The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 29, Spirit Stone

Although everyone looked helpless, there was nothing they could do, and said, "Don't be surprised, everyone. This is actually quite normal. You may have been defending at the beginning. The black gas mask was too tough before, and you thought it was there if you couldn't break it. When the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, the air mask is more tenacious, so I let this opportunity go."

After finishing speaking, seeing everyone seemed relieved and puzzled, he quickly said: "Behind this formation, there is actually such a cave. I want to go and have a look, but I don't know what danger is inside, and I don't know what your plans are." ?”

"I've been wandering here for nearly ten years, and I really can't find a reason not to go in and find out!" Hongyu's lovely face couldn't help firming up, and she glanced at the one who was only exposed after the formation was broken. The cave that entered alone, eyes full of resentment.

Zhou Zheng shook his head: "The previous formation is so difficult, I'm afraid it will be more exaggerated, it's better to restore your cultivation first, and then we'll see the situation."

Probing the divine sense, the whole cave was immediately revealed.

": There shouldn't be any danger, right?! It looks like it should be some senior's retreat place!" Zhou happened to forget the pain from his scar, and while speaking, his eyes turned to Leng Yun, and he quickly regained his composure, sitting cross-legged and recovering. stand up.

The blow just now definitely surpassed his own strongest attack power. Long ago, he realized that Leng Yun's spiritual consciousness was extremely powerful, even comparable to his own. Now, I don't know what level he has reached now, but now , it is obviously only the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage, but the strength surpasses him, which is really too weird.Yan Xi looks at Leng Yun, but her mood is complicated and inexplicable.

Seeing that everyone was sitting down to practice, Leng Yun set up a defensive formation around him, walked out of the formation, looked around, and realized that before he knew it, he had come to a strange valley, enveloped by a faint When the mist was inhaled into the nose, it was discovered that the mist actually had the effect of numbing the nerves. This was only discovered by Leng Yun's careful feeling. Under normal circumstances, he would not feel it at all.

This is a kind of marsh gas, which contains a weak and highly toxic substance that can numb the nerves. Even if a cultivator inhales too much, his nerves will still be paralyzed. If he falls here for a long time, he will definitely become a living dead.

Scanning with his spiritual sense, he also found some spiritual herbs, but these spiritual herbs are highly poisonous because of the swamp gas and have grown independently. After collecting some spiritual herbs, they can also refine some pills in the future Medicine or something, maybe there are some strange effects.

I walked around in the valley, but I couldn't see anything interesting, so I gave up.

But when he saw the layout of the valley, it looked like a large formation, with a faint white swamp gas scattered all around, which made him very surprised. After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't find any clues.

Everywhere, there are many hermits. These hermits often practice in the mountains. For countless years, they have formed places of exploration, allowing future generations to have such fun of treasure hunting. There are also many high-strength practitioners who have great The wealth, whether it is materials, or refining tools, alchemy, and skills, is very rich, but after ascending to the two realms of immortality and demons, there is no need to keep many things in the realm of cultivation. There are better materials, and the things in the cultivation world are useless, so they just stay in their caves casually, so that descendants like Leng Yun have a game of treasure hunting.

Seeing that they couldn't find anything, they returned to the original place, and saw that everyone was still absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but the spiritual energy here contained marsh gas. The skills are good enough, sitting cross-legged, but the mind is constantly browsing to see what he has gained.

I don't know how long it took, and Zhou Zheng and others soon woke up one after another, and their strength was fully recovered. In the past ten years, they have been constantly dealing with the attacks of formations, which made them exhausted. But now, they have fully recovered. With some refinement, the leap is great.

But now, only Yan Xi is still absorbing the spiritual energy in the spirit stone, and her slim body is surrounded by a self-fog.

": Junior Brother, why did you set up the Absolute Spirit Formation?"

Sensing the thinness of the spiritual energy around them, Zhou Zheng and the others asked hurriedly when they saw the Absolute Spirit Formation.

After they talked about marsh gas, Leng Yun said, "Brother, what are your plans?"

Zhou Zheng resolutely said: "I just walked hundreds of meters away and communicated with the master. I have already talked about the matter here. Now that I have fully recovered and my skills have improved, I want to see what it is. It took me nearly ten years, and the other people obviously thought it over. Leng Yun's move just now was really powerful, which made them full of confidence in Leng Yun, so they can take advantage of this opportunity to go in and see what happened.

Not long after, Yan Xi also woke up, exuding a faint aura of a strong person all over her body, and unexpectedly broke through to become a master in the late stage of leaving her body.

The cave is not very big, and the entrance of the cave can only accommodate one person. Six people walked in one after another, only to find that this cave has a unique cave, but there is a piece of unknown material on the side of the stone wall, which looks very ordinary, but through the spiritual sense, it feels like it has fallen into the quagmire , seems to be absorbed.

I don't know what it is that hinders the penetration of the spiritual consciousness. If the spiritual consciousness penetrates, you will only see a small hole with nothing special, but no matter what it is, it is relative. Leng Yun's spiritual consciousness Huge enough to be comparable to a master in the fusion stage, but he still can't feel any difference, but after many things, he has become more cautious, and he still checks carefully, only to realize that there is something special in it, but he doesn't know what is special about it. Somewhere, when I walked forward, I grabbed the weird stone on the wall, held it in my hand, and felt a sense of coolness, the stone was very soft, it was like a sponge when I held it, soft, and I accidentally It might fall off.

