempt, and then said: "Huh! That Piaomiaozong, I wish I could uproot him. What master doesn't know is that my disciple almost died unjustly in that shitty Piaomiaozong."

When Kong Chen heard this, his expression was obviously a little angry.After only a moment, his expression faded helplessly.It was already impossible to protect Ling Fan when he was alive, let alone now?

"Fan'er, master can't do anything for you anymore. He gave you a new life, but brought you a lot of misfortunes, will you blame him?" Kong Chen clasped his hands together.

"No, no! Master will always be my dearest person, how can I blame you? It's because I didn't honor you well..." Ling Fan suddenly became sad when he said this.

"Since this is the case, there is only one piece of advice for the teacher. If you are someone else, the teacher will tell you to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. And Faner, if you do not become a Buddha in this life, the teacher also hopes that you can be a kind person." empty road.

"This...? Master, don't you believe me?" Ling Fan couldn't help wondering when he heard this.

"No! When the teacher saw you, you had an extremely domineering resentment. Even the teacher couldn't relieve you, he could only let you suppress it. But the teacher knows that the suppressed One day the evil will break out, and at that time you may not even be able to control yourself. If that day really comes, I hope you will think more about the common people. This is why I hesitated for a long time as a teacher, whether to save you or destroy you You." Kong Chen warned.

"Master, why can't this disciple understand?" Ling Fansha asked in puzzlement.

"It doesn't matter whether you understand or not. After all, nothing has happened yet. On the day when it really happens, I hope you can see in front of the teacher that you will forgive others." Kong Chen paused and then said:

"As for the token Wei Shi refers to, it is the jade plaque that has been hanging in Wei Shi's room. As for why Wei Shi keeps it, it is only because I am afraid that one day you will ask about family affairs. After all, the jade plaque may be the only one. You found clues to your enemy. It’s just that you were not strong in the past, and as a teacher, he was afraid that you would have an accident in the cultivation world, so he destroyed the jade card. Knowing something too early is obviously not good for you. However, now you may You already know about it, so you don’t need to explain more as a teacher. You also know how to deal with it.”

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will remember the lesson," Ling Fan said.

"Hehe! If that's the case, then I've fulfilled my wish to be a teacher. Although there are regrets in this life, it's my own fault, Amitabha! You and I, master, let's say goodbye forever!" Kong Chen smiled knowingly.

"Master, after this person dies, there will be reincarnation. Maybe I will see you again, Master, when I go to the underworld?" Ling Fan said reluctantly.

Kong Chen shook his head, and then said: "Others are okay, but teachers are different. After death, they are doomed to be unable to reincarnate."

"Master, you... you are too miserable... and before dying, the disciples..." Ling Fan couldn't stop crying when he heard this.

"Miserable? Why is it so miserable to be a teacher? Didn't you see that your Aunt Miaoyin is always by my side? Do you really think that no one wants my master? But you, what did you say when you were a teacher? You didn't even find a wife. You just come back like this, are you worthy of being a teacher?" Kong Chen scolded angrily.

"Master, I... I was wrong!" Ling Fan said speechlessly.

"Okay, okay! If you want to be a teacher, you should fulfill your wish as a teacher as soon as possible." After Kong Chen finished speaking, he was about to disappear, but he seemed to remember something suddenly, and said: "Fan'er, before leaving as a teacher, I have one more thing to tell you."

"Uh... what's the matter?" Ling Fan couldn't help asking curiously seeing the master's mysterious expression.

"Haha! The other day you said you saw a fairy, she is really a beauty fairy! If there is an opportunity, you should take it well." Kong Chen laughed loudly.

"How do you say that?" Isn't the person Kong Chen is referring to Lin Xue, but the master is in the mortal world and Lin Xue is in the realm of comprehension, how can they meet?

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked!" As soon as Kong Chen's voice fell, the figure began to dissipate.After just a moment of effort, there is no shadow of empty dust.


No matter how Ling Fan searched or shouted, there was no answer.

Maybe this meeting is a farewell!

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