Best pick-up bodyguard

34 The Evil Deal


Wu Jiaxin looked at Xu Tian in disbelief. Although she knew that dolphins lived in groups, she never thought that there was such a thing as a dolphin king. She finally understood why the rogue came to the deep sea area. It turned out that its size was too large.

Xiaoya also secretly stuck out her small head from Wu Jiaxin's waist, retracted it after seeing the huge monster, and then looked curiously at the huge dolphin with her big eyes open.

Wu Jiaxin's head was a little out of control: "Did you become a sea monster? You have lived with dolphins in the water for more than ten years."

Xu Tian gave her a blank look: "Crazy woman, have you been frightened out of your head? Can humans live in water for more than ten years? Isn't that right, little porpoise?" The Dolphin King nodded in a very humane manner, causing Xu Tian Tian laughed loudly: "Seeing that there is no crazy woman, Xiao Dolphin says you are stupid!".

"You are stupid!"

After an afternoon of communication, Wu Jiaxin and Xiaoya are no longer afraid of the Dolphin King. Xiaoya also put on a lifebuoy and frolicked in the water. Wu Jiaxin was even more daring to kiss the dolphins. Fortunately, there are swimming clothes on the yacht, otherwise Xu Tian would have feasted his eyes. .

The time came to Huang Kun's ten minutes soon, Xu Tian whistled and pointed in one direction, thousands of dolphins ran towards the deep sea, and then disappeared in the eyes of several people.

One, one, and two girls were lying on the speedboat. You must know that after playing in the sea for an afternoon, the two girls were swept away when the excitement was over and exhausted.Xiaoya touched her belly: "Big sister, Xiaoya is so hungry!".

Wu Jiaxin didn't even bother to say anything, she closed her eyes for a while with a smirk: "My sister is also very hungry" and then shouted to Xu Tian who was still wearing pants: "Hooligan, eh! Hurry up and take Miss Ben back, I hungry!".

Xu Tian also stretched his waist, and then said with a sad face: "I have to go to school again tomorrow, I really don't want to go, if I didn't follow you, a crazy woman, I wouldn't stay in that boring place, but still It’s much more fun than the devil’s base, at least I don’t have to eat that disgusting fish every day.” Wu Jiaxin also became upset when she thought about it.

Xu Tian also opened the throttle of the speedboat and drove towards the land. A few minutes later, Xu Tian and the others returned to the pier. Tian could only carry one on one shoulder, and slowly returned to the car.

But before, I saw a group of people walking around nervously on the pier road, and they all looked at me with vigilant eyes. These people were all carved with various tattoos, and they looked like they were probably doing something bad.

It was just a guess at first, but at a corner, I heard the voice of rb mandarin talking in the cargo hold: "Mr. Kaye, please wait a while, our people will come to collect the goods in one hour."

"Well! We are all old friends, I trust you!".

"Thank you, Mr. Kaye, for understanding. After our transaction, we will send you ten stunning women to celebrate our happy transaction."

"Haha! Yo Xi, very good, I like your flower girls in Huaxia the most, thank your boss for me after the transaction."

"Haha... as long as Mr. Kano likes it."

After hearing the content of the conversation, Xu Tian clenched his fists like rocks. The group of villains didn't expect to be a group of human traffickers. He just wanted to rush in and deal with them all, but he gave up because there were still two people on his shoulders.

After 15 minutes, I put the two women in the car, parked the car in a multi-car driveway, and at the same time did not forget to lock the door. I checked the surroundings to make sure no one was looking, and then quietly returned to the original direction.

Because there is a distance of two miles between the car and the pier, and even though this pier is not the largest pier in Coastal City, it is one of the best in the row. Half an hour had passed by the time Xu Tian returned to the wharf where the incident happened. It was already dark.

But there are more and more people in this pier, even if Xu Tian has never seen anything in the world, he still feels a little abnormal, and the clothes of these people are almost the same, even the gangsters in a well-off society wear suits.

At this moment, two luxury cars and a larger van arrived at the pier. Xu Tian hurriedly hid in the cabin to observe secretly.At the same time, a group of strong men came down, and the last car was full of beautiful women tied up with ropes.

Among them was Ma Long, who was wearing a white suit with big glasses. He took the delicate box from his subordinates, snapped his fingers, and finally his subordinates couldn't understand. Only the big man followed and entered the cargo hold together.

"What about the stuff?"

"Come on in that boat! Did you bring the money?".

Ma Long raised his glasses: "Don't worry, money is not a problem. We will inspect the goods first and then transfer the money to you. This is the rule of our terminal."

Jiaye also knew the rules, nodded and asked strangely: "Why didn't Heihu Yibiao come this time?".

Ma Long had already guessed that he would ask this question, and said with a rogue smile: "Hu Biao has recently taken a fancy to a few starlets, so he must be enjoying himself in bed!".

"Haha... That kid has been with your Green Gang for seven years. Your Huaxia girls are beautiful. They haven't even gone home for so many years. To be honest, I also want to stay in Huaxia for a while."

"Mr. Kaye, you are welcome. Let's inspect the goods quickly. After all, it will take me a long time to take away so many things. There are so many daily dreams."

After many transactions, I also know their rules. Moreover, this transaction of goods is the largest ever, and it has to attract the attention of both parties. Kano nodded cautiously: "Although your Huaxia is good and the market is large, it is too controlled. Strictly, let's go my friend."

Ma Long lifted the mirror frame and let the three of them follow into the large cargo ship.

The cargo ship was a medium-sized cargo ship with a size of 25 meters in length. Kano asked a dozen men to go down and move the cargo boxes inside when they arrived at the bottom of the cargo ship. It took a total of half an hour to sort out all the boxes inside.

"Mr. Ma, my friend, please don't be offended, because there are too many things, we have to be so careful, otherwise we will not even be able to pass the customs." Jiaye smiled and only pointed to the front and said: "This is the white powder you want. The ammunition is here. Another place."

Ma Long also nodded in agreement, looked at the fifteen jars in front of him, and signaled his men to go down and inspect the goods.

The subordinates took out all the goods in the jars, and the three began to inspect the goods according to the division of labor. One weighed, one picked up the goods, and the other inspected the goods. After a few minutes, the three men came back behind Ma Long and said: "They are all top grade, the weight is not the slightest bit. not bad".

Seeing Ma Long's expression satisfied, Jiaye asked his subordinates to open the bottom compartment: "Our ammunition is in the starting room, please take a look!".

The same three subordinates used iron rods to pry open the box, and finally tested the functions of the firearms one by one. After 15 minutes, all the subordinates nodded to Malone.

Ma Long lifted the mirror frame and said with a smile: "Mr. Jiaye's goods, Ma is very satisfied, are you interested in inviting Ma to have a cup of tea?"

Knowing that the deal had really started, Kano nodded with a smile and said, "Haha...please my friend".

At this time, a human head emerged from the bottom of the water, and jumped onto the cargo ship through the bottom frame of the dock. At this time, the patrolling people outside also passed by here, and they didn't care much when they saw the water marks on the ground, and continued to move towards other places. patrol.

The cargo ship has three cargo holds, so Xu Tian easily escaped the sight of these rb people, and when he found two people coming out of the cargo hold in the middle cargo hold, Xu Tian guessed that they were the leaders of these villains, and quickly hid his body on the far side in the cargo compartment above.

Looking at them in the top lounge, I was also curious about what bad things these bad guys were doing. After thinking about it for a while, I made up my mind and quickly covered the mouths of a patrolling man in a suit. The black dagger in his hand slipped on his neck and was dragged into the cargo hold without a sound.

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