The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 89 Brother Jialin is a Woman

When the wave of spiritual energy dissipated, the scene had already become nothing like a human being, and the ground had dropped tens of thousands of meters. A huge basin was formed, and rocks and magma [-] meters deep were exposed underground. powder, and the two masters who blew themselves up in the early days of Mahayana have no ashes left.

As for Leng Yun, Leng Yun's figure was not seen at the scene for a long time, and there was no such heavy aura of Leng Yun at the scene.

": Leng Yun, Leng Yun, my Leng Yun, where is my man!?" Wu Ling'er hurriedly stopped the two children to come to the fighting scene after the wave of spiritual energy passed, but there was nothing at the scene except a huge basin. nothing.

": No! No!... Leng Yun, come out! Come out quickly! I am Jialin, I am Ling'er! Leng Yun, come out quickly! Woooooo, you said, In the future, I will have barbecue for me, Leng Yun... Woooooo, you bastard, where are you!?..." At this moment, Wu Linger only felt a burst of blackness in front of her eyes, Leng Yun, who had already been in front of her In her heart, deeply engraved in her heart, she has already regarded him as her future support, future harbor, future husband, she has already fallen in love with him deeply, fell in love with him.Even, regardless of his status and identity, even in front of hundreds of millions of practitioners, he lost his composure and face!She only wants the person she likes and the person she loves to appear in front of her.

Seeing the crumbling Wu Ling'er, Ying'er supported Wu Ling'er.

"Mistress, don't worry, the master is fine, he doesn't die so easily!" Ying'er hurriedly comforted the future mistress in front of her, looking at the mistress's eyes that were about to lose luster, Ying'er thought It was also a shock.

This kind of situation is a sign of hope for life, no memory of life, wanting to die, wanting to be free, and self-enclosed. Once the soul is self-enclosed, it will be difficult for this person to wake up forever.

Therefore, Ying'er glanced at a space not far away, and hurriedly said to Wu Ling'er.

": Leng Yun! Leng Yun is not dead? How do you know? How do you know! Where is he? Tell me quickly...!" Wu Ling'er had dull eyes, but in a haze, she heard Ying'er say so , his eyes suddenly burst into a bright light again, and he asked Ying'er while holding Ying'er's hand tightly.

": Yes, mistress, the master is not dead, but he will have to wait for a while to appear!" Ying'er nodded affirmatively.

": Ying'er, is it true? You didn't lie to me?" Wu Ling'er was afraid that Ying'er would lie to her, and she didn't want to hold on to hope and end up in despair.

": Mistress! Don't worry, the master is fine, he's just tired, he needs to take a rest, and he'll be out in a while!" Said Qin'er, who was carrying Tianlingzi on her back, floating in the air at a height of one person.

": That's good! That's good! Let's wait until he comes out!" Wu Linger let go of the big stone in her heart when she heard Qin'er say the same, and she also felt that the second child would not lie to her.

All of this is a long story, but all of this happened in an instant. Hundreds of millions of onlookers d were more shocked than when Leng Yun was fighting against two Mahayana masters. Appreciate and understand the mood and expression.

The number one beauty in the world of self-cultivation actually fell in love with Leng Yun, a freak against the heavens, this killing god?And it seems that she is still after Leng Yun?What is even more shocking and surprising is that, as the eldest lady of Shenwuzong, the great overlord of the cultivation world, and the number one beauty in the cultivation world, she gave up her dignity and self-esteem for him, and said Leng Yun's words in front of hundreds of millions of people. He is her future husband.Although a cultivator has no integrity, how much courage does it take for a woman, especially a woman who has not left the cabinet, to dare to publicly admit in front of hundreds of millions of cultivators that she likes Leng Yun and loves Leng Yun?How deep is the love.

A beauty deserves a hero, everyone present can only envy and understand, they know that only Leng Yun can match her, and only her, the number one beauty in the cultivation world, can match Leng Yun. It's cliche, but it's so true and so appropriate!

If it wasn't for Leng Yun's whereabouts, life and death, and Wu Linger's chaos, everyone present would probably not know that Wu Linger's last husband was Leng Yun, and Leng Yun's last wife was Wu Linger.Uh, this is big news, big news that shocked the entire comprehension world, a peerless enchanting, a peerless god of war.Cough cough cough, beautiful women match beasts!Countless people have bad thoughts in their hearts.

"Brother Wu, what do you mean? Are you really going to turn against us?" Ba Tianji, the patriarch of the Batian Sect, said coldly.

": That's right, brother Wu, we don't want to disagree with the major sects, so let's persuade the niece Xian, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!" Tian Linzi also said.

": Hahaha, brother Tian, ​​brother Wuji, I won't take care of the affairs of the younger generation. It's good that she is my daughter, but I have no right to arrange her life and choose happiness for her. You say, don't you? As for turning around, hahaha, everyone knows that I, Wu Cangtian, am not afraid of anyone!" Wu Cangtian's eyes flashed coldly, and he laughed loudly.

