Unknowingly, ten years later, the original baby is now ten years old Leng Yun. When Leng Yun turned five years old, Leng Dashan looked for his master everywhere to teach him piano, chess, calligraphy, poetry, and five classics, but Leng Yun was reincarnated as a human being. In addition, in his previous life, he was already smart and smart, influenced by the essence of Chinese culture for 5000 years, he is even more familiar with this kind of thing. Not too much, never forget.Originally, Leng Dashan felt that having a super smart son was the thing he was most proud of and excited about, but now he has a very headache. The results of other people's hard work in a month are not as good as Leng Yun's results in half a day. There is no teaching, it is the feeling that the blue comes from the blue and wins the blue.

No, the old master left again yesterday, and before leaving, he sighed, "This son is definitely a great genius, and his achievements will be limitless in the future. This son must be a thing in the pool that will turn into a dragon when encountering a storm. Leng Dashan is so lucky." .

Leng Dashan was in pain and joy at this time, the pain was that all the famous teachers in several nearby towns had been invited, and some were even more dumbfounded when they heard that they were going to teach Leng Yun, a little monster who had just turned ten years old, He even shook his head, joking, so many old masters, famous people have not taught him for more than a month, what can he teach him on his own.

Thinking of Leng Yun, this started from learning. He never forgets the four books and five passages, recites them backwards, and is even more able to tell the truth contained in it, and draw inferences from one instance.Qin skills, he played a piece of high mountains and rivers, which made the teacher feel ashamed to teach, chess skills, a broken hand made the old master helpless, but he came back to life with a few easy moves, turning defeat into victory, making the old master sweat like rain, painting skills, a sketch, Its artistic conception opened the eyes of the old master, and he sighed that it was not as good as the book, let alone the book.Of course Leng Dashan knew all this, but there was really no one to invite.I couldn't help feeling dizzy, I really didn't want to affect my son Leng Yun's future studies because I couldn't get a teacher to teach me, and I didn't want to waste Leng Yun's intelligence.

This morning, Mr. Leng Dashan went out to find his master, but he heard that there was a strange person who knew astronomy and geography at a temple thousands of miles away. He knew everything 500 years ago and [-] years later.Leng Dashan was overjoyed after hearing this, and thought that this expert must be invited back, even if he pays a thousand dollars a day, he would not hesitate, not to mention that my Leng family has a big business, so the expenses are not a problem. A person who can get his true biography is worthless.Leng Dashan thinks that there is no fate, and what he said is nice, but he just asks for more money. If he is really a good person, he should spend some money.

Of course Leng Yun knew what his father was doing in a hurry, so he couldn't say anything. He felt sorry for the parents of the world. Thinking of the gentlemen who taught him, he couldn't help shaking his head. How could the culture of this world compare to the modern culture of the earth? Well, they were stunned when they took out a little casually, and shouted in disbelief.In the afternoon, when Leng Yun was about to go out for a walk, there was a burst of shouting from outside the door, "Yun'er, where are you? I will find you an expert today to be your old gentleman. Come and see, hahaha"

When Leng Yun heard this, he couldn't help but smile wryly, what an expert, it's not too bad to be their teacher with his own talents.But after thinking about it, I still have to listen to what my father said.Go and see the expert in the mouth of the old man.

Entering the hall, I saw an old man with white hair and red face sitting on the upper seat, with piercing eyes and youthful skin. Sitting there, I felt that he was the master of this place. The feeling is very strange.When Leng Yun looked at the old man, why didn't the old man look at him often? The surprise in the old man's heart was astonishing, and the joy was even greater than that of Leng Yun. The first time he saw Leng Yun, this boy had delicate features, red lips and white teeth, and his eyes were full of energy. It was the eyes, so clear and bright, the corners of the mouth hooked up vaguely, full of confidence or fighting spirit, the old man thought of the evaluations of the people in front of him, and felt that it was exaggerated. He had seen many geniuses, and his ancestors There are many more in the door.Hahaha, interesting, there are very few ordinary people who are calm and composed in front of me. Leng Dashan is an example. He feels depressed invisibly, as if he is shorter in every aspect.The old Taoist thought to himself, I really want to see what makes this son different.

The old Taoist probed his spiritual sense towards Leng Yun, but Leng Yun didn't notice it, he just felt uncomfortable for a while, but the uncomfortable feeling suddenly disappeared after a while, feeling inexplicable.But at this time, the old Taoist was shocked, sweating like rain, his face was pale, his face was no longer flushed like before, he felt a burst of horror, then a burst of fear or ecstasy, and shouted in his heart, God help our sect, my sect is very lucky.Hahaha

It turned out that when the old Taoist probed into the depths of Leng Yun's soul, he suddenly saw a huge sword that emitted a white light and stabbed at him. The emitted white light split into nothingness, but the giant sword remained motionless in the depths of Leng Yun's mind. (

At this time, the old Taoist felt afraid for a while. If he lost his spiritual consciousness, he could recover it through practice. But if Bai Guang rushed out of Leng Yun's mind and killed him just now, and he was killed without any resistance, then there would be no scum.

"Are you Leng Yun's little friend? It's better to be famous than to meet each other. You really are a dragon and a phoenix among people. You will be famous forever in the future and shock the world, hahaha."The old man laughed

When Leng Yun was observing the old man at this time, he saw that his face changed back and forth, one moment of surprise, one moment of joy, one moment of fear, another moment of cold sweat, and his face was pale. He was wondering why the old man had so many changes. But when the old man praised him for a while, he couldn't help saying in his heart, "My brother, I am handsome and unrestrained, and I am good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but I am not as exaggerated as you said."

"Hehehe, the master was joking, I think I, Leng Yun, who is so young, how can He De be so praised by you..." Hahaha, little friend Leng Yun, although I am the Tianzhongzi of the Tianji Sect An elder from the outer sect, but the words he said are never false, and the truth will be known when the time comes."

Tianji sect?When Leng Dashan heard the old Taoist talk about the Tianji sect, he couldn't help but think of what he had heard before, that everyone in that sect had great supernatural powers, flying into the sky, hiding from the ground, and overwhelming mountains and seas.It's just that ordinary people can't see it, let alone where the mountain gate is, and I heard that the conditions for accepting apprentices are very strict, and it is rare for one of the 1 apprentices to be selected.

"Hahaha, the Taoist priest was joking. Of course, what the Taoist priest said could not be false. It's just that my son Leng Yun is still young and has never been out of the house. Now he has no good teacher to guide him. How can he succeed in the future?" ?Leng Dashan said.

"Hahaha, these are not problems. There are thousands of disciples in my sect, which ones are not the darlings of heaven in the mortal world, peerless geniuses? Not only have they learned skills that mortals don't have, but they can also master things that ordinary people don't have. Strength and longevity, if he can become an official disciple, his family and property will be protected by the sect, and even the southern dynasty will be courteous. Little friend Leng, would you like it?"

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