The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 75 The First Batch of Interception

As soon as he left the foot of Batianzong's mountain, he was stopped by about eight or nine thousand people. Looking at the people in front of him, Leng Yun stopped and fell to the ground. He knew that these people were the first wave of interceptors. Conscientious shooting, nine thousand 9000 three people, more than 210 people in the tribulation period, golden core, distraction, and more than 300 people in the fusion period, Leng Yun smiled coldly in his heart, and deal with me in the tribulation period of three hundred years. Period, hehehe, it really is a big deal, are you determined to keep me in the first round?However, it is not certain who will have the last laugh.

And Tian Lingzi, who was lying on Leng Yun's back, felt cold when he saw so many masters on the opposite side. It seemed that God didn't open his eyes, and wanted to keep Yun'er here at the first level.

Leng Yun slowly stretched out his epee, the tip of the sword pointed obliquely at the ground, and the light of the sword fluctuated. He said to the people opposite him, "Are you ready? Then come on! Let me see if your weight is enough!" As he spoke, he took a step forward, and everyone felt Leng Yun's figure disappear from everyone's eyes.

"Where are people? Where did they go?" If they hadn't seen the two little kids standing opposite each other and making faces at them, everyone would have wondered if Leng Yun hadn't been here yet.

While everyone was looking around, they suddenly heard screams from the crowd behind them. Blood mist rose in clusters, stumps and broken bodies flew around, and a phantom-like figure kept shuttling through the crowd.

When everyone came back to their senses, dozens of people had already been beheaded by Leng Yunsheng, and all of them were lying on the ground with their limbs mutilated. , the true essence that contained evil energy was transmitted out even more crazily. It is painful.Leng Yun was cold-eyed, holding an epee, and didn't care about the screams of those people. When he saw the tragic situation of his fourth master Tianlingzi at that time, in his heart, these people had already been sentenced to death. Now that he knows the pain, he would rather die Well, when you happily bully those who are weak or even powerless, why don't you think about their pain?No!Since not, then use your own body and blood to taste it.

": Baifeng Chaoyang Sword Art!" With a loud shout, the sword in his hand slashed fiercely at the people who kept coming. Facing the attacks of countless people, Leng Yun always used his speed advantage to dodge. If he really couldn't dodge the attack, relying on his extremely tyrannical body, he would block Tian Lingzi behind him, and even put all the body protection spiritual weapons on Tian Lingzi's body.

Countless sword lights and sword shadows flew towards everyone in the sky. For a while, the sound of weapons clashing, the sound of bombardment and explosions of Yuanli, and the screams of dying people could be heard endlessly. Why did this person dare to save people by himself with his mid-stage cultivation base, and at the same time, he regretted that he should not have mixed in. However, there are all kinds of elixir, fairy medicine, and even magic medicine in the world. But only one medicine is not available, regret medicine!Yes, there is no regret medicine in the world, if you can return everything to the past, if you make a wrong choice, you have to be responsible for your own choice, and this responsibility is too big, too big, and being responsible means losing your life!

everything in sight,

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