The Godless King of Hongmeng

Chapter 95 Fighting Tianlinzong 2

Leng Yun, who was a few thousand meters away, stopped his body, raised his head, and walked slowly step by step towards Hu San who had not moved after the blow, and Hu San was also shocked at this time, with his full strength blow, He didn't hurt him, and he didn't dodge or block him at all. What kind of strength is this?He knew it already in his heart, he discarded the sword in his hand casually, and looked at Leng Yun approaching slowly step by step, Hu San didn't say anything, just closed his eyes

Seeing everything about Hu San, Leng Yun knew that he had given up resisting, so he went straight to Hu San and looked at him for a long time without saying a word or moving.

Turning to look at the remaining eight people, "Who are the next three?" Leng Yun asked slowly.

"Fourth brother! Fifth brother! Sixth brother!" The leading Mahayana expert called out Qishen's three brothers.

": Yes! Brother!" Three Mahayana masters responded and walked in front of Leng Yun.

": The sky is boundless, the blue waves are surging, the tiger roars!" The three of them didn't talk nonsense, and they came up with their own tricks. A shocking sword glow instantly slashed at Leng Yun's head, and then, a boundless fist shadow and a burst of tiger-like thunder The sky-shattering roar followed closely behind, violently, the berserk element force and sound wave attack attacked Leng Yun.In an instant, the sky turned dark, and there were dark clouds above the head, thunder roared, and silver snakes flew in the air. It was a scene like the end of the world, and countless people felt very depressed and uncomfortable.

": Nameless Sword Art!" Leng Yun was not to be outdone, the simple sword art used by that stalwart figure in his mind was full of inscrutable and terrifying power.Leng Yun has never given up studying and practicing this sword move all these years. At this critical moment, the other methods have shown to be ineffective. It is impossible to stop the three masters with just the body of an immortal. Although he couldn't break through his body, that strong attack could also make his vitality and internal organs suffer a powerful shock that he couldn't bear. He didn't want to suffer that pain and injury again.What's more, his internal organs have been severely injured, and he has been fighting continuously. There is no extra time to heal his injuries, and he is only restrained by perseverance and elixir.

Leng Yun slanted his body, held the knife in one hand, put away the true energy outside his body, took a step forward, and stabbed the three attackers and the three masters of the Mahayana stage with the knife, without any surprising movement or energy The attack was like an ordinary person holding a big knife in his hand, stabbing out the knife effortlessly.Ordinary, nothing special.

The three masters of the Mahayana stage were puzzled, the onlookers were puzzled, the four masters in the sky were also puzzled, and even the five immortals in the depths of the starry sky were puzzled, and the people of the Tianji sect were even more puzzled. Can the ultimate knife resist that shocking attack?Even a martial arts master among mortals, the power of a single stab is countless times greater than Leng Yun's knife.

But seeing that Leng Yun was obviously struggling, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, his face was pale and solemn, although everyone didn't understand why, but if Leng Yun made a knife, it must be because of his reasoning and his surprise.

At this moment, the countless onlookers were puzzled, but the three early Mahayana masters in front of them understood in their hearts, but they were even more horrified. In an instant, when Leng Yun stabbed this ordinary knife, the three of them I suddenly felt that I was in a separate space, isolated from the world, and I could see and hear everything around me, but when I wanted to move, shout, and break through this weird space, I found myself alone. Sutra is as powerless as a mortal, as if his thousands of years of cultivation has suddenly disappeared. In such a weird situation, as a practitioner, he should not be surprised or panic.

Seeing Leng Yun's sword stabbing out slowly, the space rippled like a wave of water, but the space never broke. action.

": What's going on here? Just such a sword, so far apart, can it hurt three masters at the beginning of the Mahayana? How could this happen?" The crowd was puzzled, but in the whole scene, only Ying'er, Qin'er It's a bright spot, others don't know, but as high-level sword spirits, their cultivation has already surpassed the two realms of immortality, so they are naturally well-informed. Leng Yun's sword seems ordinary, but It itself contains too many mysteries, space, sword intent, the unity of heaven and man, and the countless sword lights and shadows that are almost tens of millions are condensed into one sword, using the tyrannical consciousness to isolate and wrap the space, Using the sword intent, the realm of the unity of man and nature to cut off all the control over their bodies, and then use that extremely fast sword to kill the opponent, this move is powerful and terrifying, but look at Leng Yun's state , this sword, I am afraid it is also his current all-out trick.

The three Mahayana masters of the Sanlin Sect found that they could not move at all, and they had no cultivation base. They watched the sword pierced from the opposite side. They had no resistance to this sword. Close your eyes, since you lost, it is not too unjust to lose your life in this person's hands.Feeling the coldness, when the sharp sword edge touched the position of the dantian Yuanying in his lower abdomen, he stopped still. After a long time, the three of them felt that they didn't seem to feel pain, and their bodies gradually returned to their original state. When they were in a state, the three of them were greatly surprised. When they opened their eyes, they found that at some point, Leng Yun had put away the big knife that turned into an epee, and stood not far from the three of them, smiling.

The three couldn't help but looked at each other, and in a blink of an eye, they understood that it was Leng Yun who was merciful and spared their lives. They couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and walked in front of Leng Yun, ": Leng... Brother Leng, our brother How ashamed, I didn’t expect that the three of us would work together, and we would not be your single enemy. I’m ashamed and ashamed. We are convinced that we lost. If you passed this level, you can go directly to the level of Tyrant Sect. No thanks for your kindness, I will definitely repay you in the future!" After saying that, he bowed his hands and turned back to the other brothers, whispering something in a low voice! "Fifth brother, sixth brother, what the three of you said is true? Even if nine of us fight together, we are still not his enemy?!" As the eldest brother, Yang Hui couldn't help but listen to what the three brothers said. Shocked on the spot, he didn't doubt the words of the three brothers, because the nine brothers had deep feelings, and their cultivation bases were not much different. Since the three of them didn't have the slightest resistance to fight back, then the five of them went up, and the situation would be fine. Where to go, so I thought for a long time.

"Brother Leng, let's give up this level! You can go to the next level. We will meet again in the future, and then we will ask for advice. Thank you very much!" Yang Hui, as the eldest brother, left Leng Yun I am still grateful for the lives of my four brothers.

": Hehehe, everyone, you are being polite. The kid just won a game by luck. Thank you, big brothers, for your kindness!" After saying that, he bowed his hands and rushed to the last level, the Tyrant Sect's interception.

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