The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 35, All Powers Come Together

The center of the misty forest.

The thunder and lightning have been continuing, and there are more and more, and the trend is getting bigger and bigger. The wind and clouds are dense and scattered, and gradually spread to the surrounding area. Yun Zao didn't know about personnel and affairs, and passed out. The Hongmeng Heart Sutra and Heaven and Earth Training Art that had been operating in his subconscious had already broken through to the middle stage of the second level without knowing it. There are more and more, and the difficulty of breaking through is getting harder and harder. At this moment, Leng Yun suddenly looks like a dead person, except for his body moving from time to time when he is struck by lightning.

Outside the foggy forest, people gathered from all around, and there were more and more people, but the crowd did not appear to be chaotic. Groups of people stood in one place, and the formation was clearly divided. They deliberately did not pursue it for the time being. After all, there were too many forces who came here this time, and the relationship was complicated. If there is a little carelessness, there may be no bones left, and even their own family or forces will be affected.If someone took a closer look, they would find that the four overlords and one super overlord of Tianyuan Continent were all present, but they all kept a low profile at the moment.

Central Territory, Tyrant Sect, super power, unique, has dominated for tens of thousands of years, has always stood firm, has always been the hegemony of the cultivation world, no one can shake it, and this time the leader is the third elder of Tyrant Sect , Elder Bahai, a master in the middle stage of the Mahayana, with a mastery of extreme training in the sea, when the Nutao fist is released, it is like a raging wind and raging sea, waves surging to the sky, and the sea god is furious. Few people can compete for the top with one punch.

The Tianji Sect in the Southern Region, since the Tianjizi suzerain ascended, only five elders have taken the post of suzerain, and they are in charge of the sect. This time, the leader of the team is the fourth elder, Tian Lingzi, a peak master in the mid-Mahayana period. Tianji swordsmanship has always been Tianji The sect's untransmitted secret, except for a few elders and the suzerain, no one can cultivate it. Once the Tianji swordsmanship is released, the sword breaks the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon are dark, continuous, like an angry dragon churning, destroying everything.

In the Northern Territory, Shenwuzong, one of the five great powers, the suzerain Wu Cangtian, the elders of his disciples and his direct disciples each practiced a Potianquan method. At the peak in the middle and late stages, and in the early stage of Mahayana, one hand, the Potianquan, has been practiced to a great success, enough to smash the sky and the ground, and with one punch, it has the domineering intention to destroy everything in front of it.

In the Eastern Region, Tianlin Sect, the suzerain Tianlinzi, is known as the white-clothed sword, Wuji magic skill, open to all rivers, one-handed Wuji swordsmanship, this swordmanship is unpredictable, one sword out, ghosts and gods are frightened, it combines ten thousand swordsmanship in one body, extracts Essence, but it is extremely difficult to practice. If you can practice this sword technique, then it must be a peerless master. This time, the person who came here is the second elder of Tianlinzong, the elder of Wujian. In the early stage of Mahayana, he was dressed in Tsing Yi, with a slender figure, two meters long in waist and hips The sword, standing at the forefront of the faction, is particularly conspicuous, especially the long sword that grows much longer than ordinary long swords.

In the Western Regions, Ba Dao Sect, the suzerain Ba Wuji, this person acts domineeringly, insolently, and possesses divine skills, brave and fierce. Once the divine power of Guitian comes out, he is unstoppable and can cut rivers, mountains, rivers, the sun and the moon.Fight people, go forward bravely, and don't stop until the enemy is destroyed or you die.Therefore, all the disciples under his sect are fierce and full of domineering spirit. This time, the deputy suzerain is leading the team, and he is mad and insolent.

Many people from other third-rate to fifth-rate sects also came, Wuchen Sect, Maple Leaf Villa, Hehuan Sect, Zi Family, etc., all brought their disciples, and Hong Ling, Zhou Ming, and Zhou Zilin were also among them. .

