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36 Rescue the hostages

Ma Long summoned his men and asked them to start moving the cargo in the cargo ship.

But now the group of rb people has turned to trouble Ma Long. After all, Qiang Long can't suppress the local snake, and his strength is not enough, so he can only choose to surrender without ammunition.

Ma Long is now sitting in the car with cold eyes, muttering: "Xu Tian, ​​I haven't found you yet, you have come to me. I, Ma Long, will let you pay for this revenge with your life." The important thing now is Evacuate this place quickly, there is a gun battle here, and other residents around will probably hear it.

Under the bridge of the pier, listening to the hurried footsteps on the plywood, I sneaked out along the darkness and looked up, and found that there was no one else around, so I jumped out and smoothed the man's neck, quickly dragged into the plywood Down.

Xu Tian is now like a spider hiding in the dark, waiting for these villains to be caught: "In just a few minutes, there were seven or eight corpses hanging on the support frame under the splint, and Xu Tian found a leader from each of them. The gun, counting the number of bullets, is still short of dozens of bullets. At this moment, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.


This made Xu Tian secretly yelled "Oops", and quickly picked up the phone: "Hello!".

"Hey! Rogue, where have you been? Why did you lock us in the car? Open the door quickly, Miss Ben is starving to death." A questioning and angry voice came from the phone.

"There are people below! Shoot!" After one person yelled, everyone quickly raised their guns and fired a few shots at the underground splint.

Boom! ! !

Xu Tian hurriedly carried a dead body on his shoulders: "Hey! I can't hear what you said, crazy woman."

Wu Jiaxin also heard the crackling sound coming from the phone, and asked suspiciously: "You gangster, are you setting off fireworks?".

This time Xu Tian put the phone to his ear but could hear her words clearly, and hurriedly said: "Crazy woman, wait a moment, I will come back after I have dealt with these bad guys."Fortunately, this mobile phone was configured by Wu Guanghui with waterproof function, otherwise Xu Tian would not be able to call the police.

"Hey! Hooligan!" But there was only a beeping sound coming from the phone, and he smashed the phone against the cushion angrily: "Hooligan, you dare to hang up Miss Ben's phone, hum!".

woo woo~~~~~

At this time, many police cars drove by here and drove towards the pier at a high speed. Wu Jiaxin felt very strange, and faintly felt the crackling sound coming from the pier. It was similar to the sound from the phone just now. Showing a worried look.

Just when Xu Tiangang hung up the phone, a bullet passed by his shoulder, and there was a tingling sensation in his arm.This angered Xu Tian. He hadn't bled for almost three years, and it was unforgivable to be hurt by these weak villains.

He dodged to the side, then threw the body into the water, quickly turned over and appeared on the inner deck, and was slightly taken aback by the green gang who was shooting in the front row, but at this moment Xu Tian didn't pause to shoot.

bang bang bang! ! !

After two loud noises, the guns in Xu Tian's hands emitted thick white smoke, and the eight people in front fell to the ground one by one, each shot was a headshot.

Since the gunshot just now attracted other Qing Gang men, they immediately rolled forward and bounced quickly, with a trace of bloodlust hanging from the corners of their eyes.

boom! !

Everyone who ran out from the hatch holding the jar was shot dead by Xu Tian, ​​and the white powder in the jar also fell on the deck, mixing blood and white powder.Xu Tian walked towards the three cars in front step by step, without even looking at the people around him, he raised his hand and shot to the left and right.

Ma Long in the car also realized Xu Tian's horror, and quickly ordered his men to drive away, because dozens of the more than 100 gunmen on his side died.

At this moment, Xu Tian suddenly felt the crisis behind him, so he quickly hid in the box!

Da da da! ! ! !

"Hahaha... Go to hell, bastard!".

Xu Tian could tell what kind of gun it was by hearing the sound of the gun. It was a Type 97 submachine gun. This gun had infrared scanning. Xu Tian didn't dare to be careless. If you go out here, you will definitely be hit by a machine gun. You must know that this infrared sensor has two red dots scanning on the edge.

After looking at the container left and right, he rushed forward and used the lock on it to climb up.


This time Xu Tian fired two guns at the same time, and those who were still holding submachine guns on the deck were killed one after another.At this moment, the sound of the police siren came, which made Ma Long yell: "Hurry up and drive away from here", his gentle image just now is long gone.


The front of the car turned elegantly and quickly turned around and ran out of the pier. The other two cars followed behind. Xu Tian knew that there were ten innocent women in the third car. He could see from a high place and the direction of the pier was to the left. , There must be a turn there, and I should be able to catch up with that car by going straight.

Boom! !

After dodging a few bullets, Xu Tian didn't care about the situation of these soldiers, and ran directly on top of the cargo box.

Ma Long breathed a sigh of relief after leaving, he is safe now.Xu Tian jumped steadily on the roof of the car. The vibration on the roof made the driver and others feel that someone was on it. They controlled the front of the car to turn left and right, trying to throw the people in the car out.


Since this car was a van with an iron frame on it, Xu Tian held onto the frame tightly.

The co-pilot member of the Qing Gang drew his pistol from his waist, opened the car window, and planned to climb out and shoot the people in the car.

Xu Tian's eyes were sharp and his hands quickly rubbed the upper shell of the pistol, so that the opponent's bullets could not be shot out. He squeezed the head of the gun and quickly deformed like pulling a can. When he loosened his hand, a dark dagger appeared on his right hand, and quickly slammed on the opponent's neck. cut.

Then the dagger disappeared like magic, pulled the man out of the car, held it on the iron frame above it, jumped, and then kicked in through the passenger window, like a loach entering the car, with both feet The force on the ground directly kicked the driver out of the car, and the door was also broken due to the excessive force.


Suddenly there was a turn ahead, Xu Tian quickly sat on top of the main driver, and avoided the accident with a skillful drift.

He took out the only gun with bullets on his body, stretched his left hand out of the window and shot forward, just hitting the rear wheel of the car in front.


The front car and the rear car lost their balance after a tire blew out. They swayed from side to side twice and installed it on the container on the side. The front of the car rotated twice with inertia and then stopped at a distance of 15 meters. The front door of the car kept smoking .

It happened that the lane ahead was blocked by this car, so Xu Tian could only slam on the brakes and drifted to a stop.

Xu Tian patted the steering wheel, and the car horn rang!Dudu~~ said angrily: "There is another bad guy car running away."


The sound of the siren was getting closer and closer, and such a big thing happened here, Xu Tian thought that he would definitely enter the police station if he stayed here, so he turned his head and said seriously to the girls who were tied up behind him: "Little sisters, wait Those bad cops are coming, I'm leaving, goodbye!".

Then, he quickly climbed into the storage box and quickly disappeared into the night.

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