": Unexpectedly, it is a spirit stone, or there is such a thing"!After looking through it for a long time, he remembered that there was a record about Lingshi in the miscellaneous notes given to him by his master.Spirit-addicted stones, as the name suggests, can devour spiritual consciousness. In a world as huge as the cultivation world, like heavy stones, they are all strange and weird things. The prominence of the formation can control the gravity, whether it is arranging formations or refining weapons, it is very representative, and the spirit stone is even more so, arranging formations can block the application of spiritual knowledge, making it difficult for people to find it. As for the clues, the spirit stone is the same as the general refining material, there is nothing special about it, and it depends on personal chance to get it.

": No wonder the formation here can block the message, so it is it." The message stone itself is activated by the spirit stone, and it will of course be blocked next to the spirit stone. : "It's a pity that the pearl is covered with dust, and it has not been found. It's really strange the owner here!"

"Junior brother, what did you say?" Leng Yun muttered to himself, Ye Zhiqiu who was walking in front heard something vaguely, but was confused, and asked hastily.

"It's nothing, I'm just feeling a little bit emotional!" Leng Yun was startled, he didn't expect that a person who is used to talking to himself would be heard by others, but fortunately he didn't hear all of it, otherwise the spirit stone would definitely be lost , he decided that he must get rid of such a bad habit next time.

With the disappearance of the spirit stone, everyone felt the difference. The entire cave was under the spiritual consciousness, and they could see it clearly.

": What's going on here? My spiritual sense can be used!"

Ye Zhiqiu was the first to notice the difference, and immediately exclaimed.

": Maybe it's because of the previous formation, wouldn't it be better to have spiritual sense!"

The whole cave is very huge, but it is strange that no one has arranged formations inside. Obviously, the cave itself has covered up the effect of spiritual consciousness, and no one can discover any secrets. People are suspicious.

": The owner here is really strange, so be careful, so as not to get caught!"

Cautiously walked into the cave, but what I saw was still just a big cave. In the center of the cave, there was a stone table and a futon behind it. Afterwards, there was no movement, and it looked as if he was completely unconscious.

": Dead." Didn't find any life left in the air, Ye Zhiqiu stepped forward to check the other party's breath, but didn't feel the slightest.

": There seems to be nothing here. This guy is strange. There is such a formation at the entrance of the cave, but now there is no formation at all. It's really boring!"

Leng Yun didn't pay any attention to it, and walked forward and took off the storage ring in the other party's hand. Through his spiritual sense, he tried his best to resist the soul imprint left by the other party. This storage ring is very good, especially the formation method in it. The layouts are very special, but it is a pity that the opponent's cultivation base does not seem to be very high, otherwise, depending on the level of the fusion formation, it will take a lot of effort for several people to come in No.

Soon, the imprint of the other party's spiritual consciousness left in the eyes of the ring disappeared, and his eyes lit up, and he immediately saw everything in the ring.

There are not many things in the storage ring, they are all ordinary materials, and there are some panacea and spiritual weapons, but most of them are low-grade, and everyone can refine them by themselves, so why would they pay attention to these, seeing two Leng Yun got excited about the jade slips, took out the jade slips, and threw the ring to Ye Zhiqiu, letting them solve it by themselves. The content of the two jade slips is not very large, and one is an ordinary cultivation method, which is nothing Strangely, the other one talks about how to smelt formations, which looks very good.

Quickly wrote down the contents of the jade slip with spiritual sense, threw the jade slip to Ye Zhiqiu, and said: "It seems that the most precious thing here is this jade slip. The fusion array is really good!"

Ye Zhiqiu also scanned the content, and sighed: "With this jade slip, it has been a worthwhile trip for more than ten years, but all of this was brought to us by Junior Brother Leng, otherwise, we would have died a long time ago. Brother, thank you very much!"

Leng Yun shook his head and said with a smile: "Senior brother, what are you talking about, we are brothers of the same school, we should help each other. Unfortunately, I am still late after all, otherwise the other four brothers would not be martyred!"

While speaking, his expression became a little depressed, "By the way, brothers and sisters, what are you going to do next?"

": Where else can I go, I feel very tired, let's go back to the sect first!"

Seeing that everyone else nodded, Leng Yun said: "In that case, then I will leave first, and finally come out, so naturally I have to travel a lot."

": You have been wandering outside for more than ten years, isn't that enough?"

Leng Yun shook his head and said: "You can better comprehend the true meaning outside, why not do it? When you come to the sect, it is the same practice, it's all the same!"

": With your cultivation base, you don't care about any danger, just do whatever you want."

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's nod, Leng Yun was overjoyed and said, "In this case, I will leave first, and you all returned to the sect earlier. Tianyuanxing is not very peaceful recently, and the people of Hongliu Sect seem to be finding fault on purpose, but Be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped on his feet and left quickly, leaving everyone behind him in a daze. Finally, Ye Zhiqiu said: "Brother, how do you listen to this guy's tone, as if he is teaching us, wait until the next time When I see him again, I must give him a good lesson!"

": He does have such a right, at least compared to us, his strength is much stronger!" Yan Xi said lightly, but made everyone even more silent.

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