[Volume 24] Chapter 190: Chapter 81 Dumbfounding (2)


"Even if Du Yuesheng sees this old man, he has to call Uncle! We're young and we're senior!" Zhu Fangda proudly added that he didn't let Gao Fei petrify at that time. [Baidu + Google search]

Seeing Gao Fei's expression, Zhu Fangda was even more proud and said: "I'm not hiding it from you, my lord! Since the Revolution of [-], people from the Kuomintang have often traveled to Shanghai, the financial capital, to raise funds, and they used their gang connections to cover up their activities. Many Kuomintang backbones are themselves gang leaders, such as Chen Qimei and others. At that time, few people sought gold from Jinrong, but after Chen Qimei was assassinated and died, other people or their identities were publicly exposed, hunted down by the military and police, or focused on political activities , in order to appear that the party is dedicated to integrity, it gradually distanced itself from gang associations. In fact, the Kuomintang felt very inconvenient! At this time, Huang Jinrong's power was flourishing, so the Kuomintang people turned to contact Huang Jinrong to find other Cover. At that time, Chiang Kai-shek, the big brother of the Nationalist Government, was dormant in Shanghai. In order to make a living, he asked Yu Qiaqing for help, and someone Yu finally helped out for the sake of the dead Chen Qimei."

Later, in order to gain a foothold in the stock exchange, Chiang Kai-shek was introduced to Huang Jinrong as a disciple. Huang Jinrong accepted the red post and chose another auspicious day to hold a ceremony. To put it bluntly, playing financial stock speculation is a fundraising activity within the Kuomintang, otherwise the good-looking revolutionary army leader would go to Shanghai to look at people's faces and make small talk?It is said that this old Jiang is also a ruthless person. After he came to power, he took advantage of the opportunity of suppressing the Communist Party to reshuffle Shanghai. Those who offended him died without a place to die.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 1901

Du Yuesheng and Zhang Xiaolin, who debuted later, also followed the example of Huang Jinrong and found their supporters in the Kuomintang.In this way, the gang weaves one protection net after another for itself, and gradually develops by taking advantage of the opportunity of the Qing Gang reshuffle.

At this point, Zhu Fangda took out half of a cigar from his pocket and lit it in a very dignified way, took a deep breath and said: "It's better to buy Cuban products! It's full of aftertaste, but it's three yuan in Cuba. It costs five oceans to transport things to Shanghai. Huge profits are huge profits! Tobacco and alcohol monopolies are trivial, and gangs are engaged in many businesses. Among them, pickpocketing, wharf gang dominance, and even dung bullying are often criticized. Etc. At the same time, the gang still hangs a legal signboard, but makes a living in illegal activities such as smoking, gambling, and prostitution. It’s not surprising that we eat Hengfan in Lu’s water village, which keeps the merchants from the boats on the river safe. The Orientals robbed the merchant ships, killed the people, and took away the goods. They broke the rules and ruined us. The rules of Hengfan, there is a saying is to use benevolence and money to eliminate disasters for people. People are dead, but the debt can’t be settled. We collected money from other boatmen, but failed to keep them safe. Our brothers from the Lu family started to kill the Dongyang people, and the Dongyang people killed 470, 980 and [-] Jiuhu Funahus, when will we kill this number, when will we pay off the debt!"

After listening to Zhu Fangda's words, Gao Fei realized that the so-called inside stories and secrets of the Qing Gang that he later saw were pure nonsense. After hearing Zhu Fangda's words, Gao Fei's resistance to this group of gangsters It's not so serious anymore, especially the feeling towards Lu Yifeng is slightly better. Thieves have their own way. It doesn't matter what you do, the most important thing is to do it right. If the world is slanted, it's useless to go straight, so it's right evil!It all depends on the steelyard in the hearts of ordinary people!

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