Alchemy body

Chapter 43 Apprenticeship to Elder Magu

The Piao Miao Sect is the top five sects in the orthodox cultivation world, and the sects in the cultivation world generally have a large protective array.The Piao Miao Sect is no exception, and it still has a natural mountain protection formation called the Eight Diagrams Formation.

The field of Xiuzhen Hall is surrounded by four main peaks and four valleys. As we all know, a gossip map has Qian, Kun, Zhen, Xun, Kan, Li, Gen, and Dui in eight directions, which in turn symbolize heaven, earth, thunder, wind, and water. , Fire, Mountain, Ze eight nature.And the eight domains of Piaomiao sect happen to be named after the eight directions of the Eight Diagrams.Among them, the four main peaks are Tianzi Peak, Dizi Peak, Bishui Cave, Tonghuo Cliff, and the four valleys are Thunder Valley, Wind Canyon, Hill Valley and Zetan Valley.

There is an elder sitting in each direction, and the main hall of Piaomiaozong is located on Tianzi Peak.The suzerain Yan Nanyun and the deacons and elders also live on Tianzi Peak.

Bishuidong belongs to the threshold of gossip, and it is the place where the elder Magu of Piaomiaozong sits.Now Ling Fan was brought to Bishui Cave by Elder Magu.

As rumored by Piaomiao Sect, the disciples of Elder Magu are all women.And Elder Magu has a quirk, that is, he has always hated men, so it is strictly forbidden for any male disciples to enter the Bishui Cave at will, unless the sect has dispatched missions, otherwise, generally speaking, no men can be seen in the Bishui Cave.

Now, the Bishui Cave will also break the previous record, and a male disciple has come as an exception. Whether it is in the Bishui Cave or the Piaomiao Sect, it is big news.And this male disciple was also included in the latest celebrity list of Piao Miao Sect.

Therefore, as soon as Elder Magu returned to Bishui Cave, many female disciples put down their cultivation tasks and ran to Duanchang Cliff where Elder Magu lived, wanting to see what this new male disciple looked like.And what ability does he have to be accepted as a disciple by Elder Magu, who has always resisted men.

Ling Fan, who was 'carried' by Elder Magu, came to Bishui Cave for the first time and looked down from a high position.There are many cliff caves in the surrounding mountains, and waterfalls of all sizes can be seen everywhere.Due to the abundant water source, dense flowers and plants, and luxuriant trees, it is like a paradise.

The cliff on the west side of Bishui Cave, the main peak, is called Duanchang Cliff.On the edge of the Broken Intestine Cliff, a small courtyard was built next to the mountain, and the gate of the small courtyard was also facing the Broken Intestine Cliff.

This small courtyard is the residence of Elder Magu, named Juechen Zhai.

At this time, many female disciples gathered inside and outside Juechen Zhai.For the female disciples of the second generation, there is now a junior brother in Bishui Cave, but for those disciples of the third generation, it is now a junior uncle.Regardless of whether it is junior junior or junior senior uncle, he is a man anyway, the only male around Bishui Cave.

At this time, in the hall of Juechenzhai, Elder Magu was sitting on a tree and vine wooden chair.And Ling Fan knelt in the middle of the hall, holding a teacup handed over by a female disciple, ready to follow the rules of a disciple offering tea to a teacher.

It's just that Ling Fan has been kneeling for a long time now, and the tea in the cup he's holding is already cold.Elder Magu, who was sitting opposite Ling Fanan, never got up to pick him up.

Although Ling Fan waited anxiously, but in front of him was his future master after all, no matter how impatient he was, he had to endure it!

Elder Magu, who had been watching Ling Fan quietly for a long time, finally broke the silence, and asked Ling Fan calmly, "Ling Fan, where did you come from in the mortal world?"

"Reporting to master, this disciple came from the Yuqing Sect in the mortal world. Miaoyin, the head of the sect, is the disciple's master." Ling Fan replied seriously, this set of lies was obviously prepared by Ling Fan.

