The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 73 The disciple is late 1

While everyone was still immersed in Wu Linger's peerless face and alluring smile, a phantom-like figure suddenly rushed to the elder Tianlingzi who was tied up, and Tianlingzi, who was watching with concern, saw the cold When Yun Huajian flew up, he already knew what Leng Yun was going to do next. The tears that flowed from the end couldn't help but dripped from his godless eyes. Looking at Leng Yun anxiously, he shot it quickly. Tianlingzi couldn't help but secretly sighed, it was too late to say anything now.

But the hundreds of Batianzong disciples guarding Tianlingzi were the first to react, and they all took out their weapons, swung a series of attacks, and hit the figure that was approaching rapidly.

": Boom, boom, boom!" The sounds of several attacks collided together, and the sky-shattering boom spread, and waves of spiritual energy shot out. Only then did everyone wake up from the shock of the peerless beauty.

": The Tianji Sect is here to rob someone, hurry up! Quickly! Catch this person!" Many people in the crowd of Batianzong shouted.

And Leng Yun saw that the disciples of the Tyrant Heaven Sect had noticed, and several attacks came, brandishing the heavy sword, splitting one after another attack, and came to Tian Lingzi in a flash, "Fourth master, the apprentice is late!" I made you suffer, come! Let's go home, back to Tianjizong!" Leng Yun knelt down heavily in front of Tian Lingzi, but he also knew that time was tight and he couldn't say much, so Leng Yun stood up, Secretly slashing with Ying'er's body sword, the high-ranking sister Lingsuo scattered like tofu, carried Tianlingzi behind her back, and tied Tianlingzi with herself with a silk ribbon.

Holding an epee, standing on the ground, his eyes became sharper at this moment, looking at the approaching crowd full of murderous intent and murderous intent, and the suzerains of Batianzong and Shenwuzong, Tianlinzong, Badaozong, etc. Standing together, when Leng Yun's figure moved, several people had already noticed that Ba Tianji just wanted to ask someone to kill Leng Yun, but he was horrified, shocked, and helplessly closed his eyes. He pursed his lips, and quietly watched with the suzerains.

": This son is really brave. In front of tens of millions of people, he dares to come here alone to save people, and he is only at the mid-stage of distraction. Brother Tianji, Brother Wuji, Brother Tiannan, what should you do? You won't use the strong to bully the weak, and weaken the reputation of a few major sects, right? Hahaha," Wu Cangtian couldn't help but smile.

": Hahaha, brother Cang Tian was joking, this sub-district is just a distraction period, don't worry, I will not defeat him with my strength, people below the middle stage of the Mahayana, if he can take the sky bell from these people So what if the son is rescued, after all, no matter what, if this person can succeed, it means that the son's life is serious, and Tianlingzi's life should not be terminated, but if it can't, it can only be said that their lives are bad, and they can't blame others! "Batianji, the lord of the Batian Sect, said.Although I was confused about the sound transmission of the divine consciousness just now, just in case, I still arranged it according to the ancestor of the sound transmission.

": Yes, we also think the same way, I will not send people in the middle and late stage of Mahayana to bully a junior! Hehehe!" Tian Nanzi or Ba Wuji also said.

": Alright! Let's see what this son can do to take Tianlingzi away! Hehehe!" Then, several suzerains stood on the clouds and watched.

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