The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 80 My Sect, My Home

In the arena, the desperate fight continued, everyone was so red-eyed, and batches fell one after another. Now the scene is extremely chaotic. There are profound and powerful formulas in the sky, but they can't be used. What they are fighting now is their own. Body, hand-to-hand combat, screams, and the sound of weapons colliding, resounded continuously, the sky was filled with blood mist, blood was sprayed everywhere, and at some point in the sky, it began to drizzle, and the blood stains on everyone's bodies mixed with the rainwater. With the body flowing on the ground, the bright red blood on the ground gradually gathered with the rainwater, flowing everywhere like a stream, and the ground began to become muddy.

The rain gradually became heavier and heavier, but the number of people in the field kept falling and decreased. There were already many corpses lying on the ground, and the screams became more and more loud. The number of people alive was less than 20. But on the opposite side of the 20 people stood a young man covered in blood and holding a big knife. Looking at the majestic and heroic posture of the man opposite, everyone was frightened. I understand that at this moment, I have reached the last moment of my own life and death. If the other party does not fall, or if I do not fall, there is no second possibility.

": Kill! Kill!" Both sides yelled at the same time, raised their weapons, and slashed at each other fiercely, ": Boom boom...!" Dozens of bangs, dozens of middle-grade, high-grade spirits Slashing on Leng Yun's body, everyone was overjoyed at the same time, but the sound that came to their ears was not the sound of soldiers entering the flesh, but on an extremely hard object. Everyone looked at the sharp blade in their hands, and everyone was stunned. Opening his eyes, he saw that each of his spirit soldiers had shattered into pieces. These were spirit soldiers, not scrap metal.Everyone was horrified to see that their weapons were still slashing at the opponent's intact body, and they couldn't help but look up at the man in front of him who still didn't care anymore. He continued to raise the big knife slightly, and suddenly, slowly At an extremely fast speed, the big knife in his hand flashed past the bodies of more than twenty people, and the two sides did not move any more.

": Why is this happening?...Why?" Among the more than 20 people, one of the peak masters in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe slowly raised his head, looked at Leng Yun and asked.

": There's no reason, it's just that you guys made the wrong choice!" Leng Yun replied coldly, then turned his head and walked away.

": Boo Chi...!" A series of blood pillars rushed into the air like a fountain, and more than 20 people were all cut in half by the flashing sword. As soon as he left his body, before he had time to escape, he suddenly turned into spiritual energy, dissipated between the heaven and the earth, and became a part of the heaven and the earth. As early as the beginning, Leng Yun's Yuanli sword light itself contained evil spirit, and then After a long period of fighting, Nascent Soul has already been corroded by the evil spirit, so there is no possibility of escaping.Everything returned to calm. The second interception ended with the annihilation of the entire army. There was only one person in the field standing with a big knife in his hand. His clothes were soaked in blood, and the blood dripped continuously to the ground. ...

": Those who insult my sect, kill! Those who insult my relatives, kill! My sect, my family, and the same sect are my relatives. For my family and my relatives, what's the problem with killing the whole world?! I I'm not a devil, but in order for them not to be humiliated and hurt, I would rather be a devil king and fall into hell forever!" Muttering to himself, the voice was not very loud, like talking to himself, swearing, or saying Listening to the world, it was like..., but the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people on the scene heard it all. The scene was extremely silent, only the sound of raindrops dripping on the ground, as if they were crying, for those who died on the ground. People were crying, and it seemed that they were crying because of his words. Everyone couldn't tell what it was like or how they felt at this moment, but it seemed that something was stirred in their hearts.

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