Alchemy body

Chapter 40 This is Foundation Establishment

Today, the number of people present in the square is close to [-].And the grand spectacle of thousands of people building a foundation at the same time may only be seen in the sect of the sect of the cultivation world.

Like other disciples, Ling Fan also opened his hand to grab the Foundation Establishment Pill floating in front of him, and squeezed it excitedly. He felt that the pill was slightly warm. After smelling it, the Foundation Establishment Pill exuded a strong Fragrance.

At this time, many disciples couldn't wait, swallowed the Jidan in one gulp, and then began to meditate with their eyes closed, preparing to digest the Jidan.

However, as soon as Zhu Jidan was taken, some disciples began to show various symptoms.Some suffered from dizziness and vomiting, some had stomach pains, and some even went into convulsions, and then fell to the ground without moving.

Seeing such a scene, Ling Fan couldn't help being taken aback.I thought to myself, is this Foundation Establishment Pill a panacea or a poison?Why do you have such a reaction after swallowing it?

But on second thought, the Piaomiao sect is the main sect, so there is no need to mutilate the new disciples!Therefore, after a little hesitation, Ling Fan opened his mouth to swallow.

As soon as Zhuji Pill was ingested, Ling Fan felt a sweet taste on the tip of his tongue.It's just that before he tasted it carefully, the Foundation Establishment Pill melted as soon as he took it in, and the next moment, Ling Fan felt that once the Foundation Establishment Pill melted, it turned into a majestic air flow, constantly filling his internal organs.

Such a sudden sense of swelling startled Ling Fan immediately, but after only a moment, Ling Fan got used to it, and the air flow seemed to turn into warm currents, continuously washing his meridians and internal organs. .What surprised Ling Fan even more was that once the internal organs were 'bathed', many impurities began to seep out from the pores of the skin.

When the air flow no longer washes away, all the air flow begins to gather at the dantian, and when the huge amount gathers together, it begins to expand the dantian. In the end, the airflow is forced to be at the dantian, expanding a space.Due to Ling Fan's special physique, those air currents were squeezed for a long time, and in the end they only squeezed out a small space and could no longer expand.

"Wow, so that's how the foundation was built?" I've always wondered what a cultivator's foundation looks like, but now that Ling Fan has built his foundation, he feels like he's washing his internal organs.If there was any discomfort, it was that when the air flow squeezed his dantian, he felt a little bloated, but to Ling Fan, it was not a serious problem.

However, not everyone is like Ling Fan.Many disciples not only had adverse reactions, but even began to deteriorate their air flow.Unable to wash the meridians and internal organs, causing the whole body to start to swell. If it is not good enough, the meridians have already begun to rupture, and the internal organs have begun to bleed.Especially when the dantian was squeezed, a terrifying scene suddenly appeared in the square, and the dantian exploded.

At this time, some sword-backing disciples who were originally standing on the edge of the square also began to move out one after another, carrying those with various bad symptoms out of the square one by one.With the cleaning up, there were nearly ten thousand new disciples, but now there are less than one thousand.Among the thousand new disciples, some disciples are still in a state of non-exposure.

"Let's get started!" Looking at the remaining one thousand new disciples, Yan Nanyun was not disappointed, and even felt a little relieved, and then said to the elders standing on the platform.


The elders responded respectfully, and then disappeared on the platform without a sound.And the next moment, the elders who were still standing on the platform had already come to the square to check the remaining new disciples who were still building their foundation one by one.

And any new disciple who has been scouted by the elder, as long as the elder shakes his head, that disciple will be carried out of the square by the disciple with the sword on his back.As long as it is a disciple that the elders value, the elders will personally help the other party to build a foundation.

As a result, a large group of new disciples were carried out one after another.Ling Fan opened his eyes and counted slightly. In the huge square, there are less than 500 new disciples left.And the number of personnel is still being reduced. If this continues, how many people will be able to formally become inner disciples of the Piao Miao Sect?

And the reason why Ling Fan was able to count the number of remaining disciples so clearly and unimpededly was because with Ling Fan as the center, there was already no new disciple within a range of nearly 50 meters around.I don't know if it was Ling Fan's luck or they were unlucky, they were all carried out.

On the contrary, the hundreds of people in front are the most concentrated, and the elders are constantly shuttling among them.

Due to the large number of disciples and the fact that the elders had to help the disciples build the foundation, the entire foundation building took three days and three nights.

But what surprised Ling Fan was that in these three days, not a single elder came to ask him.From the beginning to the end, Ling Fan sat alone in the empty square.Ling Fan really felt that he had been forgotten.

"Maybe it's because I have a good physique and don't need to take care of me!" Whenever Ling Fan felt annoyed, he comforted himself like this.

Three days later, when the first light of dawn pierced through the clouds and reflected the sky, all the elders began to return to the platform and waited quietly, thus announcing the end of the new disciple's foundation building.

But now, in the entire big square, there are only one hundred and one disciples left.Among them, there are 61 male disciples and [-] female disciples.

Cruel, absolutely brutal.A total of 1 people participated in the foundation building, and only one hundred and one people remained. It was too cruel.

Looking at the remaining new disciples, Ling Fan was filled with emotion.A year of hard work, and even those of several years, did not come to fruition in the end.However, to Ling Fan's surprise, Qing'er, a disciple of the Yuqing Sect, was also among the successful ones.

"Oh, Qing'er is really good, let's celebrate her later!" Ling Fan thought to himself.

Yan Nanyun, the suzerain of the Piaomiao Sect, appeared on the platform again, and all the elders who had been busy for three days and three nights also returned to the platform one by one at this time.

"Reporting to the suzerain, the foundation building has been completed in three days, and a total of [-] new disciples have succeeded in building the foundation." An elder reported to Yan Nanyun.

Because the square is extremely quiet, Ling Fan's hearing is also different from ordinary people.When he heard that only one hundred new disciples succeeded in building the foundation, Ling Fan couldn't help being taken aback.

"Eh? That's not right! Isn't it one hundred and one people? Why is it now 100 people?" Ling Fansha was puzzled.

But thinking about it carefully, Ling Fan suddenly felt something was wrong.The only one who is missing, shouldn't it be yourself?

The more he thought about it, the more suspicious Ling Fan felt. Surprised, Ling Fan suddenly stood up and shouted towards the platform: "Wait, old man, did you count wrong? How could it be 100 people?" ? Isn’t there still one hundred and one people here?”


Hearing this, the elder reporting the count immediately shouted at Ling Fan.But as soon as the other party's voice fell, the voice came out like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, turned into a sound wave, and blasted at Ling Fan.

Even if Ling Fan couldn't see it, he could still hear it.Seeing where the sound travels, the air is distorted.It can be seen how terrifying the attack implied in the sound waves is.In order to save his life, Ling Fan covered his head with his hands to protect his ears, curled up, and secretly resisted with luck.

However, the powerful sound waves still sent Ling Fan flying away like a stone.

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