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48 Asking for help

Early the next morning, Xiaoya took out a check, and her mother said that this check could be eaten by herself for the rest of her life, and she had to keep it well. Simply return it to the eldest sister.

It happened that Wu Jiaxin came out of the room, saw Xiaoya standing in front of her door, and asked suspiciously, "Why did Xiaoya get up so early?".

The moment Xiaoya saw Wu Jiaxin, she decided in her heart: "Big sister's mother said that this piece of paper can last me for a lifetime, but I will live in my big sister's house in the future, so I give this to my big sister."

Wu Jiaxin was stunned for a moment, and found that the check was written by her father, and then said with a smile: "Hehe! You take Xiaoya's check, if you are still young, if you want to pay the rent, you can grow up and return it to your sister, you know!".

"But the big sister and mother said!".

"Okay Xiaoya, don't think too much, remember to return the rent to me when you grow up, now you have to go to school obediently, sister, your rent is very expensive!".

Although I have not been in contact with Xiaoya for a long time, I can see that Xiaoya is not only cute, but also dares to love and hate, and her self-esteem is much stronger than her peers, so I can only say this.

Xiaoya nodded resolutely as she was sure: "Now that I know Big Sister, Xiaoya will definitely go to school well."

"Hehe~ let's go to wash up and have breakfast!".


Because of yesterday's incident, Wang Longli is currently staying in the hospital, but after the diagnosis, the experts did not investigate which nerve in the leg had a problem, and the results obtained were no different from those of normal people. Later, it may be suspected that there is a blockage of nerves in other parts of the body , Another ECG scan came, but in the end the cause was still not found.

Xu Daofeng also took care of such a tricky problem, and checked Wang Longli's body, but he still didn't find any problems, so he could only sigh: "Director Wang, the results of the inspection did not find anything wrong with your beloved son."

After hearing the result, Wang Haibo glanced at his disappointing son angrily, and yelled: "Nie Zhan, I have warned you many times that there are people outside of people, and there is sky beyond the sky". Lesson!" In fact, I was also angry in my heart, how can I say that I am also the director of the Education Bureau, and the student is so cruel.

Wang Longli lay on the bed with tears streaming down his face: "Dad, I was wrong, please find a way, I don't want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life! Huh~".

Sitting by the bed, Wang Yuting looked at her brother's crying. Although she didn't like her brother bullying others, she didn't allow her brother to be bullied by others. She turned her head and said worriedly, "Dad, you should find a way to heal your brother's leg. He is so pathetic!"

Wang Haibo looked at his son with tears streaming down his face, and sighed slightly in his heart: "President Xu, do you think there is any other way?".

"I'm sorry, Director Wang, I haven't found out the cause of your son's illness, and I don't know how to deal with it! Besides, the nerve sensor lines are correct, so it's a bit strange that you can't walk like this. If your son knows about your leg Why did it become like this, it is possible to find some clues."

"Hey! It's not this son who doesn't live up to expectations. He acted recklessly one day. He bullied a classmate named Xu Tian at school and was beaten instead. In the afternoon, he called a gangster from the society to retaliate on the way... As a result... It has become like this, and it was the police who sent this kid to the hospital."

Xu Daofeng raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that kid Xu Tian to do this. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Hehe, Director Wang, your beloved son's legs are ill and I can't do anything about it, but there is a way!".

"Oh! What way?".

"To untie the bell, one needs to tie the bell."

"Dean Xu is telling us to find that Xu Tian's student?" Xu Daofeng nodded and left the room.

Watching Xu Daofeng go out, Wang Haibo frowned. From his son's previous description, this student should know some medical skills, and he felt that the dean also knew the student named Xu Tian. Could it be that he, the head of the bureau, still wanted to ask for help? A childish student then turned to look at his son.

"Woo~ Dad...".

I couldn't bear to see my son crying, so I had no choice but to put down my face and ask for help: "Nie Zhan, you stay on the bed honestly, I'll go find that Xu Tian's student."

Wang Yuting was also curious about how good that classmate named Xu Tian was, so she immediately followed behind: "Daddy, I'm going too!".

"No, girl, you stay here today to take care of your brother, and go to school tomorrow."

"Why! This hospital is full of medicine smell, it smells so bad, why don't you just go and have a look, and go to school by the way."

