Alchemy body

Chapter 98

If Ling Fan is dead, then there is no problem with Catfish Beast Crossing Tribulation.But the most important thing is that Ling Fan is still alive.That is equivalent to the catfish beast taking a living person to cross the catastrophe, directly interfering with the catastrophe, and thus causing a catastrophe.

As for why the Blood Life Tribulation Thunder did not fall, it is very likely that the catfish beast was on the verge of death before the third tribulation thunder fell.But in the middle of the catfish beast's Blood Life Tribulation Thunder falling, the catfish beast's breath of life suddenly disappeared, causing the Blood Life Tribulation Thunder to lose its target, so it suddenly disappeared.

But the third thunderbolt landed on Ling Fan.In other words, Ling Fan replaced the catfish beast to receive the third catastrophe.But as soon as I thought of this, the problem came one after another.How terrifying is the power of the mutated Heavenly Tribulation, how can Ling Fan resist the third tribulation thunder with his strength alone?

I am afraid that this question can only be answered after Ling Fan wakes up.

When the water of the Hujiang River reaches the Huyue Gorge, the sound of the water is deafening. In addition, there are many thunderstorms in the surrounding area. Therefore, when the catfish and beasts crossed the catastrophe, no practitioners noticed it.Coupled with the fact that Huyue Gorge is far away from the human area, and various favorable conditions of time and place, catfish beasts choose to cross the catastrophe here.

Everything seems to be very thoughtful, but there are thousands of mistakes, and it just devoured Ling Fan.If it devoured other cultivators, it might have died after entering the catfish beast's stomach.It's just that Ling Fan is different from ordinary cultivators, he is practicing the Boundless Golden Bone Art, the bones in his body are tougher than his physical body.The corrosive liquid in the catfish beast's body was fine against ordinary cultivators, but it couldn't do anything about Ling Fan's skeleton body.

Therefore, since it couldn't digest Ling Fan's skeleton body, if it got into the catfish beast's stomach, it would be like the catfish beast getting its spines stuck.

At first, the catfish beast also felt very strange, why it swallowed a skeleton.It's just that the skeleton is obviously spiritual, so the catfish beast thought that it was the practitioner who practiced some kind of kung fu to achieve this.As for being unable to digest it temporarily, the catfish beast doesn't care about it, and if it cannot be digested for a while, it will digest it slowly.

However, this is the period when the catastrophe is about to pass, and it is impossible to say when the catastrophe will come.When it sensed the arrival of the catastrophe, the catfish beast panicked.Because the catfish beast discovered that the skeleton in its belly still had the breath of life.

As a catfish beast who is going to cross the catastrophe, how can he not know what consequences will result if he brings people other than the catastrophe to cross the catastrophe.And this catastrophe came too suddenly, so the catfish beast will kill Ling Fan in its stomach as soon as possible.And the method used was to keep rolling and tossing, hoping to toss Ling Fan in his stomach to death.

However, if Ling Fan was outside his stomach, it would be easy to deal with.But just now, Ling Fan has already penetrated into the catfish beast's body with the digestive juice.Therefore, when the catfish beast rolled over, Ling Fan who woke up also grabbed the bones in the catfish beast's belly.

For Ling Fan, it was not long before he was wronged and died, and now he was devoured by a strange beast, and he was really annoyed to the extreme.It may be said that he died at the hands of a practitioner who was stronger than himself.But if he died at the hands of a beast, Ling Fan felt that his self-esteem was humiliated.

Thinking back to those years, in the Wolong Mountains, what kind of beast did not respect me, how could I be willing to die at the hands of a big fish today?

Therefore, Ling Fan, who was not reconciled, chose to survive.Even if there was still a glimmer of hope of living, Ling Fan didn't want to give up.

The catfish beast, which had been tumbling for a long time, suddenly stopped tumbling under a huge bombardment.As for Ling Fan who was inside the catfish beast's belly, although the catfish beast's meat shield resisted the attack, the shock and remaining strength still affected Ling Fan's body.

Luckily, Ling Fan was able to survive without much power left.At that moment, Ling Fan didn't even know that this power came from the Heavenly Tribulation, so Ling Fan thought it was the Catfish Beast's move against him.

And after this attack, the catfish beast stopped writhing, tightly hugged Ling Fan who had a bone spur in the catfish beast, and laughed at the catfish beast and said: "Hmph! Beast, if you have any moves, just let the horse come over!" , I will continue!"

But Ling Fan never imagined that the second attack he was waiting for really surprised him.

Under the sound of a loud noise, the catfish beast seemed to be about to explode, and Ling Fan, who was in the stomach, turned into a ball, rolling around.It wasn't that Ling Fan didn't want to hold on, but that strong currents flowed into his stomach for some reason, and Ling Fan's whole body felt numb after being electrocuted.

When everything became quiet again, Ling Fan, who was on the verge of a coma, found that there were broken bones everywhere around him.

"Damn it! I admire you for being able to use such a self-harming move!" Ling Fan was speechless after imitating the way a red-haired mouse spoke.

But as soon as the words fell, Ling Fan froze.It stands to reason that in the belly of this catfish beast, my field of vision is not so wide, but why can I see the broken bones and scars around me now?

And the reason why there is light is that there is a cloud of light floating above his head.But Ling Fan, who had been investigated, didn't know what the light mist was, but he discovered that there was an extremely pure and huge energy hidden in the light mist.

"What is this that is so miraculous?" Ling Fan, who was surprised, kept staring at the light and mist.

Just as soon as this thought flashed through, Ling Fan felt extremely weak.After two attacks, all his spiritual power was exhausted, and now he is not far from death.

Weakly soaked in the skin mixed with blood and other liquids, Ling Fan began to feel hopeless no matter how unwilling he was.But Ling Fan stared at the cloud of light above his head, but thought in his heart, he wondered if he could absorb such pure energy.If you absorb it, you may be able to continue to persevere.

As long as there is still a glimmer of hope, Ling Fan doesn't want to give up.Just as he wanted to absorb the mist of light in his heart, he moved his hands the next moment.What made Ling Fan overjoyed was that this energy could really be absorbed, and even once it was absorbed into the body, the spiritual power he had consumed was crazily made up for.

"This... is a good thing!" Ling Fan also gradually recovered with the frantic absorption, and even the lack of cultivation was growing rapidly like flying at the moment.

Ling Fan only thought it was a good thing, but in fact, this cloud of light and mist was the essence that the catfish beast had cultivated for 1000 years.As long as the catfish beast successfully crosses the tribulation, this group of essence will be transformed into the catfish beast's animal pill.Such a rare thing, how can it be a good thing that can be modified?

Now how does the catfish beast not know that its essence is being devoured by Ling Fan crazily, but the catfish beast, which has gone through two catastrophes, has no power to stop it at this moment.Coupled with the fact that the essence that has been condensed for thousands of years is being continuously consumed, the catfish beast knows that it is not far from death, and it will be unable to resist the next tribulation thunder.

At this moment, a creature more unlucky and tragic than Ling Fan was finally born.Not to mention the catfish beast's death, it also handed over to Ling Fan the cultivation base it had accumulated for thousands of years. If it was said, everyone would feel sad.

There is no next chapter, let's look at others first


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