Alchemy body

Chapter 18

When Xiaolian came to Lin Xue's side, she didn't dare to look at Lin Xue, and then asked curiously, "Senior Sister Lin, what's the matter with calling me here?"

"I want to ask you something, don't you know?" Lin Xue asked back.

"I... I don't know! Sister, what is it? It's so serious, I'm afraid!" Xiaolian said with a pitiful look.

"Where's Ling Fan?" Lin Xue didn't want to talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point.

"What Ling Fan? Oh, Senior Sister is talking about that bald disciple! I don't know!" Xiao Lian quibbled as she was about to be beaten to death for not admitting it.

"Hmph! If you don't do it in front of my uncle and my disciples, I'm already thinking of you. Now, it's good that you don't appreciate it. How dare you lie to me?" Lin Xue said angrily.

"Senior Sister, I..." Xiaolian didn't know how to respond.

"Did Ling Fan be killed by you? Do you know how much crime it is to kill a disciple of the same sect?" Lin Xue asked scoldingly.

"Senior Sister, don't wrong me! How could I do such a thing?" Xiaolian hesitated for a moment, but insisted on sophistry.

"Hmph! You still want to argue? The four new disciples of the Yuqing Sect saw you take Ling Fan away alone. Now that Ling Fan is missing, don't tell me that this has nothing to do with you?" Lin Xue said to the little girl. Lian was extremely disappointed, so she broke the truth.

"Senior Sister, please believe me, I really didn't kill him." Seeing that Lin Xue had evidence, Xiao Lian immediately said.

"Not killed? Then where is Ling Fan now?" Lin Xue felt relieved as if a heavy stone had been put down in her heart.

"He... he must be near the battlefield!" Xiaolian told the truth.


Lin Xue was furious when she heard this, and then said: "Xiao Lian, although you didn't kill him yourself, but you brought Ling Fan to the battlefield, what's the difference between this and killing him indirectly?"

"I...I didn't! It's...that kid Ling Fan insisted on me taking him to the battlefield." Xiao Lian quibbled.

"Shut up! Now, you still want to lie? If I report this matter to the sect, do you think the elders of the sect will believe you?" Lin Xue shouted angrily.

"Senior sister, don't, don't report it! If the sect finds out, I'm afraid I will definitely be severely punished by the master, and maybe I won't be able to save my life. For a new disciple who is still a formal disciple, is the elder sister going to kill me?" Xiaolian As he spoke, he also became annoyed.

"If I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't stand here and talk to you now? Now that Ling Fan's life and death are unknown, in order to make up for your mistakes, you go and get Ling Fan back now." Lin Xue said coldly.

"But, that's a battlefield. I'm a Jindan Stage cultivation base. If I go to the battlefield, won't I also be sent to die?" Xiaolian said.


Lin Xue didn't know what to say when she heard the words.At this time, Xiao Lian and Lin Xue were deadlocked in place.

But Lin Xue didn't know why, her heart was in a mess, and she couldn't feel at ease no matter what.After several hesitations, Lin Xue's expression became ruthless, and finally she took out her long sword.

"Master... senior sister, don't kill me, Xiaolian knows it's wrong!" But seeing Lin Xue drawing out her sword, Xiaolian turned pale with fright, and knelt down in front of Lin Xue begging for mercy.


But to Xiao Lian's surprise, Lin Xue didn't kill herself, but raised her hand and swung the sword. She jumped up, stepped on the flying sword and flew away with the sword.

But seeing that Lin Xue was far away, Xiao Lian also stood up, looked directly at the direction where Lin Xue disappeared, and said viciously in her heart: "Lin Xue, you bitch, why are you so meddling in your own business?"

And the handful of dust picked up from the ground in her hand was also tightly held by Xiao Lian in her palm, crushing it fiercely.In Xiao Lian's eyes, the dust is Lin Xue, and at this moment, she wished to crush Lin Xue into pieces.


Speaking of which, Ling Fan, who is now trapped in the dead end of the cave, can be said to have used up all his strength to dig desperately.But the tools used for digging are really not good enough.After all, they are both stones, so how can they be compared with formed digging tools.


But hearing the sound of the rock wall being loosened and cracked continuously, and the top of the rock wall behind him also continuously falling gravel, Ling Fan almost felt desperate now.After digging for so long, let alone two feet away, it is not even one foot away.

"Quick, dig quickly, you've only dug this much for a long time, don't you want to kill yourself?" The red-haired mouse urged Ling Fan while staring at the falling stones to prevent it from hitting itself.

"You think I don't want to hurry up?" Ling Fan replied angrily.

"Hehe! You can only blame yourself. As a mortal, why do you come to the cultivation world? Do you think the cultivation world is fun? If you are not careful, you will die." The red-haired mouse laughed. .

"Don't make sarcastic remarks from the sidelines, lest it affect my digging." Ling Fan felt that instead of wasting his energy talking to a little monster, it would be better to use his energy on digging.

However, after Ling Fan worked hard for so long, he still couldn't keep up with the speed of the collapse.Seeing that the crack on the top of the head grew bigger behind him, the red-haired mouse quickly got into the small hole and escaped in order to save his own life.

Seeing the little mouse leaving alone, Ling Fan wanted to scold, but then he put it back in his stomach.When this catastrophe comes, fly separately, it has hope to survive, will it accompany me to die here?

However, the red-haired mouse could drill for a certain distance, but stopped suddenly.I don't know what was thinking on the spot, and after a while, the red-haired mouse turned its head and turned back.

"Huh? Why are you back again? Do you want to die with me?" But seeing the red-haired mouse return, Ling Fan couldn't tell how touched he was. At this moment of death, he didn't die silently alone, at least A strange, talking mouse was also buried with him.

"Damn your sister!" The red-haired mouse almost choked on hearing this.But then he turned to Ling Fan and said, "Get out of the way first."


Hearing this, Ling Fan couldn't help being taken aback.But seeing the red-haired mouse walking in front of him, facing the rock wall, he opened his mouth and roared.

"I rely on!"

At this moment, Ling Fan didn't understand what the red-haired mouse was going to do, so he moved back without saying a word.As soon as the red-haired mouse roared, a ball of flame spit out from its mouth and hit the rock wall in one fell swoop.


An explosion sounded, and a one-meter-long hole was smashed out of the rock wall.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and move out the gravel." Seeing Ling Fan hiding aside in a daze, the red-haired mouse reminded angrily.

After digging for a long time, I couldn't find the length of one meter, but this little mouse sprayed a distance of one meter. "Little mouse! Why didn't you take action earlier?" Ling Fan said with some dissatisfaction.

"Do you want to go out or don't you want to go out? If you keep talking, I'll go by myself!" Seeing that Ling Fan was at this critical moment, the red-haired mouse came to ask these things, which made people speechless.

"Hey!" Ling Fan still wanted to live, otherwise how could he marry a fairy and go back to see his master.Now with the help of the red-haired mouse, Ling Fan naturally saw hope again.Therefore, Ling Fan laughed, and quickly moved the blasted gravel out of the pit.

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