Alchemy body

Chapter 55

The cultivation world is not as good as the mortal world, especially those rare and uninhabited places, which are definitely not for people to go.This mountain is high and steep, and there are even more wild animals.The beasts in the cultivation world are ten times stronger than the beasts in the mortal world, and if they are not careful, they will be attacked and killed.And in case of encountering any more powerful spirit beasts, the practitioners with poor strength will be directly devoured.

Now Mu Yun'er is alone, and she is also a weak woman, shuttling through the dark dense forest, not to mention without any sense of direction, and her spirit is also suffering a high degree of blow.In the mountains and forests, the cries of wild animals came from time to time, which made Mu Yun'er tremble in fright.


Accidentally, Mu Yun'er was tripped by a tree vine, and the ground was full of thorns. With this fall, Mu Yun'er's right foot was cut by the thorn, and blood flowed out.

I don't know if it was because of bloodshed, but as soon as the smell of blood spread, many beasts appeared around.

When Mu Yun'er heard the sound of the approaching beast, she was so frightened that she panicked. Enduring the pain in her right leg, she struggled to get up, and hurriedly staggered forward.

A wild dog that hadn't caught prey all night, got excited when it smelled blood.After a day of starvation, he finally found his prey, so that the wild dogs chased Mu Yun'er crazily.

One is walking, the other is running. After a while, the wild dogs chased Mu Yun'er.And rushed to Mu Yuner's body, blocked Mu Yuner's way in one fell swoop, opened his mouth and yelled at Mu Yuner.


"Ah... don't come here!" Mu Yun'er had only seen a dark figure strung up in front of her before, and then looked at the slightly bright sky, in front of her was a big wild dog with brown and black hair, taller than herself .I knew that wild beasts were rampant in the realm of comprehension, but I didn't expect that I would encounter fierce beasts not long after I left the Piaomiao Sect's domain.

The big wild dog doesn't care how Mu Yuner yells, at this moment, it only has food in its eyes, only greed, with its big ferocious mouth open, saliva dripping down from time to time.

And seeing the big wild dog's paws scratching the ground fiercely, then the whole body rushed towards Mu Yun'er.

Mu Yun'er wanted to dodge, but her right leg was injured, and no matter how hard she ran, she couldn't run away from this big wild dog.In a hurry, Mu Yun'er wanted to try her best.

Stretching out her hands to scratch at the ground, Mu Yun'er picked up a wooden stick, but with the stick and a sword, she waved her hand to defend.


The big wild dog rushing toward him ignored the wooden stick in Mu Yuner's hand at all. When Mu Yuner came swinging the stick, instead of dodging, he slammed straight into the wooden stick without any fear.There was only a crisp sound, and the wooden stick was broken immediately.

Borrowing inertia, the ferocious big mouth of the big wild dog bit Mu Yun'er's neck straight away.

Seeing that she could no longer resist, Mu Yuner's eyes showed despair.And Mu Yun'er also knew very well in her heart that even if she could hide from this wild dog, she couldn't hide from other fierce beasts.

Maybe, my own life is like this, even if I am not reconciled, what can I do?Since you have to die sooner or later, how can you yearn for life?

At this moment, Mu Yuner seemed to have figured it out and accepted her fate!His eyes were also slowly closed, and instead of fear, he felt a sense of relief.


Just when the sharp teeth of the big wild dog were about to bite Mu Yun'er's neck, there was a sound of scolding suddenly in the dense forest, and with the appearance of the sound, a sharp sword exuding a cold glow instantly came from the depths. The lasing came, penetrated the mouth of the big wild dog in one fell swoop, and finally planted straight cuttings on the ground.

The sudden situation obviously made the big wild dog unable to react, but at this time the severe pain in the mouth made it difficult for the big wild dog to bark in pain.Mu Yun'er, who heard the sound, couldn't help opening her eyes at this time, and found that the big wild dog was lying beside her at this time, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth, struggling on the ground in pain.

Mu Yun'er, who has not yet figured out the situation, is really a little confused at this moment!But at this moment, a white shadow also landed in front of Mu Yun'er.

Mu Yun'er looked up, and after seeing the person's face clearly, she couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Uncle it you?"

The person who came did not speak, but walked straight towards the big wild dog.At this time, the big wild dog also stared at the person with wide-eyed eyes, but his eyes were full of fear, as if he was begging not to come over.

It's just that after the person raised his hand and pulled out the sharp sword, instead of killing the big wild dog, he raised his foot and kicked the big wild dog away.And the big wild dog that landed in the distance groaned in pain, and fled away in a hurry the next moment.

And it was only at this time that the visitor turned his head and stared at Mu Yun'er coldly.

"Hehe! Uncle Lin, Elder Magu sent you here!" Mu Yuner looked at the visitor and said with a wry smile.

The gradually clear face of the visitor made Mu Yun'er recognize clearly that she was Elder Magu's eldest disciple——Lin Xue!

"Not bad!" Lin Xue replied simply.

"I knew that Magu would not let me go like this, but why did Magu send you to kill me so much? There is no need to bother you to take action in this dangerous wilderness. I will naturally die at the hands of wild beasts." Mu Yuner wondered.

"Who told you that I came to kill you?" Lin Xue asked back.

"Uh...?" Mu Yuner couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, and then asked, "Then why did Magu send you here?"

"Get up, follow me!" Lin Xue didn't explain, and with a wave of her hand, a wave of spiritual power was released, lifting Mu Yun'er up in one fell swoop.

"Ah? Uncle Lin, where are you going?" Mu Yun'er couldn't resist Lin Xue, after all, all the disciples knew the strength of the elder sister.

Lin Xue didn't answer, she helped Mu Yun'er up, and then flew away with her sword.It's just that this direction is not going back to the Misty Sect, but going in the opposite direction.

But seeing Lin Xue carrying Mu Yun'er away, in the depths of the dense forest, Elder Magu just appeared.Their expressions were still unpredictable, but when the figures of the two had disappeared into the dawn, Elder Magu sighed, then turned around holding his crutches and disappeared into the darkness.


Having said that, Ling Fan was puzzled when he returned to the back mountain.Originally, she thought that Lu Sanmei would be severely punished, but in the end Magu didn't pay any attention to it, so she told her to go back to the back mountain and not go out at will, as if she was still blaming herself for the situation.

"Little guy, tell me, did I do something wrong? Why did it seem like I made a mistake?" Ling Fan said angrily.

"Why do you think so much? Let's just muddle along! Besides, isn't it still doing well now!" said the red-haired mouse.

"But, I always feel something is wrong." After thinking about it, Ling Fan always felt that things must not be that simple, and then said: "No, I still have to go back and have a look."

"Forget about you! Who told me to be a low-key person? Now that mother-in-law tells you to stay in the back mountain and not go out, in my opinion, it's for your own good. Peace of mind to cultivate yourself, don't care about others What are you doing so much? If you go out again and meet that bitch's elder brother, you will definitely be overwhelmed." The red-haired mouse said.

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