Feeling a cold, strange gaze, Leng Yun nodded at Yan Xi, and started drinking by himself.

Yan Xi felt extremely surprised in her heart. This strange junior brother actually has such a great ability. Not to mention the test of spiritual consciousness before departure, it seems that only she discovered it. He has already reached the stage of distraction, but now, he can actually feel his eyes. He always feels that Leng Yun is vain and super powerful, but at this moment he is really in the golden core stage, such a contradictory feeling , making her really weird.

These days, Leng Yun and the others passed through countless places. Although most of them were in the wild mountains and did not meet anyone, everyone's storage bracelets or rings were gradually enriched, especially Leng Yun. Many elixir.Ye Zhiqiu and the others answered every question they had, and they had no reservations about Leng Yun. After a few days, Leng Yun had a certain understanding of many elixir, and when he reached the golden alchemy stage, he could refine alchemy and weapons by himself.

Many of the materials have only been read in the Heaven and Earth Alchemy Scripture in my mind, but I have never actually seen it.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Leng Yun will never give up.These days, if you don't understand anything, you can ask. Even if it's an ordinary weed, as long as you feel the aura fluctuating on it, you must ask clearly.However, he doesn't care much about the materials used for the refining. After all, the equipment on his body is all top-grade spiritual weapons given by the master master, and there is also the giant sword of unknown grade that is silent in his mind. , the giant sword was only shaken symbolically, but it couldn't be summoned no matter what.

Thinking of the giant sword in his mind, like an old man, Leng Yun couldn't help feeling helpless. (The giant sword couldn't help but felt aggrieved. It's not that I didn't come out, but that your level of consciousness is too weak to summon the main body, and your cultivation is too low. Once you come out, you don't need to use it, just your poor one. With a little bit of cultivation, once you touch the hilt, you won’t even have scum left, alas, it’s hard to make a good person, oh, no! It’s hard to make a good sword... the giant sword can’t help but sigh)

Along the way, I didn't see anyone, not even a cultivator. Seeing that half of the hundreds of cubic meters of the storage ring had been filled, I began to carefully select the elixir.

At dusk that day, everyone stepped on flying swords and came to a city of mortals.

The city is very big, as big as a modern metropolis on the earth. Although there are no skyscrapers, this ancient city, in Leng Yun's view, looks very much like the ancient buildings of China. The ancient city walls look like a thick feeling of desolation.

"This is the city of mortals. It's really majestic. Every time I see such a city, my heart always trembles involuntarily. I really admire the wisdom and creativity of mortals."Ye Zhiqiu was taken to Luoyang Peak by an elder of the outer sect when he was still a strong baby. Now that he has become a Jindan stage, he does not have the awareness that he is a mortal who has cultivated himself.

Leng Yun looked left and right, his heart was full of shock. Before he practiced, he rarely went out. He had never seen such a big city. With his spiritual consciousness, he could see everything in a glance. The huge city, the bustling crowd, It seemed extraordinarily lively, sinking into it, Leng Yun finally had some feeling of blending into this world.

""In the world of mortals, if we can't maintain our mentality, immersion in it will only affect our practice." Yan Xi said coldly.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled wryly and said, "It's rare to come out once, so let's take a rest in the city."

": Senior Sister Yan Xi is right. The rolling world of mortals has had too much of an impact on us practitioners. If it's a little bit insignificant, you can't extricate yourself from it. You should hurry up and leave after buying the wine. I want to see other places Well." Hongyu has come out many times, and now she doesn't have much interest in Yunwu City in the southern region.

Ye Zhiqiu and the others were embarrassed at the National People's Congress. They wanted to come out with great difficulty. The most important thing was to go to a restaurant to eat and drink. The food on the mountain was so light, let alone delicious food. It doesn't matter what to eat, but the appetite itself is innate to human beings, and the demand for delicious food is even more important to them.It's a rare opportunity, how can I let it go?But as soon as he entered the city, he was said so by two senior sisters, and he was embarrassed on the spot for a while.