When they came outside the foggy forest, none of the people spoke, and no one planned to go into the foggy forest to find out. After all, no one would go there knowing that they would die, let alone the center of the foggy forest. The reason is that now the periphery has also become violent because of the riots in the center, with evil spirits and fog churning.Looking up, there are dark clouds rolling in the sky at this moment, the wind and thunder are humming, and there are thunder and lightning.Arm-thick lightning flies like silver snakes, densely packed. Although their giants are all masters in the Mahayana period, seeing this scene, their scalps are numb and their mouths are dry. They also experienced being struck by lightning when they first crossed the catastrophe. The taste on the body, that taste can be said to be unforgettable for others, the mood is complicated and inexplicable, the heart is looking forward to the catastrophe, but is afraid of the catastrophe, if you overcome the catastrophe, you will go one step further if you succeed, and if you fail, you will die.

forest center

At this time, the Nascent Soul in Leng Yun's body is covered with lightning, and if you observe carefully, you will find that the shape of the veins of the thunder and lightning adult gradually disappears into the body of the Nascent Soul, but the speed is very slow. According to this situation, it will take a long time. It takes only a short time to fully enter Yuanying's body, and Yuanying is pinching the esoteric formula in his hand at this time, constantly swallowing thunder and lightning, and the giant sword in Leng Yun's mind is also constantly following a certain method in the depths of his mind. They danced regularly, and with the flying of the giant sword, the sky in the center of the forest was already extremely dark at this time, and the storm of thunder and lightning became more intense.

And the spiritual energy tornado formed at this time also became more violent and thick, forming a funnel-shaped shape, connecting from Leng Yun's body to the air and surroundings, and all kinds of spiritual energy also rushed in. Among them, I am afraid that he died because of being sucked by the spiritual vortex and exploded by the violent impact.

Ten days have passed and the situation is still going on.

20 days have passed......

A month has passed...

Outside the forest, some of the countless forces were standing there, some were talking in a low voice, and some were sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed.

Overlord, super giant. : "Third Elder, you always look at what happened in this foggy forest. It has been so long, and this situation has never stopped. Is it someone who is cultivating or a spiritual object is going through the catastrophe? Is there something wrong with the treasure? ?”

The third elder replied: "Young master, I can't say for sure. Here, the spiritual sense cannot be used, otherwise it will be swallowed or corroded by evil spirits. It is extremely dangerous. As for your saying that someone is cultivating in it, how can you say that?" It's also a bit different. The misty forest has existed in the cultivation world for hundreds of thousands of years. I've never heard of someone staying in it for such a long time. It's the peak master in the late stage of the Sanxian Bu Mahayana, who uses the ultimate cultivation base and the best spiritual weapon to protect himself. You can't stay in the misty forest for long, and you can't enter the center of the forest at all, so this possibility is unlikely. It is caused by the transformation of spiritual objects. Evil energy, thunder and lightning bombardment, and the help of wind and cloud, such a large amount of spiritual energy absorbed, would have exploded long ago. This amount of spiritual energy and all these signs are the suzerain's old man's cultivation level, and I am afraid it is impossible to escape at this moment , If it were me, I would have exploded a long time ago, so the possibility of this is extremely small. As for the treasure to be born, the possibility is still very high. Some spirit treasures will absorb spiritual energy and cultivate independently. Spirit treasures at the peak or before immortal weapons, that is, semi-immortal weapons, most of them have a weak weapon spirit in them, and they are also born with consciousness, and with their own consciousness, they will also self-cultivate, evolving from spiritual weapons to spiritual treasures. Immortal artifacts must have a large supply of spiritual energy in the middle, and need to be forged and tempered by lightning. If successful, it will become a real immortal artifact, and this immortal artifact will evolve by itself, and its power is stronger than ordinary immortal artifacts Countless, if the real fairy artifact is going to be born this time, Yan'er, I will definitely help you get it with all my might. By then, no one can shake the power, strength, and status of my Batianzong. Your prestige will be higher, your status will be more consolidated, and the next generation suzerain is none other than you. Don’t you often say that your greatest ideal and wish is to unify the four major domains? By then, it will be just around the corner! As for other forces, You don't have to worry, with their jumping clowns, there is no danger, forgive them for not daring to compete with us for the fairy artifact, hum!"

": What Elder Bahai said is very true! The four major sects in the East, West, North, South and North regions have occupied these regions for a long time, hum! The Tianyuan Continent is so big, it has countless resources, and the resources that their several major sects hand over to us every year It's getting more and more limited, and the good things must be taken by themselves!"

": Hahaha, young suzerain, don't worry, the suzerain knows all the small calculations of their sects, and they will not be at peace for long. By then, don't all their resources, treasures, and beauties be at our disposal? Haha Ha ha!"

": Yes, Elder Bahai, you have always been the person I respect and respect the most. If I succeed in obtaining the fairy artifact this time, I will never forget your old kindness, and I will definitely support you to be elected as the Great Elder at that time! "

": Hahaha, as long as Yan'er has a heart!" A burst of unscrupulous laughter sounded.

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