Alchemy body

Chapter 24 Another life saved

Since ancient times, there has been a conflict between good and evil in the realm of comprehension.Now, for Chu Yingying, if Ling Fan didn't choose to go with her, then if they meet again in the future, they might become enemies.But in Ling Fan's view, it doesn't make any difference whether he enters the righteous way or the devil's way. Anyway, his purpose is to just come to the world of cultivation, and it's not as complicated as he thinks.

And right now, even though the sudden terror master Shadow Demon didn't kill Sister Fairy, it doesn't mean he won't in the future.Therefore, after pondering for a while, Ling Fan looked at Chu Yingying with a smile and said, "Hehe! Yingying, if we have a chance in the future, we will meet again! Now I am entrusted by my master to enter the Realm of Cultivation, and I can't go there yet. Other places. So, I appreciate your kindness. If I shrink back because of certain things, then I still look like a man, maybe even you will look down on me!"

Chu Yingying naturally understood what Ling Fan was referring to, and now Ling Fan had actually made it very clear, so she said, "Okay then, let's go!"

"Thank you!" Ling Fan said gratefully from the heart.But seeing that Lin Xue was still in a daze, Ling Fan muttered in a low voice: "Sister Fairy, let's go back quickly!"

Lin Xue gave Chu Yingying a conflicted look, but now that the other party has let her go, it would be really unwise not to leave.Therefore, as soon as Lin Xue grabbed Ling Fan's sleeve, the two flew away.

"Miss, just let them go like this?" Shadow Demon asked as he watched the two leave.

Chu Yingying looked at the Shadow Demon with a smile and responded: "Hee hee! They didn't do anything to me. Besides, one is a mortal and the other is a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage. If this matter is troublesome, Uncle Shadow Demon If you do it, it will damage Uncle Shadow Demon's prestige!"

Indeed, in the world of comprehension, it would be shameful for a master to kill someone who is weaker than himself.In particular, there is such a big gap between realm and cultivation base.

Therefore, the Shadow Demon didn't say anything more, and stood beside Chu Yingying silently.

"Uncle Shadow Demon, what's the matter?" Chu Yingying asked instead.

"The Zhengdao people have already been driven away, and now we have to speed up the digging. If the Zhengdao comes to help, or other sects of the Demon Sect find out, it will be extremely detrimental to our Black Demon Sect." Shadow Demon responded road.

When Chu Yingying heard the words, she also knew the importance of them.For example, the Black Fiend Sect is indeed powerful in the Demon Sect, no matter whether it is the righteous way or the Demon Sect, they will not be afraid of any sect.But for the sake of profit, some sects may try their best to snatch it, and if the Zhengdao Cultivation World also intervenes, it is obviously not worthwhile to suffer heavy losses for a flint mine.

Therefore, Chu Yingying immediately ordered: "Well, pass on the order and dig with all your strength. If other sects come, drive them away if you can. If there are too many people, we don't want them!"


Not long ago, Ling Fan was envious of those who rode flying swords.But now, the wish has finally come true, and they still ride with the fairy sister.

At this time, the mountains and rivers are picturesque, but I am swimming with the fairy sister in the painting.In the eyes of outsiders, are I and the fairy sister also a landscape in the painting?

Looking at the slender figure in front of him, Ling Fan felt even familiar.A head of black hair fluttered in the wind, and the white dress was constantly swaying in the wind blowing from the mountain stream.Wisps of faint fragrance also hit Ling Fan's nose.Therefore, Ling Fan whispered to himself from time to time: "Look at it, it's pleasing to the eye! Smell it, it's refreshing!"

Lin Xue didn't speak all the way, but if she didn't speak, it didn't mean she didn't think about anything.For Lin Xue, Ling Fan, who was only mortal behind him, saved his life twice.

The first time was under a waterfall in the mortal world, and that time was because of being assassinated and poisoned.And this kind of poison is extremely evil, called Hehuansan.Those who are poisoned must combine with the opposite sex to obtain yin and yang essence in order to detoxify.If the yin and yang essence is not obtained, the poisoned person will also die of poisoning within a few days.

When Lin Xue saw Ling Fan appearing as a man, she struggled a lot.If she married Ling Fan, she would lose her chastity from then on. What made Lin Xue helpless was that Ling Fan was still a mortal.Once this is combined, not only will one's cultivation be greatly reduced, but the realm will also be shackles.But if you don't combine, then you will definitely die.

Therefore, under the waterfall, Lin Xue became so crazy, struggled and hesitated so much.

But in the end, Lin Xue never imagined that Ling Fan miraculously cured her virus without being combined.What shocked Lin Xue even more was that not only was she intact, but her cultivation base and realm had actually improved.It has to be said that this was all caused by Ling Fan.

Maybe it should prove that sentence, if you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future blessing!

The second time, apparently not so long ago.If Ling Fan hadn't stopped him from killing that witch, then he would have been doomed.And if Ling Fan hadn't come forward to rescue him, he would have already lost his life to the master of the demon sect by now.

For this second rescue, Lin Xue would also blame Ling Fan. After all, if she hadn't come to look for Ling Fan, she wouldn't have encountered this matter.

But in any case, if there is no antecedent, how can there be consequences?Without the rescue last time, I feel that I owe Ling Fan a favor, so how could the next thing happen?

There are all kinds of life, maybe some things are just so unclear and unclear.Perhaps in the dark, it was already doomed.

"Ling Fan..." Lin Xue, who had been silent all this time, suddenly shouted.

"Uh... Sister Fairy, I'm here!" Although Lin Xue still turned her back to him, this was the first time Ling Fan heard the other party call him by his name, which already made Ling Fan very satisfied.Excited, Ling Fan immediately responded.

"Thank... Thank you!" Lin Xue hesitated for a while, and finally said.But as soon as the words fell, Lin Xue felt so embarrassed that she bit her lips tightly with her charming teeth!

"Khan! Sister Fairy, I thought there was something wrong with you calling me! So it was just to say thank you! Hehe! It's just a little effort, no thanks!" Ling Fan said generously, but there was something in his heart, Ling Fan But Fan didn't blurt out, there was: If you really want to thank, then promise it with your body.

Of course, Ling Fan didn't dare to say it out, if he did, Ling Fan was really afraid that the fairy sister would kick him off the flying sword in one fell swoop.You know, you are flying on the top of a mountain now. Under this mountain, at least there is an abyss, so it's no wonder that you can't die if you fall down.

"Don't call me a fairy or sister fairy anymore. If you enter the Piaomiao sect now, I will be at the level of your senior aunt. Be careful in the future!" Lin Xue corrected immediately.

"Ah? Auntie?" Ling Fan was astonished when he heard this.Immediately he said unwillingly: "No, this time, our generations will be separated so far, I won't shout!"

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