": Brother, I want to stay here for a while longer, to have a good understanding of life and the various aspects of life." Seeing everyone like this, Leng Yun hurriedly said to Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu asked suspiciously: "Didn't Yan Xi and Senior Sister Hongyu both say that the people in the world of mortals really affect our practice, what are you doing here?"

"Everything is relative. It can affect our practice. Similarly, if breaking through such shackles can improve our realm, not to mention going through the world of mortals. This is also a way of practice. Why not do it?"

Finally, there was a feeling of blending in, and Leng Yun would not let it go easily. After leaving the sect, he just wanted to walk more and see more, and wanted to visit the entire Tianyuan Continent, but now more than ten people are very depressed together. Liberty, among the ten people, only he seems to have the worst cultivation and the lowest seniority, and he has no right to speak at all, so staying together is really meaningless.

Ye Zhiqiu shuddered slightly when he heard it, and suddenly remembered that the junior in front of him had been very hot since he was a child, and things always had their own side.

"I'm afraid you'll be so immersed in it that you won't be able to extricate yourself. Many cultivators are troubled by insignificant things because they are too exposed to the world of mortals, and their cultivation stagnates even more."

": Cultivators change their fate against the sky and pursue the way of heaven. If they can't bear the temptation of the world, how can they talk about becoming immortals?" Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's serious expression, Leng Yun was moved, but still insisted on saying .

Ye Zhiqiu's face was slightly shocked, and he looked at Leng Yun's resolute expression in surprise, "It's really good that you have such an idea, but I really don't feel at ease if you stay here alone."

Seeing that his goal is about to be achieved, Leng Yun smiled, "Senior brother, I'm too worried. I'm a super expert in the Jindan period. I'm afraid of no one in this world. Besides, even if I meet other cultivators, I just need to not make trouble." Besides, our Tianji sect is so powerful, who would dare to provoke us easily?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded his head when he heard that, and looked at the crowd of people on the street, his ordinary and fragile body, he couldn't really see how much of a threat it was to Leng Yun.

"Well, since my brother wants to stay here, I can't say much as a brother. After all, everyone's path of cultivation is different. How about this? I'll stay here with you. It's the same wherever you travel. !"

"No, I don't care about Leng Yun, but you called us out, if you leave the team, don't call me again next time, hum!" Hongyu stared at Ye Zhiqiu with hatred, Down angry.

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked when he heard this, and quickly waved his hands, "Hey, it's all this mundane world, which actually made me fascinated, junior brother, you stay here alone, senior brother has nothing to show, I still have some materials and inspiration here Grass, although ordinary, can also be used to practice hands."

Taking a storage bag from Ye Zhiqiu, he said gratefully, "Thank you, brother."

Zhou Zheng looked at it, and laughed, "It's a pity that I'm a poor person, and I really don't have anything to offer. There are dozens of middle-grade spirit stones here, but I can also buy some small things.".

While talking, he also handed over a storage bag. Senior brother Zhou Zheng was generous, and even gave away dozens of middle-grade spirit stones, so we can’t be stingy anymore, "Haha, this is my savings for several years, and I will give you half of it too. There are also dozens of middle-grade spirit stones."The others were not to be outdone, and took out some spiritual stones and spiritual objects one after another. Leng Yun was very excited. He didn't expect that there were gifts to receive. At first, he felt that it would be troublesome for more than a dozen people to be together, but now he hoped that there would be as many people as possible. Ah, Lingshi is a good thing. It is useful for training and buying things for cultivators. Lingcao can also be used by oneself. In the future, Sidan can also be used to try it out. This is also very good, haha Haha, Leng Yun was overjoyed.

Don't pass by the crowd, strolling on the street, filled with a strong hometown atmosphere and the familiar yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes.All this makes Leng Yun feel like he is in an ancient city.

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