Hearing the words, Magu pondered for a while, then looked at Ling Fan in doubt and said, "If I remember correctly, the mortal Yuqing Sect has always only accepted female disciples, but how did you learn from the Yuqing Sect? "

"To tell the truth, Master, in fact, the Yuqing Sect has no male disciples, and the disciples are only the registered disciples of Master Miaoyin. They have not lived in the Yuqing Sect since childhood, so the Yuqing Sect has not broken this rule." Ling Fan relayed what Aunt Miaoyin taught to Ma Gudao.

"Oh! That's how it is!" Magu nodded, and after a pause, she continued: "The Piaomiao Sect knows that my Magu has always only accepted female apprentices, and now around this Bishui Cave, except for you, a male, There is no second person. This place is full of female disciples, and you are a male disciple living here, isn't it a little... troublesome?"


When Ling Fan heard this, he was confused now.Could it be that Magu's implication is that she doesn't want to accept herself as an apprentice halfway through?No wonder he didn't pick up his tea for a long time, it turned out that it was because he was a man.

To be honest, Magu is indeed in a bit of a dilemma at the moment, after all, it was just a whim when she was recruiting apprentices, after all, she is the person Mo Lao likes, and she will definitely not be so bad.But once she took it back, Magu didn't know how to settle Ling Fan.

"Hee hee! Magu, what's the trouble? Our back mountain is quiet, and the disciples never go there. Now that Junior Brother Ling Fan is arranged to live in the back mountain, it's fine!" The female disciple who was serving the tea before Come up with an idea.

Upon hearing this, Magu glared at the other party.And the latter also blinked and stuck out his tongue, expressing that he was talking too much!

However, the idea of ​​the female disciples was really good. Arranging Ling Fan there would also be able to avoid the female disciples in normal times.Therefore, after thinking for a while, Magu said, "That's fine, living in the back mountain will not affect other disciples. Ling Fan, you should live in the back mountain from now on!"

As soon as the words fell, Magu raised his hand and waved, but seeing the teacup Ling Fan was holding, it automatically floated into Magu's hand.

Although Ling Fan was amazed by such a miraculous method of taking it out of the air, Magu now accepted him as a disciple, so Ling Fan hurriedly kowtowed: "Master, please accept my disciple's respect!"

"Hey! Don't call me Master, Master. My Bishui Cave does not have the same set of rules as other places in Piaomiao Sect. You are the same as other disciples, just call me Magu." Magu said.

"Uh..." Ling Fan was puzzled before, why the female disciple next to him directly called Magu by the name, according to the rules, this is obviously disrespectful to the elders!But now it seems that Magu herself made the decision.

Just when Ling Fan was astonished, when Magu raised her hand, a palm-sized sign emitting light green light appeared in Magu's hand out of thin air, and immediately threw it into Ling Fan's hand.

"This is the introductory exercise of "Xuan Qing Dao" of Piao Miao Sect. You will practice it in the back mountain in the future. If you don't understand something, you can ask your senior sisters, or come to Jue Chen Zhai to ask me in person. However, you should The good thing is to comprehend it by yourself, and the things you comprehend by yourself are definitely better than those guided by outsiders." Magu said.

After a pause, Magu seemed to remember something, and then said: "Ling Fan, since you have just established the foundation and have not yet reached Bigu, I will arrange for my disciples to arrange for you. As for other issues, Talk about it later!"

"Yes! Teacher... Magu!" Ling Fan nodded in response, but Ling Fan understood the second part of Magu's sentence as that Magu didn't want to disturb the female disciples or himself.

"Okay, let's do this for today! Yu'er, take Ling Fan to the back mountain to settle down!" Magu turned to look at the female disciple beside Ling Fan and said.

"Okay, Magu!" Female disciple Yu'er responded respectfully.

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