"No, if you mess around, I'll send you to study with your aunt."

"Ah! Forget it, what fun is there in the countryside."

Wang Longli trembled now thinking of Xu Tian, ​​he was completely transformed by a demon, and now he only hopes to be able to walk on the ground.

It was still Xu Tian's usual behavior when he arrived at school, lying on the table and sleeping late. He didn't even bother to do the school's radio gymnastics. I'm not going!", Feng Xiaoyue didn't dare to get angry with Xu Tian, ​​now this kid is like a little ancestor and can't be offended, otherwise it would be difficult to investigate him.

Wang Haibo rushed to the school after the exercises between classes. Of course, he must be greeted by someone. After all, this man is the boss of all the teachers in the coastal city, and he can also be said to be the emperor of all the schools in the coastal city. Who would dare to offend him.

Since the principal is away on a business trip to another school today, Chen Guangwen has the most power in the entire high school, and now he greets him at the door with a smile like a harpy dog: "Haha~ Director Wang is really lucky to visit our school!", and then I'm about to shake hands.

But now Wang Haibo was anxious to see Xu Tian, ​​so he asked directly: "Director Chen, I am here this time to find a student named Xu Tian, ​​who is the one who fought with Wang Longli yesterday."

Chen Guangwen was slightly taken aback. He didn't come to visit the school for a long time. He already knew what happened in Class [-] of the third grade yesterday, but he heard that Mr. Feng had already dealt with it and the matter was not a big deal, so he didn't intervene. It seems that this time Director Wang probably came here to trouble Xu Tian's student.

"Oh! Mr. Wang's classmate is in Class [-]. I'm going to call the student who caused the trouble. Mr. Zhang, help me get an expulsion slip from the printing room!" The meaning is obviously to expel the student named Xu Tian's students hope that this can relieve Director Wang's anger. He needs to know that he can resign or be promoted, and even work in the Education Bureau.

Wang Haibo frowned and said: "No need, Director Chen, I just want to ask that Xu Tian's student just to ask a few questions. It's very bad for you to abuse your power like this. I hope you won't have a next time. Yesterday's I already know the matter, and I can't blame him for the fight."

Chen Guangwen was in a cold sweat from shock. He had heard that Director Wang of the Education Bureau was an upright person, but he didn't expect it to be true. Fortunately, he didn't blame himself, otherwise his black hat would be gone. He hurriedly said: "Director Wang Please wait, I'll call the student right now."


Five minutes later Xu Tian followed behind Chen Guangwen and asked curiously, "Who is the fat man looking for me?".

"You brat, don't call me fat. If you get angry, be careful I will fire you!" Suddenly, I thought that if I was expelled, I would lose my black hat, and I didn't expect that this kid was the student who called me fat that day, so I wanted to expel him We must find a legitimate reason, at least he cannot be fired in the near future.

After arriving at the Education Department, the annoying fat face suddenly turned around and smiled kindly: "Student Xu Tian, ​​this is Director Wang of our Education Bureau."

Xu Tian didn't care about Director Wang and Director Li. He looked at the middle-aged man who was neither fat nor thin, and asked curiously: "Fatty, what play are you singing? I don't know him at all. Did you find him?" Wrong person".

Chen Guangwen really wanted to beat this kid up hard now, because no one in the school would dare to call him fat like that except for the yellow-faced woman at home, but the director could only suppress the anger in his heart here.

Suddenly Wang Haibo said: "Hehe! Children! Don't mind too much, Director Chen has nothing to do with you here, please avoid it."

"Uh! Okay, okay! Just tell the director if you have anything to do!".

Xu Tian scratched his head to confirm that he had never seen the middle-aged man in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "Uncle, what can you do with me?".

Wang Haibo carefully observed the student named Xu Tian, ​​but he didn't see that his figure could defeat more than a dozen gangsters with weapons. However, he knew that people should not be judged by their appearance, so he smiled kindly: "Xu Tian, ​​let me introduce myself." , My name is Wang Haibo and I am Wang Longli's father, this time!".

Xu Tian had the original expression: "Oh~ so you are the father of that Wang Longli, did you come to ask me to settle accounts for your son? Don't worry, I'm not that easy to bully, believe it or not, I use one finger can knock you down."

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