The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 39, Elder Sister in the Palace 1

From the beginning to the end, Leng Yun did not see the faces of the two women. Looking at the replays of those scenes, the man was too terrifying. His realm was much higher, but he also died under his hands. It can be said that his combat power is against the sky, but such a person will eventually fall.

Leng Yun watched from a distance, his heart filled with a sense of sadness, a generation of strong men were besieged and killed by tens of thousands of people from all major forces, and died in the battle until their blood was dry and filled with hatred.

The gray misty image gradually condensed the figure of the man, with a tall and heroic body and an unrivaled arrogance.

"Ah. I hate the sky, the earth, and the world."

The man looked up at the sky and let out a roar, his monstrous hatred soared straight to the sky, and then the figure gradually blurred and faded, and finally disappeared.

Listening to that voice, Leng Yun could clearly feel the indescribably deep hatred, that kind of hatred, the hatred that collapsed the sky and cracked the earth.

"Who is he? He was besieged and killed by the forces of the world. If it were me, I should hate him so much." Leng Yun said to himself, feeling sad in his heart.

As soon as the words fell, a golden light suddenly shrouded Leng Yun, and in a flash, Leng Yun disappeared.

When Leng Yun suddenly saw the golden light, he wanted to escape, but before he could make a move, he found that he had left the main hall at that time and came to an unknown place in the palace.

Looking around, I realized that it was like a room. There were three putans in the room. Three meters in front of the three putans, there was a desk made of unknown objects. There seemed to be three boxes and boxes on the desk. A picture scroll.

And on the wall facing the desk, there are three paintings, a man in the middle and two women next to them.

"This? This... Isn't this the three people I saw on the screen outside the hall just now? How could there be an image here?" Leng Yun couldn't help being surprised, but he admired the three people even more. In front of the portrait, he respectfully bowed down.

"Leng Yun, a disciple of the Tianji Sect, was accidentally knocked down here by the Heavenly Tribulation. He didn't intend to disturb the rest of the senior. Please forgive me""

"Hey, has it been 5000 million years? Someone finally found this place."

Just as Leng Yun raised his head, a voice from an illusory woman suddenly came, and he couldn't help being shocked, "Ah, are you guys senior? Are you still alive? That's great."

"It's been 5000 million years before you know it. What's your name? Which realm is this?" the woman asked

Senior and junior are called Leng Yun, disciples of Tianji Sect, and this is the Misty Forest, a forbidden place in the realm of comprehension. "Leng Yun said

"Forbidden place? Then how did you get in? Aren't you afraid of the evil spirit outside?"

"The physique of the younger generation may be a little special, so they are not afraid of the evil spirits outside."

"Oh? That's right. It's a little strange that you are a disciple of the god stage, but you have the body of an immortal. It's not surprising that you are not afraid of the evil spirit of the second world. Hehe... It's been a long time since no one talked with me. Hey, it feels so good to have someone to talk with. It's a pity..."

"Senior, what's the pity? Could it be that the other two seniors...?"

"That's right, the two of them have already... and now I only have a faint ray of consciousness left. When we were in the semi-holy vessel from the place where the space was turbulent, we also It was this palace that fell here unintentionally. We were also seriously injured at the time, and our skills were greatly damaged. We had no choice but to cultivate here all the time. Unexpectedly, the injuries were too serious. As time went by, we... .Now only my obsession is left, and this obsession is about to dissipate."

"Senior, no. I saw the three of you, husband and wife, show off your might and invincible heroic posture earlier. How could that be???"

"Hehehe, since we are destined to meet here after five thousand and five years, and it is also destined, I will call you Yun'er."

"The younger generation can't wait for it, hehehe."

"Well, Yun'er, I have something to tell you, listen carefully."

"Yes, Leng Yun is listening."

"Did you see that desk? Among the three boxes, the one on the left is my sister's ultimate artifact, the Zhentian Qin, and there is also a set of cultivation methods for this piano, called "Mao Mingjue". The higher the person's cultivation level is, the greater the power will be, just like the sound of ten thousand gnats, shaking people's souls, shaking people's minds, and powerful power, and the one in the middle is my husband's weapon, the Dragon Chanting Excalibur. Needless to say, the last box is mine; Phantom Excalibur; it is also a top-grade artifact, and he needs a powerful spiritual sense to control it. The stronger the spiritual sense, the bigger the sword array he forms, and the greater the power. It also depends on how many sword shadows you can control. Although it is a sword shadow, he is not illusory. The Phantom Excalibur, that is to say, when it is most powerful, it can launch a million swords to form a sword formation to attack. At that time, I could only say that the power of this sword was only 80 swords. There is a set of sword formations in it Jue, called "Nine Heavens Sword Formation", is the essence of what I have learned all my life. Now I will not give you the weapon and this palace, but you can take the rest away. You must practice hard and don't let them Follow us into nothingness, although I can't give you your husband's weapon and palace, but the three of us, my husband and I, can't miss one thing for you, this; Zengshen Pill; I will give it to you, You wait for a while and refine it, and I will help you until you can easily control the strength of the consciousness of a hundred swords, which can be regarded as making up for my husband's meeting gift, Yun'er, would you like it?"

At this time, Leng Yun was already stunned by what he heard, and in a daze, he picked up a huge treasure, an artifact. I'm afraid no one in the entire cultivation world has seen it?I'm not dreaming, am I?

"Yun'er, would you like to be our second-generation disciple? Or younger brother, too," there was a hint of expectation in the voice. "

"Ah, sister, brother-in-law, my brother Leng Yun has met you all, thank you two sisters for your generosity, and my brother will definitely carry forward your unique skills and create brilliance forever."

"Okay, okay, we finally have relatives, a good brother, sister, husband, you can rest in peace."

"Qin'er, Ying'er, come out and meet your new master in the future, that is, my younger brother. Hurry up." Just as the words fell, two jade boxes on the left and right of the desk suddenly shone with dazzling light, and the jade box suddenly opened automatically. Come on, two white lights flashed, and I saw two super cute children of four or five years old, a man and a woman, appearing in front of the portrait of the woman holding a long sword.

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