The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 23, Brutal Bloody Battle

It wasn't until several breaths later that the casual cultivator who was trampled by Leng Yun let out a heart-piercing roar, and the hair that had turned white was like needles, and let out an indistinct roar: "Little animal!" Sacrifice, I fight with you, ahhh!"

Leng Yun was unmoved, and said coldly: "When death is imminent, you still have to speak hard!"

Not much to say, Leng Yun moved his feet and kicked the casual cultivator fiercely, kicking him up with a huge force, Leng Yun just flew out of his body, Leng Yun took a step of three or several meters, and chased after him. Grab his feet with both hands and pull.

"Pu Chi!"

A large cloud of blood mist was sprayed, and the loose cultivator was torn in half by it, and the mutilated corpse flew far away from Leng Yun's hands.It smashed in the direction where the Zi family and casual cultivators were.

Simple, direct, yet violent and bloody, Duan Hong's blood was shallow all over Leng Yun's body, his white clothes were stained with blood, and the bright red patches were shocking.

A few screams sounded in the distance. Who has ever seen such a violent and cruel scene? Leng Yun is like a beast in human form, forcibly tearing apart a strong man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, which is too shocking for people's minds and eyes.

At this moment, everyone looked at him with a kind of fear. Leng Yun's methods were so cruel that they were far beyond everyone's expectations. His eyes were full of fear.

The young master of the Zi family had a look of horror on his face. He had only heard that Dazong's disciples were very powerful in battle. He didn't take it seriously and thought it was a bit exaggerated. Only now did he see this scene with his own eyes. Leng Yun's strength has reached this level. the point.

: "This man must die, otherwise let him grow up in a few days, and we will not be able to live in peace!" The young master of the Zi family whispered to the middle-aged man next to him, who was the only early-stage distracted master in the field.

Zhao Ming nodded. As a master of the distraction stage, it is natural that he should be able to catch a cultivator of the golden core stage. No matter how defiant this child is, there is always a limit. : "Young master, did you see it just now? This kid is super fast. I think it must have activated some treasure. Otherwise, how can he be so fast that even a master in the Nascent Soul stage can't react? It's just me He can't keep up with him based on speed, and it takes a lot of energy to move the treasure, and he can't last long, we let people swarm up, fight until he is exhausted, then we will not let us slaughter him, hehehe!"

: "Good idea!" The young master of the Zi family nodded.

": Everyone listens to the order and kills together, whoever takes this person's life will be rewarded with a middle-grade spiritual weapon!" The young master of the Zi family shouted loudly.

All the masters of the Sanxiu Buzi family immediately became excited. Middle-grade spiritual weapons are quite attractive to them. Although they saw the strength of Leng Yun just now, there are hundreds of masters among them. Under the siege, Even if more than a dozen Nascent Souls will die in the later stage, I believe it is not a problem to kill Leng Yun.

"Brothers, kill Leng Yun, the mid-grade spiritual weapon is ours!" Someone shouted, and immediately everyone rushed towards Leng Yun at the same time, hundreds of people moved in unison, the formation was truly terrifying.

The onlookers in the distance took a few steps back unconsciously, and some of them turned pale, as if they had seen the scene of Leng Yun being chopped into flesh or leaving no bones. In fact, kill everything and leave no way out.

Leng Yun's eyes were flickering with crazy killing intent. Today he has come to such a point, he has no choice but to go on a killing spree. Fortunately, he is strong enough, otherwise he cannot escape the tragic ending of today's bad luck.

Leng Yun stepped forward, and with a thought, Feihong Sword, the ultimate spiritual sword, appeared in his hand. The thick sword body, sharp blade, the whole body was as black as ink, and only a little bit of cold light flashed on the blade. He stood there alone, The blood-stained white clothes were hunting, and the long sword pointed obliquely at the sky, exuding an unparalleled arrogance, like a resurrected overlord.


A white sword light penetrated a few meters away, and cut out horizontally. The heads of more than ten people rushing in front were separated, and more than ten pillars of blood rushed into the sky, like a blood-colored fountain. Combining moves with sword skills, every move will take away countless lives. A master in the Nascent Soul stage can't even escape from the Nascent Soul. Thousands of sword lights cover every space. Disintegrated into countless pieces by Jian Guang, the screams continued, the blood spurted, and Yuanbi's blood was bloody.

"Clang, clang, clang...!"

