Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 208: Chapter 88 Internal Contradictions

[Volume 26] Section 208: Chapter 88 Internal Contradictions (1)


Chapter 88 Internal Conflicts

Now Goofy is alive!It is estimated that the headache is due to the big bosses of the Military Commission and the Military and Political Department. Death is like a lamp being extinguished. It is possible to discuss giving a dead person even a first-level general, but giving a major general to a 26-year-old major is a lot of people. I'm afraid I can't agree. All the members of Songhu were killed in battle. The surviving artillery squad leader Wang Guangfu fought back with his artillery alone. The hero of the Forbos Mountain artillery who bombarded the Japanese ship was only promoted from corporal to sergeant, and was awarded the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal as an exception. This is the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal. It is the first time to award ordinary soldiers. The Nationalist Government has a very strict assessment system for the promotion of officers. Even if Generalissimo Jiang wants to promote you, you must meet the second standard number of years while you have made great military exploits. Chiang Kai-shek agreed that without the joint evaluation of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, they all belonged to "black household officers" who were promoted privately, and this was very equal to everyone. e

After all, the Huangpu direct line of the Central Army is also stared at by a large group of people, with fleshy palms and backs, so it is impossible for Chiang Kai-shek to open the door to luck. Blocking the enemy Yanziji, sinking Japanese warships, shooting down many Japanese planes, killing thousands of Japanese soldiers, and finally bombarding the Japanese army's entry ceremony, a series of illustrious military exploits are here. In addition, Gao Fei is a dead man, otherwise Gao Fei will be promoted as usual Colonel, being promoted to colonel is considered a great grace. Chiang Kai-shek just remembered that every move of that heroic young officer had a shadow of him back then, and he would not hold meetings with the military and political department several times in a row. After asking for an explanation, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs finally gave Gao Fei a major general reluctantly, and now Gao Fei is alive!The Military and Political Department has a headache!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2088

However, Dai Li also has a headache. Gao Fei belongs to him, and entrusting him with the job of screening is both trust and a heavy responsibility. How to screen Gao Fei is also a headache for Dai Li. It broke the hearts of the people below, but if Gao Fei was really captured and defected, it would have a huge impact on the entire situation of the War of Resistance. You must know that if a hero who was so promoted by the Nationalist Government defected and surrendered, it would have a huge impact on the squadron His morale will be dealt a devastating blow. At the moment when the Xuzhou battle is approaching, this is a terrible thing!

Regarding this, Dai Li did not dare to be negligent in the slightest. He immediately sent Shen Zui and Lin Shujie, who were about to go to Yunnan, to the [-]th Division to meet Gao Fei. As for the screening work, Dai Li was going to play in person. This matter was extremely important, and Dai Li did not believe it. Some people can fool their own eyes.

Lin Shujie, who heard the news that Gao Fei came back alive, was so eager to return home. Shen Zui, who was in the same car, was thinking about how to tell Lin Shujie that there was another woman who was like glue beside Gao Fei, but Shen Zui didn't find what he thought was the right opportunity all the way. When the [-]th Division was stationed, Shen Zui first gave Gao Fei a fierce hug, beat him a few times, then ignored Dai Li's order, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Lin Shujie, with tears in his eyes, plunged into Gao Fei's arms. Gao Fei stroked Lin Shujie's beautiful hair without saying a word. Lu Yifeng, who was on the side, naturally kicked down the vinegar bottle and broke the vinegar vat. Steal a man?What Lu Yifeng said before, the promise that I will give you a concubine, etc., has long been thrown into the sky, so she rushed forward with her sleeves rolled up. