Alchemy body

Chapter 8 Kunlun Mountains

It is a long way to go to Kunlun in Western Shu.In addition to the treacherous mountain roads and the sight of ferocious beasts from time to time, it took a full two and a half months to arrive at the Kunlun Mountains in Western Shu.

Compared with the Wolong Mountains, the Kunlun Mountains are even bigger.There are thousands of ravines, surrounded by mountains, and the scenery of Kunlun Mountains is even more unique.Among the mortal world, the Kunlun Mountains have the reputation of fairy mountains.

Of course, it is not an exaggeration for the Kunlun Mountains to be called fairy mountains.Because the Kunlun Mountains are the threshold from the mortal world to the world of comprehension.

Especially Kunlun Mountain, which is located in the very center of the Kunlun Mountains, is the general residence of the cultivation world in the mortal world.On Kunlun Mountain, you can often see practitioners who come and go from the realm of cultivation to the mortal world.

And these cultivators, in the eyes of mortals, seem to exist like gods.Therefore, in the eyes of mortals, comprehension is often linked with cultivating immortals, and it is believed that anyone who cultivates comprehension will be able to fly to the sky in the future, such as the gate of immortality.

Whether this is the case, mortals obviously have no way of knowing.After all, it is not that simple for a mortal to cultivate.Moreover, the requirements for accepting apprentices in the cultivation world are extremely harsh.Often among ten thousand people, not necessarily one person can pass the threshold of the realm of comprehension.

There are many people in the world who want to seek immortality. If all these people came to Kunlun Mountain, it would have already crowded Kunlun Mountain.

In order not to destroy the ecological balance of the Kunlun Mountains, the cultivators also thought of a solution.For example, mortal disciples who want to cultivate the truth and seek immortality can first join the major sects in the mortal world, and then the sects will choose qualified disciples and escort them to Kunlun Mountain.

Naturally, Kunlun Mountain gave birth to a sect - the Kunlun School.

The Kunlun School is located on the mountainside of Kunlun Mountain, with an extremely large building area, and the buildings almost occupy the entire mountainside.

In the mortal world, the Kunlun School is the only one that enjoys the honor of cultivating truth.The various schools are also headed by the Kunlun School.From the past to the present, the Kunlun School has always been the number one sect in the world, and it has never wavered.

As for idlers, if they enter the Kunlun Mountains without authorization, they will be driven out by the disciples of the Kunlun School guarding the Kunlun Mountains.

But even so, some people who can't meet the requirements of the school but insist on cultivating immortals, even though they can't set foot on the Kunlun Mountains, still settle on the edge of the Kunlun Mountains.For them, it seems that the closer they are to the Kunlun Mountains, the closer they are to the Immortal Dao.

And there are so many rumored cultivation worlds and sects.The various sects also hope to recruit new disciples to replenish the sect's fresh blood.

But no matter what sect or sect it is, they all uphold the principle of rather lack than abuse.As long as the disciple fails to meet the requirements of a cultivator, no matter how hard you try, you will be rejected.

In addition, many sects in the cultivation world will often fight to the death for a highly talented disciple.After all, once a disciple with extremely high talent and aptitude is cultivated, the probability of becoming a sect in the future is extremely high, and even become the pride of the entire cultivation world, leading the sect to a higher status.

Therefore, those disciples who were born with excellent spiritual roots were secretly selected by some sects almost early on.For example, the four female disciples brought by Miaoyin, the head of the Yuqing Sect, are already the new disciples of the Piaomiao Sect, which ranks second among the five sects of the righteous way in the cultivation world.

And now, the Yuqing Sect has one more male disciple, Ling Fan.

Along the way, Ling Fan didn't talk much at first, and occasionally he only talked to Miao Yin, because he was not familiar with her after all.However, after getting along for a long time, Ling Fan also became familiar with the disciples of the Yuqing Sect.

After arriving at the Kunlun Mountains and seeing what the disciples of the Yuqing Sect called the Holy Land of Cultivation, Ling Fan didn't feel how sacred the Kunlun Mountains were. Even, in Ling Fan's opinion, the Kunlun Mountains were not as good as the Wolong Mountains.

Perhaps, Ling Fan grew up in the Wolong Mountain Range, and felt like home to the Wolong Mountain Range.Being in a different place, it is natural to feel repulsed.

The Kunlun School on the mountainside has a huge square.Today, this square is full of disciples from various sects from all corners of the world.

Although there were many people, the clothes of the various sects were very distinct. People who were familiar with the various sects could almost tell which sect the other party was from just by their clothes.

Since most of the disciples were already pre-determined by the Cultivation Realm Sect, even though there were many people, the entire square seemed extremely quiet.

If most of them are said, there are obviously some other people.For example, Ling Fan is not a new disciple appointed by the Cultivation Realm Sect.Not to mention the Yuqing Sect, other mortal sects will also bring some disciples here.And these disciples are either related to the sects of the cultivation world, or they have received some benefits from various sects and walked through the back door.

However, even if these non-appointed disciples can come to Kunlun Mountain, they may not be able to 100% enter the cultivation world.In fact, since the cultivators set such a rule, very few non-introduced disciples have been able to cross the threshold of the realm of cultivation.

The reason is very simple, in each sect, there is a magic weapon given by the cultivators to test the qualifications of the disciples.Whether you are qualified or not, all the major sects in the mortal world already know, and there is no need to go to Kunlun Mountain.

Unless you have a strong background and have relatives or backers in the cultivation world.Even if you are not a default disciple, you can also enter the cultivation world with the default disciple.

And to let other people come here, firstly, it is a favor, and secondly, it is to let them see what the Kunlun Mountains are like, and enjoy the scenery of the Kunlun Mountains.

However, the cultivation world is not as ruthless as imagined, at least it will give those non-appointed disciples a chance.And this opportunity is the so-called competition for the selection of disciples in the cultivation world.

However, even if the best disciple was finally selected in this competition, he was still unqualified. It doesn't matter if he has no background. The best ending is to stay in Kunlun Mountain and become a disciple of Kunlun Sect.

As for Ling Fan, in the realm of comprehension, he is obviously a person with no backing, no relatives, and no background.Logically speaking, Ling Fan should go to the so-called selection with those non-appointed disciples.

It's just that it doesn't matter if Ling Fan is in the realm of comprehension, but in the mortal world there is an Aunt Miaoyin.Although Miaoyin is not a cultivator, she is the head of Yuqing Sect, the designated sect of Piaomiaozong in the mortal world.

As the head of the sect, Miaoyin has the right to escort a non-appointed disciple into the cultivation world, which is the real reason why the old man asked Miaoyin to bring Ling Fan to Kunlun Mountain.

However, Miao Yin actually didn't want Ling Fan to enter the Piao Miao Sect so smoothly.From Miaoyin's point of view, it would be even better for Ling Fan if he could participate in the selection contest and get a good ranking before being escorted to the realm of self-cultivation.

Because, Miaoyin more or less knows some things about the world of comprehension.The world of comprehension is not as good as ordinary people imagined. In comparison, the world of cultivation is an extremely cruel world.Without strength, you cannot move an inch in the cultivation world.

If there are some small sects in the cultivation world, because there are few disciples, then the resources of the sect will be more, and the disciples will share more.But what Ling Fan wants to enter now is the top five sects in the orthodox cultivation world.In the Damen sect, there are many disciples, and the competition is more intense. Disciples who are not favored hardly enjoy good treatment.

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