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24 Selling Organs

Xu Tian suddenly hugged his head and stood up shaking: "Ah! My head hurts so much! Why does it hurt so much!".

Wu Jiaxin, who was squatting at the door, and the three surgeons outside, heard Xu Tian screaming in pain, and hurried in to hold Xu Tian's arm: "Sir, are you okay!".

Wu Jiaxin worriedly looked at Xu Tian who was full of pain: "Rogue!".

Suddenly Xu Tian pushed the three doctors who were supporting him away and yelled: "Ah! My head hurts!" Because of Xu Tian's strength, the two doctors were thrown into the wall by Xu Tian.


Wu Jiaxin looked at Xu Tian worriedly, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter with you, hooligan, don't scare me!".

Suddenly Xu Tian ran to a wall and bumped his head hard.

touch! ! ! !

Wu Jiaxin hurried forward and grabbed Xu Tian's arm to try to stop him, but Xu Tian's strength was too strong, and he fell to the ground with a light wave.

Xu Tian kept banging his head against the wall, and the three doctors also tried to stop Xu Tian, ​​but to no avail, they were thrown back into the wall again.

A few minutes later, Xu Tian suddenly became quiet, the murderous look in his eyes burst out and permeated the entire sterile operating room instantly, and his aura became different.

The four outside are all from special forces, and they also know that such a powerful murderous aura cannot be released by ordinary people. There is also a strong domineering and a trace of military blood mixed inside, which makes the four special forces look at each other suspiciously. Everyone guessed who Xu Tian was.

At this time, Xu Tian's innocent black pupils were no longer so confused and confused, but instead had unprecedented clarity, as if a new door had opened.

Wu Jiaxin saw that Xu Tian suddenly calmed down and didn't move for a few minutes, but he felt a sense of security and maturity in him, as if he was a different person.

"Rogue, what's wrong with you?".

Xu Tian didn't answer, stood up slowly and walked to the operating table, held Wu Jiarui's pulse with both hands, and then probed her neck and temples.

There is no need to look at the electrocardiogram monitor at all, and of course it is flat if there is no heartbeat.At the same time, he kept looking at the operating microscope computer, moved the position on the operating table above, and took a look at Wu Jiarui's heart and lungs, and then frowned.

"Where is the place where the magnetic shock photos of your hospital are taken, old man Surgeon?".

Although the old man who performed the surgery was puzzled why the young man asked such a question, he still told him: "It's in the examination room NO.15 on the second floor!".

"You'd better not touch that girl on the bed, otherwise your hospital will become a ghost hospital. Don't believe what I'm saying is false. Have someone rearrange the operating room and don't let anyone in." Xu Tian suddenly burst into tears. The bloody breath was withdrawn in an instant.

The three doctors were already sweating profusely from the sudden burst of breath from Xu Tian's body. For some reason, several people in the room believed Xu Tian's words.

Slowly talking about the gauze on the operating tray wrapped around the bleeding head, Wu Jiaxin walked out of the sterile operating room without even looking at him, and then said to the two bodyguards of Wu Guanghui outside the door: "You two, come and help me busy".

The two bodyguards looked at each other and followed Xu Tian.

"Help drag these thugs who are still alive to the No. 15 examination room on the second floor." Then he took a step and picked up the two unconscious Green Gang thugs on the ground, and walked to the second floor like killing a dog.

Regardless of the registered patients queuing up, all the people who came to the examination were kicked out, even the doctors who performed the magnetic shock examination were also kicked out, the door was closed again, and these people were thrown into the examination equipment. After 10 minutes, The six gangsters in his hands were inspected from top to bottom. Of course, the most important thing for Xu Tian was to check their hearts.

Picking up the light sheets that had just been printed out and looking at them one by one, then they were still on the table in disappointment, and then opened the files on the computer, and read through the thousands of sheets saved on the computer. slow.

One and a half hours later, Xu Tian's eyes suddenly lit up, and the information sheet showed "Shu Lianfang, age: 35 years old, single. Etiology: advanced lung cancer." According to the computer's instructions, he found a letter on the cabinet. Twelve-inch light sheet.