The sound of weapons colliding continued to resound, Leng Yun's epee slashed, and all the weapons were broken in response, and then Sen Leng's sword edge slashed across their bodies. In just a few breaths, blood flowed on the ground. Bones are everywhere, stumps and broken arms are spread all over the ground, no Nascent Soul can escape from the Nascent Soul, Leng Yun's power is unstoppable, one man guards the gate, no one from the Zi family and many masters of casual cultivators can get close to Leng Yun's body , were all beheaded by Leng Yun's sword.

The plain is quite wide, but the speed of the cold cloud comes without a trace and goes without a trace. The speed is beyond the reach of these people. Wherever they pass, no one will survive. At this moment, dozens of people have accumulated under their feet. corpse.

The young master of the Zi family and Zhou Ming, who was in the distracted stage, were extremely shocked. The current Leng Yun really made them unable to figure out what level he was, and when did the master of the golden core stage become so powerful?They didn't know what to do, but just judging from the fact that he killed these people like cutting vegetables and melons, it was already equivalent to the combat power of stepping into the distraction stage with one foot.

: "Kill Leng Yun and get a middle-grade spiritual weapon!" Someone from the Zi family's master shouted, but his voice was trembling. Although he was shocked by Leng Yun's bravery, it was just for his own Just cheer up.

": Today, none of you will even want to go back alive!" Leng Yun's face was as cold as a knife, his eyes were sharp and murderous, his footsteps spread out, looming, and he kept waving the sharp sword in his hand.

":Puff puff!!"

A stream of fresh blood spurted out, and the blood mist in the air bloomed intermittently from the end, and the pungent smell of blood filled the hundreds of meters around.


Leng Yun dismantled several people with a sword, and then his eyes fell on the young master of the Zi family and Zhou Ming.

The footsteps stepped forward, making the master who rushed forward unexpectedly stagnate. There was no figure of Leng Yun in front of him. I don't know where he flashed to. Everyone was nervous, afraid that when this executioner would appear By their side, they reaped their own lives, but they didn't know when they had become lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and the situation had reversed.

The young master of the Zi family and Zhou Ming were also using their spiritual senses to capture Leng Yun's figure, but Nai He Lengyun's speed was too fast for their spiritual senses to keep up.

": Whoop! Whoop!"

A sword light streaked across Zhou Ming's body with a sharp piercing sound. : "Young master, be careful...!" The voice stopped hoarsely.When Zhou Ming saw Leng Yun's figure suddenly appearing in front of his eyes just now, he was taken aback. He slapped the young master of the Zi family away from the distance, and then all his own movements froze instantly. Zhou Ming turned his head hard, full of horror, Regret, repentant eyes looked at Leng Yun a few meters away, panic and unwillingness in the lax eyes, the body split into countless pieces in an instant.

: "He was able to instantly kill a strong man in the distraction stage hundreds of meters away!"

The young master of the Zi family and the rest of the people were horrified. Looking at Leng Yun was like looking at a demon. They were all cautious and focused on Leng Yun's actions. They were afraid that Leng Yun would do this to them unexpectedly, but I don't know that Leng Yun knew all this a long time ago, so he couldn't help but sneer, just relying on whether you can guard against me, you think too highly of yourself!

": This son must have lost his skill and combat power now. He won't last long. As long as you kill him, the reward will be doubled!" cold cloud.


A large stream of blood and minced flesh shot into the air, and Leng Yun was so mad that the pitch-black sword was not stained with blood at this time, and the white clothes on his body had completely turned into blood clothes.

The bloody clothes and the divine sword have become everyone's nightmare. The cold light of the sword is like a death scythe. Each sword will take away the lives of several people and turn them into a pile of minced meat. Not as fearless as before, the mutilated corpses of his companions are everywhere.

Leng Yun crushed flesh and bones with his feet, his long sword pointed at the ground obliquely, and blood dripped from the corner of his bloody clothes like water. Since he practiced the Heaven and Earth Refining Body Art, Hongmeng Heart Sutra and Shiyi Sword Art, he has never made a real move. Opportunity, I don't know the real gap between myself and others, where my limit is, now he finally knows how defiant these three formulas are. , then it must be extraordinary, I have only exerted one-third of my strength, and the more than 100 people in front of me have no one-on-one enemy. Being decomposed into countless pieces, Nascent Soul can't escape, and these victories are brought about by the three methods, and I have only just started.If all of them are practiced, then with a sword in hand, it will no longer be a dream for me to have the world. At that time, he will push his sect from a second-rate sect to the highest peak in the cultivation world, becoming the number one sect in the cultivation world At that time, all my family members will be able to cultivate themselves, and then they can live forever and become immortals together.

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