Alchemy body

Chapter 4

But seeing the woman was sent flying by his palm, Ling Fan couldn't help but secretly worried.You must know that in the past, with such a slap of my own, even a wild boar could be killed with one slap.Although the woman's strength was somewhat amazing, in Ling Fan's eyes, she was still delicate and weak.With a slap, Ling Fan was really worried that it would kill her.

At this time, the five-flowered boa constrictor was really puzzled, the food that was supposed to enter its mouth flew away in good condition.Reluctantly, he mouthed ferociously, and had no choice but to bite towards Ling Fan who was lying on the ground.

Seeing the big five-flowered python open its mouth to bite, Ling Fan not only didn't dodge, but felt confident, glaring at the five-flowered python angrily.

In Ling Fan's opinion, the most abominable thing is this five-flowered boa constrictor.If it weren't for it, maybe it would be the beauty of an adult now.

Now he not only ruined his own good deeds, but also caused himself to hurt that beautiful woman.It is still unclear whether the woman is dead or alive.If the woman was killed by his own palm, then this five-flowered boa constrictor would be the culprit.

"Bastard, you don't even know me, your uncle? You want to die!"

Ling Fan raised his left hand and let the five-flowered boa constrictor bite it. As soon as he exerted force on his waist, his whole body straightened like a carp, and he jumped up from the ground.The next moment, regardless of his left arm being bitten by the five-flowered boa constrictor, the whole person rode on the five-flowered boa constrictor's head instead, clenched his fist with his right hand, and hit the python's head fiercely.

How did the five-flowered boa constrictor know that Ling Fan was so ferocious, and with the strength of its attack, once it hit the head, it made a dent.Huge pain came from his head immediately, so that the five-flowered boa constrictor desperately shook his head, trying to shake Ling Fan away from his head.

However, the five-flowered boa constrictor still miscalculated.Originally, it was biting Ling Fan's left arm, but now it was as if Ling Fan was strangling it with his left hand, and he couldn't shake it off no matter how hard he tried.

In desperation, the five-flowered boa constrictor curled up, trying to trap Ling Fan to death with its body.But what made the five-flowered boa constrictor despair again was that Ling Fan, who was curled up by him, was like a hard stone, no matter how hard he strangled, he would not die.

"Hmph! Little bastard, you don't even know me, Ling Fan, the King of Crouching Dragon Mountain. I want you to know today, and you'll end up messing with me!" On the python's head.

At this moment, the five-flowered boa constrictor was writhing and struggling in such pain that it couldn't even make a scream.However, seeing that the five-flowered boa constrictor had been beaten half to death, and Ling Fan's curled up body had already relaxed, Ling Fan stopped beating.

"The master said, don't kill indiscriminately. I will let you go today. When you see me in the future, keep your eyes open. If you dare to mess with me again, I will take your skin and bones." Ling Fan Withdrawing his left arm from the mouth of the five-flowered boa constrictor, he then severely taught the five-flowered boa constrictor a lesson.


As soon as Ling Fan let go, the five-flowered boa constrictor's head fell to the ground weakly. It glanced at Ling Fan with its eyeballs, and then hissed.

I don't know if he was telling Ling Fan that he knew his mistake and would not dare anymore, or he was moaning because of the pain.

"Hmph!" Ling Fan snorted coldly, and gave the five-flowered boa constrictor a hard look.Immediately, he seemed to remember something, and walked towards the direction where the woman was knocked into the air.

When he came to the woman, Ling Fan found that the woman's eyes were wide open, blood was overflowing from her mouth, and her whole body was twitching non-stop.

"Sister Fairy, are you alright?"

Still breathing, the woman was clearly alive.It's just that the woman's lips have already started to turn black, and her expression is also extremely painful.Such an anomaly made Ling Fan at a loss and became really worried.

But no matter how Ling Fan asked, the woman didn't speak except for twitching non-stop.

Ling Fan is not a doctor, and he doesn't know how to save her. It can be seen that the woman is so abnormal before and after, and her speech is also crazy. Ling Fan thought to himself, could this woman be bewitched?

After thinking about it, Ling Fan thought that his master once taught him a set of Qingxin Mantra that can ward off evil spirits, Ling Fan immediately sat up in meditation, clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and began to recite the Qingxin Mantra.

I don't know if it was luck, or if it was a misdirected attack, Ling Fan's heart-purifying mantra immediately took effect.

The incomprehensible incantations, as soon as they entered the woman's ears, seemed to be like streams of clear spring water, constantly washing the woman's body and mind.

After a while, traces of faint black air continued to emerge from the woman's whole body.As the black air left the body, the woman gradually stopped twitching.

Not only did she no longer twitch, but her complexion also improved significantly, and her darkened lips also began to turn pink again.The widened eyes slowly retracted at this moment, but their eyes were still staring straight at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky.

Now Ling Fan has recited the Mantra of Purifying Heart several times. I don't know if it has any effect. At this time, while Ling Fan was chanting silently, he secretly opened his left eye slightly, wanting to see how the woman was doing.

Through the half-opened eyes, Ling Fan found that the woman was no longer twitching.And when his eyes moved to the other person's face, he found that the woman's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost.Especially the woman's eyes are extremely cold, without any emotional fluctuations at all, as if she has already seen through the world.

Seeing such indifferent eyes made Ling Fan's heart shudder.This is completely different from the beautiful eyes of clear water and tenderness before.Not only the eyes, but also the whole temperament of the woman seemed to have changed.

"Damn it! Didn't you recite the Purity Mantra enough?" Ling Fan thought it was because he didn't recite the Purity Mantra enough, which caused the girl to change again, so he just closed his eyes again and continued to chant.


Erhai only heard a piercing metallic sound, and the next moment Ling Fan felt something cold and sharp stuck in his throat.

When he opened his eyes, Ling Fan was almost startled.I saw that the woman had stood up at some point, and she was holding a cold long sword in her right hand.

Obviously, staring at the thing in the throat is the cold long sword.But what puzzled Ling Fan was how this woman could stand up without making any sound, and she didn't even notice it.

In addition, where did this sharp sword come from? From the beginning to the end, Ling Fan had never seen a woman carrying any sharp weapon, let alone such a long sword.

Subconsciously, Ling Fan wanted to dodge.However, the next scene made Ling Fan stunned.

What Ling Fan couldn't believe was that his rigid body would be fine even if someone cut him with a knife.But the long sword that was chasing him had already pierced his throat slightly, and if he penetrated half a point, it would be able to pierce his throat.

"Hey, hey! Wait! This sword has no eyes, sister fairy, don't be joking, let's talk about it." Ling Fan didn't have the time to think so much at this time, after all, his throat was taken by others Hold the sword against it, and if you are not careful, you will kill yourself.

"Tell me, who are you? What's your name? Which sect? If you dare to deceive even the slightest bit, next year's day will be your death day." The woman stared at Ling Fan with a cold expression and questioned him ruthlessly.

"I... My name is Ling Fan. I don't know what school or school it is. Anyway, I grew up in the Crouching Dragon Mountain Range since I was a child." Ling Fan hesitated a little, but finally told the truth.


Hearing this, the woman exerted a little force with her right hand, and the long sword pierced into Ling Fan's throat again.

Regardless of the pain in his throat, Ling Fan said angrily, "Hey, why are you so dishonest? I told the truth, and you still want to kill me?"

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