Alchemy body

Chapter 62 Storage magic weapon

Ling Fan's guess is not impossible.If Mu Boran dug this cave, then Mu Boran would have a chance to discover Elder Wu's smuggling of spirit stones.

"Ling Fan, what about Mu Bo Muran, don't worry about it, you kid. Now that you have discovered the spirit stone, you can just practice hard. You can't control other things with your strength." The red-haired mouse said seriously. reminded.

"You don't need to remind me, I understand. At least I won't care about it now, but in the future, I will talk about it when I have a chance." Ling Fan does not sympathize with Mu Boran, but it does not mean that Ling Fan does not care about Mu Yuner.Having been wronged and bearing the reputation of being an evil seed, what a blow to a young girl in her prime!

"It's good that you understand!" After the red-haired mouse finished speaking, it turned to look at the surrounding spirit stones, and after a moment of contemplation, said: "There are so many spirit stones, you can't hide them even if you move them out, Ling Fan, you go Ask your master for a storage magic weapon!"

"Storage magic weapon?" Ling Fan couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this.

"Uh..." The red-haired mouse forgot that Ling Fan was still a novice cultivator, so he had no choice but to explain: "The magic weapon of storage is a magic weapon that can store things. The most common thing for cultivators is the storage bag. This storage bag The bag is generally only the size of a palm, but its internal space is about ten cubic meters. Better than the storage bag is the storage bracelet, which has ten times the space of the storage bag. Even better, It is a storage ring, and its space is ten times that of a storage bracelet."

"Huh? There is such a magical thing?" Ling Fan was very curious when he heard it.After pondering for a moment, Ling Fan suddenly asked in doubt: "Little guy, can you store flying swords and the like in the storage bag?"

"There is such a large space, let alone a handful, it is more than enough to put a hundred!" The red-haired mouse said speechlessly.

"So that's it!" The reason why Ling Fan asked this was because he recalled the first time he saw Lin Xue that day, he remembered that she didn't see Lin Xue wearing a flying sword, but suddenly a long sword appeared in his hand.The second time was on the way to Piaomiaozong, when Lin Xue was fighting with Chu Yingying, Chu Yingying didn't have a weapon in her hand, but when she raised her hand, a short blade appeared.

Hearing what the red-haired mice said now, Ling Fan suddenly became enlightened. Maybe they were wearing magic treasures for storage, and it wasn't just the flying swords conjured up by the empty heads.

"How do you use the storage bag?" Ling Fan asked instead.

"First let the storage bag recognize the owner, and then you can communicate with the storage bag through spiritual consciousness. What you want to take out or put in can be realized in an instant." The red-haired mouse knows that this class is not good. Tell Ling Fan clearly, Ling Fan will definitely ask endless questions.

"Oh!" Ling Fan replied lightly, but thinking that Magu has not been able to let himself go out of the back mountain so far, there is no way to ask Magu for a storage bag now.Therefore, Ling Fan said helplessly, "Even if you want it, you have to wait until next month."

"Then you can wait until next month. I haven't eaten a spirit stone for a long time." Although it is a low-grade spirit stone, it is still a spirit stone anyway, and it is much faster than absorbing spirit energy!

As soon as the words fell, the red-haired mouse climbed up the rock wall, faced a spiritual stone, and opened its mouth to bite down.I saw that the light of the spirit stone gradually faded, and after only a moment of effort, that spirit stone completely lost its aura and turned into an ordinary stone.

After absorbing one spirit stone, it obviously couldn't fill the stomach of the red-haired mouse. Just after absorbing one, the red-haired mouse ran to another spirit stone.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Ling Fan was speechless.According to the speed of the red-haired mouse, I am afraid that it will be sucked up by it before the next month.

And Ling Fan himself was extremely lacking in spiritual power. Seeing the red-haired mice devouring them one by one, he hurried to the edge of the rock, took off a spirit stone and absorbed it.

What puzzled Ling Fan was that it would take half a day for him to absorb a low-grade spirit stone no matter how fast he was, but it only took ten seconds for a red-haired mouse to absorb one.I really don't know how such a small body can be loaded with so much spiritual energy.

But when he was puzzled, Ling Fan also tried his best to speed up his absorption. He not only grabbed a spirit stone in each hand, but also held one in his mouth. Wherever he could use it, Ling Fan didn't want to miss it.

In this way, Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse lost themselves in the madness of absorbing the spirit stones, and the dark cave became a training place for Ling Fan and the red-haired mouse.

As the days passed, Ling Fan, who had felt exhausted in his spiritual energy, finally felt a little full now.But before he opened his eyes, Ling Fan felt that he had woken up from his cultivation.

"Uh...?" Out of curiosity, Ling Fan wanted to investigate by himself, but this investigation startled Ling Fan.

But when he saw a person who looked exactly like himself sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, Ling Fan was startled and said, "Damn, why are there two of me?"

However, after this question, Ling Fan, who was originally meditating, also opened his eyes to look at 'myself'.Ling Fan's current state, not to mention how weird it was, always had a feeling of looking at himself.

But in comparison, the one who opened his eyes first had a wider field of vision, at least he could still see behind him.

"Spiritual consciousness, is this the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator?" Ling Fan, who was astonished, suddenly remembered that it was said in Xuan Qingdao that a cultivator can develop spiritual consciousness after cultivating to a certain level.This spiritual consciousness is formless and stateless, and it can be called the third "eye of consciousness" of a cultivator, which can see the three-dimensional space world.As the cultivation level of the cultivator increases, the three-dimensional distance also expands. Like those who have advanced cultivation bases, the range of spiritual consciousness can reach thousands of miles away.

However, Xuan Qingdao said that spiritual consciousness has no form, but now Ling Fan actually saw himself emitting a green light all over his body.And the shape of the light on its surface also seems to be a spiritual fire.Other than that, all the characteristics are indistinguishable from spiritual consciousness.

But with a spiritual consciousness that has its own form and can even carry a spiritual fire, can it still be considered a spiritual consciousness?Ling Fan, who was puzzled, thought that it was not spiritual consciousness, but his own soul.

However, if the soul is out of the body, can the body still have a clear consciousness?Therefore, Ling Fan immediately denied the inference of the soul.

Ling Fan, who had been thinking hard to no avail, now aimlessly controlled his spiritual consciousness to search everywhere in the dark cave.When wandering to the side of the sleeping red-haired mouse, the spiritual sense penetrated the body of the red-haired mouse without hindrance.

"Ling Fan, do you know that you have violated the taboo of a cultivator?" The sleeping red-haired mouse suddenly opened its eyes and stared at Ling Fan and shouted loudly.

"Uh..." Ling Fan was startled by this sudden move.And the spirit stone that was searching around returned to the main body in an instant.

"Little guy, don't scare people when you're fine, okay?" Ling Fan stared at the red-haired mouse.

"Scary? Hmph! Do you know that as a low-level cultivator, you should avoid investigating people whose cultivation level is higher than your own. Not only can you find nothing about the other party, but it will also attract the other party's dissatisfaction. It seems to be contemptuous of the other party. If you have a big stomach, you can let you go as if you are not paying attention. But if you are small, he will feel that you are contemptuous of his majesty and peeping into his privacy. When you are angry, you will definitely kill him. You!" The red-haired mouse sternly said.

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