Alchemy body

Chapter 85

Now that the firewood can't kill Ling Fan, the situation seems a bit unexpected, but Elder Wu will never let Ling Fan go because of this.Since ordinary flames could not burn Ling Fan, Elder Wu teleported to the edge of the execution ground, raised his hand, and a beam of dazzling flames shot towards Ling Fan.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

Among the disciples who were watching, someone recognized that the flame that Elder Wu cast now was the True Fire of Samadhi that could only be practiced after reaching the Nascent Soul stage.As for the True Fire of Samadhi, not all cultivators above the Nascent Soul stage can practice it. Only practitioners whose physique is among the five elements and have the attribute of fire can practice True Fire of Samadhi.

If you are not born with the fire attribute, then it will be difficult for you to cultivate the real fire of Samadhi in your whole life, let alone other high-level flames.Of course, even if you have a fire-attributed physique, you may not be able to practice Samadhi True Fire. It requires not only extremely high talent, but also tenacious perseverance, otherwise, you will burn yourself if you play with fire.If the cultivation base is not enough, let alone refining fire, he has already been refined.

The real fire of Samadhi is formed by the integration of the real fires of 'Jun Huo', 'Chen Huo' and 'Min Huo'.It is not easy to cultivate this samadhi flame.Therefore, if you don't have extremely high talent and attainments, you won't be able to cultivate at all.And once the true fire of samadhi can be cultivated, it will be powerful and lethal, and can incinerate all things.Not only can it be used to attack, but it can also be used to make alchemy with Samadhi real fire.

The elixir refined by Samadhi real fire is also an excellent top-grade elixir.It's just that refining the panacea consumes a lot of energy, after all, it directly outputs one's own energy.Therefore, unless you really need some panacea and you have to use the real fire of Samadhi, the others are generally refined with flint.Otherwise, just refining a panacea will consume one's own spiritual power, and the loss outweighs the gain.Besides, alchemy also has the danger of frying the furnace. Maybe you have worked hard to cultivate, but in the end the alchemy fails, and the real person loses money.

Now that Ling Fan was burned by the ordinary fire, many disciples had seen it, and now, Elder Wu actually cast the Samadhi True Fire, it can only be said that Ling Fan will still be doomed in the end, he will definitely die!To fight against the real fire of Samadhi, it takes thousands of years of ice to extinguish it.But how can Ling Fan, a low-level cultivator in the foundation-building period, possess the ten thousand years of ice?No matter how special your physique is, can you resist Samadhi True Fire?

"This Wu Gansan...isn't that too ruthless?"

Of course, Mr. Mo also knew that Elder Wu had used the Samadhi True Fire to burn Ling Fan to death. He really put his heart into it!At this moment, apart from being helpless, Mr. Mo was also very speechless.

People who have never seen the power of Samadhi True Fire naturally cannot know how powerful it is.And now, Ling Fan, who is being tortured, probably won't be able to forget this true fire of samadhi that makes him feel heart-piercing.

Generally speaking, it may not be able to compare with the spiritual fire, and naturally it cannot incinerate Ling Fan's tough body.However, this real fire of samadhi is definitely a higher-level flame than the fire of spirit, and the body tempered by the fire of spirit cannot resist the power of real fire of samadhi at all.At this moment, apart from feeling the incomparable pain, Ling Fan also watched with his naked eyes that his flesh began to be refined into scum.And because of the addition of Samadhi True Fire, the restraint in Ling Fan's body also began to disintegrate, and at this moment Ling Fan was finally able to speak.

But now, what else could Ling Fan say besides his heart-piercing screams?

Following the burning of the True Fire of Samadhi, Ling Fan's consciousness also began to blur.The screams also disappeared.

Many disciples who saw this scene felt lingering fear, although it is a happy thing to burn an unreasonable animal.But seeing a living person being burned alive is still a horrifying scene.

Therefore, seeing that it was almost impossible for Ling Fan to survive, many disciples chose to leave, and many of them vomited with nausea halfway through.

"Hehe, that kid is dead!" Wu Xiaolian couldn't stand this scene either, but Ling Fan was still dead after all, so Wu Xiaolian couldn't help but rejoice.

But seeing that Ling Fan gradually turned into a dry bone, Elder Wu also withdrew from casting the Samadhi True Fire.After a cold glance, he turned and left without looking back.

From the moment Ling Fan screamed in pain, Lin Xue didn't dare to look at Ling Fan anymore, and she knelt on the ground from the beginning to the end.Mo Lao, who was beside him, kept clenching his fists tightly. Seeing such a scene, no one could bear it.

"Stinky boy, you just died like this, and you haven't paid back the spirit stone you owed me?" The red-haired mouse also murmured sadly at this moment.Could it be that he really went to the underworld to ask for the spirit stone?

However, it is said that people who were burned to death by the real fire of samadhi have no chance of reincarnation after death. The three souls and seven souls have already been burned to death by the real fire of samadhi.With no chance of being a ghost, who else would the red-haired mouse ask for the spirit stone?

The dry firewood was gradually extinguished. At this time, the crowd around the execution ground had already dispersed, and the whole hill gradually became quiet.

Mo Lao's figure suddenly appeared beside the extinguished fire at this moment.Looking at Ling Fan who was left with only a pile of dry bones, Mo Lao didn't know what it was like.

"When you first came to the Misty Sect, I was the only one who accepted you. Although you and I are not considered masters and apprentices, at least we are destined. I can't collect your body today, but at least I can collect your bones." Mo lamented .

As soon as the words fell, Mo Lao was about to start collecting Ling Fan's charred bones.However, a white shadow rushed ahead of Mr. Mo, and said with great pain: "Senior Mo, let me do it! Back then, I brought him to the Piao Miao Sect, and now I should send him off." Come."

Mr. Mo turned his head to look at the person who came, and didn't stop him. He turned around and left slowly, sighing again: "Oh! It's a pity, it's a pity...!"

The voice gradually disappeared, showing that Mo Lao had gone far.At this moment, Lin Xue couldn't bear it anymore, and wept softly.The living Ling Fan has now turned into a pile of dry bones. From now on, the two of them will never see each other again.

"Ling Fan, I can't save you, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." Lin Xue knelt down again, crying silently.

Is it guilt, or regret, or pain, or something else...?

Can't tell, can't tell!

After mourning for a long time, Lin Xue took out a storage bag, raised her hand and began to collect Ling Fan's dead bones.Every time she picked up a piece, Lin Xue trembled.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xue collected very carefully, for fear of missing any dry bones of Ling Fan's body.The reason why she was so serious was because Lin Xue wanted to take Ling Fan out of the Piaomiao Sect completely, out of this place that made Ling Fan suffer, and find a place where Ling Fan could rest in peace.

Originally, Li Yuer in the distance wanted to do these things, but when she saw Mo Lao and Lin Xue appearing, Li Yuer gave up her thoughts.Now that the elder sister Lin Xue has cleaned up for Ling Fan, it is not his turn.

It wasn't until Lin Xue packed up and left, staring silently at the execution ground for a long time, that Li Yu'er left.

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