": Good! Since Brother Wu has made up his mind, we have nothing to say. I hope that my niece Xian will not be a widow in the future!" Ba Tianji said coldly.

": Hahaha, don't bother me! When they set up wine, I will definitely ask a few people to come and have a drink, hahaha!" Wu Cangtian also said.

In the depths of the starry sky, "Hahaha, this little girl has vision and courage! I like it! Hahaha!" Tian Jianzi laughed loudly.

": Huh?" The others, looking at me and you, could only shake their heads helplessly.

"It's been so long, why hasn't Leng Yun come out yet? Leng Yun, where are you? Come out quickly!..." Wu Linger looked around anxiously.

": Cough cough cough, who is calling me?" There was a movement in the space, and a figure staggered and appeared in front of everyone. At this moment, Leng Yun had blood on the corners of his mouth, messy hair, and his clothes were no better than beggars. Few places reveal strong muscles.

As soon as Leng Yun appeared in the space, he faintly heard someone calling him, so he asked in a dizzy manner. "Leng Yun? It's really you, you're really still alive, woo woo woo...!" Leng Yun suddenly felt a fiery body rushing into his arms. Before he could react, he smelled a familiar smell. Smell, he is very familiar with this smell, it is the same as the smell on brother Jialin he knew before, it smells good and charming.

But when he saw it, the person in his arms was clearly a woman, not the imagined Jialin, so he hurriedly pushed the person in his arms away.

": Uh, girl, did you recognize the wrong person? Uh, you are...!" Leng Yun pushed away the woman in front of him, and at a glance, he couldn't figure it out, I'm fucking!Isn't this Wu Linger, the number one beauty in the world? At this time, Wu Linger's eyes are full of tears, the pear blossoms are raining, and she looks pitiful, as well as her charming and peerless appearance. In Leng Yun's heart at this moment, There is an indescribable feeling.

": You are, cough, cough, Miss Wu, you have misunderstood someone. It is true that my name is Leng Yun, but I don't know you! Besides,... in front of so many people, cough cough cough!" Leng Yun nodded. Breaking out in cold sweat, beautiful women, as expected, not everyone can bear it, what's more, the situation in front of me has not been clarified yet, it is necessary to keep a distance, although this woman is indeed outrageously beautiful.

": Hahaha, master, this is the mistress! While Qin'er and Ying'er were talking at the same time, they blinked mischievously, and the sky bell on Qin'er's back saw that there was no one in the field. Seeing Leng Yun's figure, Tianlingzi's heart suddenly became icy cold, she was distraught, and dizzy for a while, but Qin'er's strength had already discovered Tianlingzi's situation, and she quickly fed Tianlingzi's mouth. After taking a few pills, and grabbing them casually, a cloud of extremely pure spiritual energy penetrated into Tian Lingzi's body.

Seeing that Leng Yun was safe and sound at this time, I was extremely happy, and tears flowed down again uncontrollably. This disciple just makes people worry.However, as long as he is safe and sound, I would rather die and suffer on his behalf.

Tianjizong square: "Wow! The elder Huzong is amazing, the wife of the elder Huzong is so beautiful, so beautiful, if I... slap!, Oh! Brother, why are you hitting me? Uh......... I... I was wrong!" The disciple who said this was venting his dissatisfaction with the senior brother who slapped him, but suddenly found that the eyes of everyone in the square were all looking at him, and in everyone's eyes , There is ridicule, there is killing intent, there is ridicule and sarcasm beyond self-control, and more anger!At this time, he finally understood in his heart that he was wrong, and this time he was really wrong, and made a mistake that he regretted for the rest of his life and even had a dark future. There are some things that cannot be done. Can't do it.But when he understood, it was too late, and there was no chance to make up for it.

Looking at the eyes of the crowd, this disciple stood up silently, facing the crowd, the sect, several elders in charge, and finally facing the figure in the bronze mirror, knelt down, then got up, Walking outside the family, none of the people present spoke, stopped, or even bid farewell.

": Uh? Qin'er, Ying'er, what are you talking about? Mistress? When did you have a mistress? Why didn't I know?" Leng Yun was still confused.

": Hahaha, the master is really xx, you are the master, she is the mistress, you are the future husband and wife, and Ying'er and I met a few days ago, how is it? Master, are we good? We found you one Such a beautiful wife, hehehe!" Qin'er also said happily.

": Ah!?" Leng Yun was overwhelmed by Qin'er's words, Lei's was completely tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Brother Leng, do you really not know me?" Wu Linger said pitifully.

": Uh, Miss Wu, I've only seen you twice now, once a few days ago in Batianzong, once now!" Leng Yun rubbed his head, he had never seen you before.

"Brother Leng, let's see who this is?" Wu Ling'er stretched out her hand to touch her face, and immediately turned into a handsome young master.

"Brother Jialin? are a woman!" Leng Yun finally understood, remembering all the things that happened when he was traveling together in the past. At that time, all the abnormalities that Jialin showed now have a reasonable explanation.

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