Alchemy body

Chapter 38 Foundation Establishment Arrives

For a year, Ling Fan didn't find any way to the Piao Miao Sect Xiuzhen Hall.But today, just outside the Lingcao Hall, there is a ten-meter-wide bridge connecting the Lingcao Hall and the Xiuzhen Hall.

All the disciples who participated in the foundation establishment all went to the Xiuzhen hall through this bridge.Ling Fan was no exception. Under Mo Lao's leadership, he headed towards the Cultivation Hall that he had never seen before.

Due to the hazy mountain fog, anyone who is on this side of the mountain cannot see the other side clearly.But now this big wooden bridge seems to connect two worlds.

After passing through the fog and arriving at the other end of the bridge, Ling Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his vision suddenly became clear.The first thing that comes into view is an extremely wide square.As far as the eye can see, surrounded by mountains, lush green trees.Many buildings are still built along the mountain, but different from the three halls, the buildings here are obviously more grand and gorgeous.

This place is full of vigor and excitement, and this is the Piaomiaozong Cultivation Hall.

From time to time, many young male and female cultivators can be seen leaping hurriedly between the mountains, some flying with swords, and some flying independently.But right now, they are gathering towards the square, but instead of stepping into the square, they stay on the edge.Either Yujian is suspended in mid-air, or sitting on the edge of a cliff to observe.

It seems that the foundation-building day once every three years also made many formal disciples of Piao Miao Sect feel very novel, and gathered together to watch.

And this scene made all the new disciples who have not become formal disciples of Piao Miao Sect feel envious and yearning.Every new disciple hopes that one day, he can be as strong and free as they are.

The same is true in Ling Fan's heart.I imagined that one day I could step on the sword and fly, and then rush to the top of the cloud, flying freely like a bird.

In front of the square, there is a two-story platform.The platform is also extremely spacious, and now there are many old men in Taoist robes standing on it.The sharp-eyed Ling Fan immediately saw Elder Qin who had a relationship with him that day, and stood on the stage with his hands behind his back, looking at all the new disciples who came to build the foundation with a smile on his face.

After glancing at the platform, Ling Fan turned to look around, without stopping his head from the beginning to the end.Ling Fan was not shocked by such a spectacular scene, but wanted to find someone in the crowd.

Of course, this person was Lin Xue.After thinking about it for a year, now that the day of foundation establishment has finally arrived, Ling Fan felt that Lin Xue might appear in the crowd to see him.

"Xiao Fan, what are you looking at? Looking around!" Seeing that Ling Fan seemed to be looking for something, Mo Lao asked curiously.

"Uh..." Ling Fan regained consciousness after hearing the words, and then laughed and said, "Hey! It's nothing, just seeing this big scene, I'm very excited!"

"Be serious, those people standing on the stage are all senior elders of Piao Miao Sect, and the Sect Master will come later." Mo Lao reminded Ling Fan seriously.

"Okay, okay!" Ling Fan nodded repeatedly.

As soon as the words fell, Ling Fan stopped looking around. After all, after searching for so long, Ling Fan still couldn't find Lin Xue's shadow.


There was only a commotion in the audience, and the eyes of all the disciples turned to the right side of the square.

Ling Fan was no exception, and even looked around from time to time on tiptoe.But at the far right of the square paved with flat marble, all the female disciples of the Lingcao Hall are coming in line.These female disciples all wore white dresses. After a year of baptism with the strong aura of the Lingcao Hall, the female disciples became even more extraordinary and refined.

"Mr. Mo, let's go and have a look!" Ling Fan said excitedly.

"What are you looking at? Today is the big day for foundation establishment, you can clearly distinguish what is a big event and what is a small matter." Mo Lao stopped.

"Hey! Anyway, it hasn't started yet, right? Among the disciples of the Lingcao Hall, there are a few junior sisters in my mortal world. I haven't seen them for a year. I want to visit them!" Ling Fan said.

"No, the foundation building will start soon. If you want to see your junior sister, it's not too late to go after you build the foundation. If you delay, you will regret it!" Mo Lao objected.

"It's okay, I'll be right back!" Ling Fan insisted.

But seeing that he couldn't resist Ling Fan, Mo Lao said, "All right, all right, go early and come back early, listen carefully, try not to cause trouble."

"Thank you, Mr. Mo!" Before Ling Fan could finish speaking, he had already squeezed into the crowd.

Mo Lao looked at Ling Fan's leaving back, his eyes turned straight, and then he sighed: "Oh! This child..."

After finally squeezing through the crowd, Ling Fan came to the far right side of the square in a blink of an eye. Looking at all the female disciples, Ling Fan also kept looking around, looking for the four female disciples of the Yuqing Sect.

It's just that Ling Fan searched all the way from the beginning, but couldn't find it.So much so that Ling Fan started to look forward from the end of the line again. After all, these female disciples were dressed too neatly, and the white dresses were all the same color. At first glance, it seemed that everyone looked similar.

This time Ling Fan got serious, and at the edge of the middle of the line, Ling Fan saw a familiar face.But seeing that the other party lowered his head and slightly covered his face, as if he was afraid that others would see him.However, Ling Fan recognized him at a glance. It was Qing'er, the youngest of the four female disciples of the Yuqing Sect.

"Qing'er, Qing'er..." After not seeing each other for a year, Qing'er's appearance has somewhat changed. Compared with the mortal world, Qing'er has become more dusty, and her temperament has also undergone a huge change.If he didn't pay attention, Ling Fan really didn't recognize it.Therefore, Ling Fan opened his mouth and shouted.

Qing'er, who kept her head down, heard the sound and also looked up, but saw a male disciple among the male disciples on the left waving at her.

"Huh? Brother Ling Fan?" Seeing this, Qing'er couldn't help being taken aback.It looks familiar to the other party, but if you don't look carefully, you can't tell the difference.

It turned out that Ling Fan had changed a lot in this year.The most conspicuous thing is that Ling Fan is no longer the bald monk in the mortal world.A head of jet-black long hair was already draped over Ling Fan's head.And after a year of training, Ling Fan's facial features became more clear, sharp and slightly mature.

It's just the skin color, due to continuous tempering with spiritual fire, the fair skin has now become a little yellowish.However, this adds a bit of masculinity. If it is like the past, it is just like a little boy.

However, after Qing'er saw clearly that the other party was Ling Fan, her head lowered even lower, and there was even a look of fear in her eyes.

"Huh? Why is Qing'er ignoring me? Could it be that she doesn't recognize me?" Ling Fansha asked himself in surprise.

However, Ling Fan thought again, since he has changed so much, it is understandable for Qing'er not to recognize her.Even if Qing'er doesn't know her, the other junior sisters should recognize her, right?

However, what puzzled Ling Fan was that the other three female disciples were not by Qing'er's side.And after searching the entire team, Ling Fan never saw the other three female disciples.

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