Then there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "That's right!" Then he walked out quickly, and smiled at the two bodyguards at the door: "Thank you!".

According to the location of the material, I walked to No. 97 public ward. There are a total of four beds in it, that is, four different patients can be accommodated at the same time.

Walking into the room, I found a little girl was feeding soup to a woman. The other beds were empty, that is, only the woman was alone. She looked sallow, emaciated and weak, but her eyes were full of energy, and she could tell that she was old. Not much more, this phenomenon is the phenomenon of flashback, that is to say, she can't live for twelve hours.

Xu Tian approached very kindly and said, "Hello, Miss Shu, can I discuss something with you?".

The woman looked at the boy in front of her with some doubts: "Hello, what can I do for you, young man?".

"Hehe! Eldest sister, I do have something to do with you, but can I ask this little girl to avoid it for a while."

Shu Lianfang asked suspiciously: "Oh, young man, what do you want from me? She is my daughter and you can just tell me what you want."

Xu Tian was also surprised for a while, the information showed that she was not married, and then he was relieved, most likely she is a divorced and widowed person.

"Oh! It's like this. I'm a new organ doctor at the People's Hospital. Considering that Ms. Shu is already in the advanced stage of lung cancer, uh! That means your time is running out."

After the little girl heard Xu Tian's words, the small bowl in her hand suddenly slipped.


The bowl fell to the ground, and he looked at his mother's kind face in disbelief: "Mom, is what this brother said true?".

After hearing this, the woman quickly shook her head and said, "Xiaoya, don't believe his nonsense, mom just has a fever, and she will be fine in a while!" Then she turned her head and looked at Xu Tian angrily: "You are not welcome here, sir. Please get out."

Xu Tian looked at Shu Lianfang apologetically and did not leave: "Sister Shu, I believe you already know your body very well! And today I don't feel that I am much more energetic than before. In fact, this is all fake. It's just that your cancer cells spread and stimulate your central nervous system, so you feel your body has improved, but you let Miss Shu down. Survive up to twelve hours, I mean, can the eldest sister donate her own organs, or sell them, because there is a patient upstairs who is in urgent need!".

Suddenly the girl burst into an angry look at Xu Tian, ​​rushed to him and pushed him with all her strength: "You are a bad brother, don't let my mother think about it, so nothing will happen to my mother! If you don't leave, I will call you!" Called the police."

Xu Tian turned around and said seriously to the woman on the bed: "Sister Shu's information shows that she is unmarried, but you have a beautiful daughter, and you live in the most common public ward. I believe your family is not rich. If you don’t think about yourself, think about your daughter. She is only eleven or twelve years old. When you leave, who will take care of her! I will wait outside for 10 minutes, and I will come in again after 10 minutes. I respect your choice, if Ms. Shu disagrees, I can only go to someone else."

bump! ! !

After the door closed, Xiaoya suddenly looked at her emaciated mother on the bed with tears all over her face: "Mum, that bad brother must be telling lies, right? He must be a liar who sells organs."

Shu Lianfang looked at the good girl in front of her, sighed slightly in her heart and said to herself: "Hey! That young man may be telling the truth, my time is running out, and I foolishly thought that my lung cancer was getting better. What should I do with my daughter after I leave, who will pay for her tuition, living expenses and child support, that heartbroken man, I gave up everything for you, and even broke up with my family, but I didn’t expect the result to be like this, but life I don’t regret Xiaoya at all.”

Tears rolled down the face, the tears had already wet the white headrest, and said kindly and tenderly to Xiaoya: "My child's elder brother is right, my time is running out, please forgive my mother for saying goodbye to Xiaoya." elegant concealment".

These words hit Xiaoya on the head like a bolt from the blue. Seeing her kind mother suddenly turned into a devil, she took a few steps back and shouted: "You are not my mother, you are a devil, you are a devil, I Mom never lied to me."


After 10 minutes, Xu Tian walked in again: "Sister Shu, do you think about it?".

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