Alchemy body

Chapter 81: Sinister, You Can Convict

"Sinister, do you know the crime?"

After being in a coma, upon waking up, she saw Qing'er's dead body. Before Ling Fan could react, Elder Wu's scolding sounded in the hall.

Ling Fan raised his head and looked in the direction of the source of the voice, but saw Elder Wu's fierce eyes staring at him firmly.I couldn't help but wonder in my heart: "An evil animal? Who is an evil animal? Convicted? What crime?"

However, it wasn't just Elder Wu who was staring at him, almost everyone in the hall was staring at him.

"Ling Fan, what's going on?"

Just when Ling Fansha was in doubt, a slightly familiar voice sounded behind him.

Ling Fan turned his head and saw that the person standing behind him was none other than his master from the Misty Sect—Elder Magu.But, why even Magu asked that?

"Magu, how do I know what happened. After waking up, I found that Qing'er was... dead!" Ling Fan still couldn't believe it.

"Hmph! Naughty animal, you still dare to argue?" Elder Wu sternly reprimanded.

"Sophistry? Why am I sophistrying? I really don't know anything. And Qing'er, why did she die when she was doing well?" Ling Fan wondered.

"Aren't you going to tell the old man that the death of this female disciple has nothing to do with you?" Elder Wu stared at Ling Fan questioningly.

"How could it be related to me? Qing'er is my fellow apprentice in the mortal world, how could I do such a murderous thing? She was fine last night, why now, she died inexplicably." Ling Fan asked in surprise.

"Hehe! Sinister, I have committed something outrageous and unreasonable. Until now, I have never regretted it. If you think that the old man is wronging you, how can you continue to argue with so many disciples in the hills and valleys outside the temple?" The elder sneered.

"I didn't kill Qing'er, I really didn't! I met Qing'er last night, and after a short stay, I fell into a coma, and I didn't even know what happened." How could Ling Fan be accused of such a big blame? Plead guilty?Even if Qing'er attacked her secretly, she didn't blame her at the time, so how could she kill her?

"If you want to meet, you can do it during the day, so why do you have to have a private meeting at midnight?" an elder questioned.


Hearing this, Ling Fan hesitated for a moment, whether he should tell the real reason for meeting Qing'er.

"Hehe! Elder Magu, the sect has such an embarrassing incident. I didn't want to be too ostentatious. If it spreads out, it will make people laugh. I can deal with it privately, but he is your disciple after all, so I don't want to deal with it privately." Now I can explain to you. Now that this wicked son has not repented, you can talk about it in front of all the elders and see how you should deal with it?" Elder Wu no longer cared about Ling Fan, and asked Elder Magu instead.

There are no witnesses and no evidence, how can Elder Magu defend Ling Fan?

"Ling Fan, didn't this old man warn you not to leave the back mountain without my permission? Now that you don't listen to me and commit such an unforgivable crime, you... you really disappointed me "My apprentice actually committed such a serious crime, and as the master, Elder Magu felt ashamed at this moment.

There is a saying that if the child does not teach, it is the fault of the teacher.Ling Fan has been in Bishui Cave for several years, Magu really didn't discipline him well.Now that such a crime has happened, Elder Magu feels that he is also at fault.

"Master Magu, please trust me, I really didn't kill Qing'er!" Ling Fan begged.

"Shut up! So many people have seen it with their own eyes, yet you still lie? As a man, you should be brave. As your master, I, Magu, feel ashamed!" Elder Magu scolded.Afterwards, Magu also felt that if she stayed here, she would only be laughed at, and Ling Fan had also stained her innocence in this life.

Therefore, Elder Magu looked at Elder Wu and said, "I, Magu, have no opinion on how to deal with this matter in your hills and valleys."

As soon as the words fell, Magu turned around and walked out with a dark face.

When Elder Wu saw this, an imperceptible smirk rose from the corner of his mouth.Now the secret channel can not only severely punish Ling Fan, but also seems to have slapped Magu across the face.Tell Magu to be so arrogant in the sect in the past, but now she has a 'good apprentice', let's see how Magu can hold her head up in the sect in the future.

Li Yu'er, who had been waiting outside the hall, saw Elder Magu come out, so she hurried over, wanted to ask, but seeing Magu's expression was not very good, so she hesitated whether to ask or not.

It's just that Elder Magu is going back to Bishui Cave, but Ling Fan didn't come out, so Li Yuer asked anxiously, "Magu, how is Ling Fan?"

"Don't mention Ling Fan to me again, I don't have such a disrespectful apprentice." Magu heard this and said angrily.As soon as the voice fell, it just teleported and disappeared at the entrance of the main hall.

"Magu...?" Seeing this, Li Yu'er knew that this matter must be serious, even Elder Magu couldn't handle it.Now that Elder Magu is gone, what about Ling Fan?

Due to her seniority, Li Yu'er was not qualified to enter the hall, and she didn't know how the elders should deal with it.But Li Yu'er is also a sensible person, knowing that Ling Fan has committed such a serious matter, the sect will naturally not let it go.

After waiting for a long time, under the unanimous decision of all the elders, Ling Fan will be burned at the stake to show his example.In order not to spread the matter to the public, Ling Fan's torture by fire will also be carried out in the hills and valleys as soon as possible, so as not to make people laugh.

As soon as Li Yu'er learned of the result of the disposal, she suddenly felt like the sky was falling.Having been with Ling Fan for the past few years, Li Yu'er didn't know how Ling Fan was. She absolutely believed in her heart that it was absolutely impossible for the kind-hearted Ling Fan to do such outrageous things.

But how could the humble Li Yu'er confront the elders of the Piao Miao Sect?Even Elder Magu couldn't keep Ling Fan, let alone Li Yu'er.

After searching for so many years, he finally found a man who made his heart beat, but he ended up with such a result.Fate really plays tricks on people.

Li Yu'er seemed to have lost her soul all the way, and returned to Bishui Cave silently.Before he knew it, Li Yu'er came to the back mountain.Looking at the place where Ling Fan stayed in the past, it seemed that Ling Fan's lively figure in the past was still reappearing.

"Ling Fan...why don't you stay here well? Why do you have to go out?"

The helpless and sad Li Yu'er stayed at the entrance of the cave, then knelt down and said sobbing.

The red-haired mouse that was just about to come back hurriedly hid in the bottom of the lake when it heard the sound, and quietly listened to Li Yuer's crying to herself.However, when Li Yuer heard what happened to Ling Fan, the red-haired mouse was also stunned.

"Boy, brat, you are an absolute idiot, didn't I warn you not to go?" The red-haired mouse also said angrily at this time, now it's all right, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes!

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