The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 86 Entrusted to 2 Little 2

Facing these people who gave up the siege, none of the onlookers ridiculed or sarcastically, some only encouraged and comforted them, and only they knew this best, because they witnessed Leng Yun all the way. How did Jianshashen break through the siege step by step and come to the present.Although there are two masters in the early stage of Mahayana standing in front of them, these people are not optimistic about these two masters in the early stage of Mahayana.

": Courting death!" One of the masters at the early stage of Mahayana shouted angrily, his figure flashed, and he appeared on top of the person who left, and slapped his palm hard.

"Hmph! He's leaving, who dares to stop him!" Another figure suddenly appeared, and Leng Yun appeared in front of the early Mahayana master, raised his fist and punched out, "Boom!" There was a muffled thunderous sound, and the two The Taoist figure also retreated tens of meters at the same time.Far away.

": Go over quickly, no one dares to stop you!" Leng Yun said to the person who left with deep shame and gratitude.

": Thank you brother Leng, brother, I was wrong, I was blinded by greed, please let brother Leng ignore the past, my lord is a lot!" Said Juan looked at Leng Yun fieryly.

"It's good to understand! Well, go, I won't care about the brothers and sisters who gave up helping the evil, don't worry!" Leng Yun smiled slightly.

": Good! Let's give up too!", "Yes! We won't intercept it either!" Countless figures also left the crowd, and more and more people left. After a while, only Liao Liao remained Dozens of people are still carrying sharp knives.

": Good! You are stubborn! Die!" Leng Yun's figure flashed, and he went towards the dozens of people whose minds were still occupied by desire. In front of Mahayana Qigao, who held the palm, he didn't say a word.

On the opposite side of Leng Yun, the Mahayana master who had palmed each other stood together with another Mahayana master, with his hands behind his back, beheading Leng Yun and beheading the last few dozen people this time without making any movement.

In fact, the two masters at the Mahayana stage were even more terrified at this time, and they were exchanging spiritual knowledge, "Brother Yang, this guy is really powerful. The punch just now made my hands numb!" The gray-clothed Mahayana master said.

": What? Brother Zhou, is this guy really that powerful? Maybe it's just his physical strength or some kind of secret treasure in his hand. Otherwise, how can he fight against each other without dying in the middle stage of distraction?"

": That's right! Then, just in case, let's catch or kill this kid together! To avoid having long nights and dreams, after success, you and I will get half and half, how about it?"

": Good! Just follow Brother Zhou's words!" The gray-clothed old man immediately agreed.

"Little Leng Yun, you are really good at tricks, ruthless and merciless. You really deserve your reputation. You have killed so many cultivators. Heaven will not allow it. Today, you will save your life!" After finishing speaking, the old man surnamed Zhou looked at Leng Yun. Yun slapped it fiercely with his palm, and the space within a hundred meters collapsed immediately, and the bucket-thick Yuanli attack column rushed towards Leng Yun.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, where Leng Yun was standing, a huge earth pit about a kilometer deep and a width of about [-] meters appeared on the spot. The rainwater from the sky merged with the blood on the ground, and gradually into this pit.

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