The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 64 Fierce Battle

Leng Yun turned to look at the two people who were dealing with him here, and the two of them also turned their heads to look at Leng Yun at the same time. Leng Yun's every move was as if he was on guard against a big enemy, more like guarding against thieves than thieves.

Leng Yun looked at the actions of the two of them inexplicably, okay!You don't move, and I don't move, but someone will definitely move first, it depends on how long those people can endure.

Leng Yun once again scanned the group of people tens of miles away with his consciousness, only to find that more than 300 people were flying towards here at high speed. Undisguisedly exuded.

In a blink of an eye, more than 300 people appeared at the scene, and they were the group of people dozens of miles away. When the three people saw the purple-robed old man, they rushed over immediately, as if they had been wronged and bullied. Suddenly, he saw his father.

"Wooooow, Patriarch, you want to avenge me! Woooooo!" The sixth elder, who was crying sadly, saw the old man, and immediately said to the old man.

The old man looked at the sixth elder whose face was swollen like a pig-headed three, and hated him so much that he really wanted to slap him to death, but seeing that it was the time for employing people, he had to force a smile on his face and let go of his tightly clenched fists. "Don't worry, Elder Six, I will definitely avenge you and seek justice!" As he spoke, he walked into the arena first.

As soon as Jialin saw that everyone was here, he also came to Leng Yun's side and stood with Leng Yun.

": Are you Leng Yun? Are you going to catch him without a fight, or will you fight to the end? But no matter what, you can't escape my palm today, hahaha!"

": Who are you? I have no grievances or enmities with you, why do you plan to deal with me?" Leng Yun asked coldly.

": Why? What a why! Leng Yun, right? Do you remember the hundreds of people you beheaded 20 years ago? Do you remember the plain outside Wuyou City? Do you remember the Zi family? Do you remember that you beheaded yourself My son, the young master of the Zi family and the elders of the outer sect? Hahaha, I, the patriarch of the Zi family, Zi Wuji, why not come to seek justice?" At the end of the speech, he shouted angrily.

": So it's you, the Zi family! A bunch of rubbish, the small ones are not good birds, and the old ones are not things! Since you want the young master's life, then come!" Leng Yun suddenly remembered that he had indeed beheaded him back then. I killed a young master of the Zi family, but even if he was beheaded, there was nothing to say, even if it happened again, he would still be beheaded.

": After a mere distraction, you dare to be so arrogant. I will give you a way. Be my adopted son and entrust the secret treasure to me for safekeeping. You are the only young master of the Zi family. How about it?" Zi Wuji said arrogantly.

": It's not dark yet, and you're dreaming? Hmph, look at the sword!" Leng Yun knew that this matter could not be resolved, and there must be a hard fight. Since a battle is inevitable, let's do it first. Qiang said: "Brother Jia, take care of yourself, if you can't, you go first, I will catch up with you!" While speaking, he flew up.

": Baifeng Chaoyang Sword Art, ten thousand swords!" Amidst the roar, a sword slashed out fiercely, and the space was immediately shattered, with unparalleled sword energy, peerless sharpness, and thousands of sword shadows overwhelming the sky. Hundreds of people from Xiangzi's family hurried away.

": Beast!" Zi Wuji, the head of the Zi family, saw that Leng Yun dared to make a move in front of him, and he was so vicious when he made the move, so he immediately became furious, and shouted, "Ziji's magical skill, Zi Wuji! Cloud hand!" While speaking, he stretched out his purple jade-like hand and almost grabbed the epee in Leng Yun's hand.

A huge palm condensed from the peak skill in the early stage of Mahayana shrouded down like a huge giant spirit palm, but in the sky, there were also countless sword shadows colliding with the huge palm, ": ding ding ding, click Boom!" Countless collisions sounded, and finally the palm-like palm of the giant spirit was broken, and at the same time, those remaining countless sword shadows fell in the crowd of the Zi family. For a while, there were screams and roars. , The mournful cries were endless, a team of hundreds of people, more than 100 people were killed by Leng Yun with one move, and the rest were struggling to resist the attack, and the booming sound was even more continuous.

": Damn, it's so vicious, take your life!" Zi Wuji saw that his own family's children had killed or injured more than 100 people under Leng Yun's move. He shouted loudly, and ran towards Leng Yun in an instant, his hands also turned deep purple, and with an incomparable killing intent, he rushed towards Leng Yun.

"Hahaha, old dog, come and chase after you if you have the ability!" Leng Yun sneered, there are only more than 100 people, it's still early, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, if you step into me, I will definitely It depends on who the other party is. Now that this group of people has met me, if they are from other sects, they will definitely kill each other today, and there is no possibility of them surviving. The fourth master of the Batian Sect in the Central Territory is now completely useless. The fourth master feels uncomfortable and sad at this time, but, as well as the past care, care, love, and care for him, Leng Yun is even more angry and sad , Extremely sad, and at the same time, I also saved these people in my heart to use all means to kill, kill all these scum, scum, insidious and despicable hypocrites, murderous intentions, murderous intentions in my eyes, and rushing in my heart.

Looking at Zi Wuji who was approaching quickly, Leng Yun showed a cruel killing intent in his eyes, and he moved across the sky, avoiding Zi Wuji's route, and ran towards the people of the Zi family.

": Baifeng Chaoyang!" With a loud shout, the epee in his hand fiercely slashed at everyone in the Zi family, one sword after another, his body was full of mutated true energy, carrying a terrifying and terrifying aura that everyone feared , following the sword shadow, the blade bombarded away.

This is a hellish scene, this is a one-sided massacre scene, this is a Shura-like method, this is an unforgettable scene, countless people's bodies exploded, and the broken limbs flew all over the sky , The blood mist drifted away with the wind, and the ground flowed like a river.

The people's screams, screams, painful cries for help and horrified helpless sounds were intertwined together, which was more bloody and violent than Shura Hell.And Zi Wuji, who was struggling to chase after Leng Yun, roared even more furiously, but although his cultivation was advanced, his speed was too far behind Leng Yun's. Watching Leng Yun killing wantonly in the crowd, he couldn't stop him.

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