Alchemy body

Chapter 34

Ling Fan listened to Mo Lao's words silently, and at this moment his heart began to feel relieved.Indeed, if you can't bear the basic suffering, how can you become a powerful practitioner in the future?It's no wonder that since childhood, the master has been very strict and demanding on himself, and the training courses are also extremely abnormal.Compared with these miners, the courses I sometimes practice abnormally are almost at least ten times harsher than them.

Now it seems that the master is nothing more than hoping that he can get better training so that he can go to the world of cultivation in the future.

"Hehe! Ling Fan, yesterday you looked reluctant, do you still feel that you envy them? Fortunately, you will have the opportunity to build a foundation next year, and the new disciples will not suffer a lot. But From the old man’s point of view, this new disciple must be honed enough. Those who can persist in the end will have a higher chance of succeeding in foundation establishment. On the contrary, those who succeed in foundation establishment are less. , I won’t be able to go far in the cultivation world in the future." Seeing Ling Fan's thoughtful appearance, Mo Lao said with a smile.

"Senior, what do you think is the probability that I will succeed in building the foundation?" Ling Fan couldn't help asking curiously.

"You?" Mo Lao looked at Ling Fan in surprise, then laughed and said: "Haha! You are so lazy, everyone else is working, and you are still sleeping. Even cleaning fallen leaves, I hate this and that. Yes, even if you are given a hundred chances to build a foundation, I am afraid you will not pass."

"Senior, why am I, Ling Fan, so bad? Hmph! It doesn't take a year, even if I'm allowed to build the foundation now, I, Ling Fan, have the confidence to succeed in one fell swoop." Ling Fan said angrily.

"Hehe! Young man, you may not understand what this old man means. This tempering may seem to be hard work, but the real intention of Piao Miao Sect is to temper the mind. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, but often, these calves are all killed by Under the mouth of a tiger. Young people are full of vigor and vigor, and their hearts and eyes are so high that they don't know how high they are. It is because of this that they are easy to cause trouble everywhere and attract murder. Even in the process of cultivation, there is not enough will If you are determined, it is easy to go astray and go astray. Therefore, as a new disciple, you should stick to your mind and follow the rules." Mo Lao said with a faint smile.

"Uh..." Ling Fan generally accepts Mo Lao's views on tempering one's mind, but Ling Fan has doubts about some aspects.For example, my master said that I can do whatever I want, so I don't need to force myself too much.But Mo Lao's point of view is to keep the mind and body firmly, which is roughly the same as the six senses of a monk.

But seeing Ling Fan's bewildered expression, Mo Lao glanced at it, then lowered his head and sighed, "Oh! Let's go! Go to the Artifact Refining Hall to have a look!"

The Artifact Refining Hall, as the name suggests, is a place for refining artefacts.In the cultivation world, apart from sects that specialize in refining weapons, other larger sects have their own departments for refining weapons.Piaomiaozong has its own refining department, which is the refining hall.Most of the magic weapons can be refined by the Piaomiao sect itself for use by the disciples of the sect.

However, some powerful magic weapons, or even rare magic weapons, can only be bought from sects that specialize in refining weapons.After all, he is a professional sect after all, and a lot of time is spent on refining tools rather than on cultivation.Naturally, there is more time to conceive and create better magic weapons.

Moreover, crafting or alchemy, these also belong to the side of cultivation, and it is also a very boring profession. If one does not have tenacious perseverance and extremely high talent, it is absolutely difficult to become a master.Cultivators would rather spend more time on cultivation to make themselves stronger, and would not spend time on researching tools and alchemy.After all, it takes a long time to accumulate experience to develop a magic weapon or refine a elixir, and even have to face the blast furnace, destroy elixir and waste weapons.

Maybe you spent 100 years developing a magic weapon, another 100 years collecting the materials needed for refining, and finally starting the furnace.As a result, after spending hundreds of years, the furnace was blown up and failed.This is equivalent to wasting hundreds of years of your time.

If this time is used for cultivation, the cultivation base and realm will be so high.

But cultivators need magic weapons to assist the Prime Minister. The more powerful the magic weapon is, the more beneficial it is for the cultivators themselves.Perhaps, when two cultivators of the same level fight, the outcome depends on the quality of a magic weapon.Even possessing a top-grade magic weapon, a cultivator can surpass his level and kill a master who is stronger than himself.

Therefore, those masters who refine magic weapons or pills are often extremely respected and admired.After all, the price they paid was an unimaginable horror.

In addition to refining tools, Piaomiaozong also has alchemy, and the alchemy department is in the Lingcao Hall.

Now Ling Fan followed Mo Lao and came to a bare mountain peak, the surrounding mist had already been dispersed by gusts of heat.And the Artifact Refining Hall of Piaomiao Sect is located inside the bare mountain.

And the disciples who go to and from the mountain are either carrying ore, or dragging a single-wheeled cart full of a pair of metals.Some have already taken shape, and some can be vaguely distinguished, such as flying swords, hammers, spears and so on.

Looking at those disciples with black faces and scorched hair, it can be seen that the disciples admitted to the Artifact Refining Hall are also having a hard time.

Some disciples who saw Ling Fan even gave them envious glances, thinking that Ling Fan didn't have to do heavy work, he only needed to sweep the floor every day, and he could walk around inside the Misty Sect, how easy it was!

"Did you see? They are envious of you now! Hahaha!" Mo Lao said with his hands behind his back, dragging a wooden broom, looking at the hard-working disciples.

Ling Fan was speechless when he heard the words.On the surface, he is indeed enviable.But after all?Ling Fan didn't think so.Being a miner in a mining hall is tiring, but after several years of hard work, you know the classification of ores anyway, right?As for the Artifact Refining Hall, I guess you can learn some artifact refining methods. Even if you don't know how to make artefacts, you should at least know what materials are used to make artefacts!

As for the Spiritual Herb Hall that has not yet been visited, Ling Fan also feels that he can learn something, even if he doesn't know how to make alchemy, at least he can understand the spiritual grass and elixir in the cultivation world.

And like myself, I have been following Mr. Mo with ease. In the end, all I learned was to clean the fallen leaves, and I didn't learn anything else.

"Senior, let's go! Go to the Lingcao Hall!" The mine hall and the refining hall are all male disciples, just like monk temples.The Piao Miao Sect Lingcao Hall is different, it is the only place in the entire sect that is full of female disciples.Of course, it can also be described as a nunnery!Therefore, seeing many male disciples, Ling Fan couldn't wait to see the Lingcao Hall of the Piaomiao Sect.

"Hehe! You don't want to drink because you're drunk, you don't want to see the Lingcao Hall, but you want to see the female disciples?" Mo Lao stared straight at Ling Fan and laughed.

Seeing his mind being seen through, Ling Fan no longer concealed it: "Hee hee! What's so good about a man? If you want to see it, of course it's a woman!"

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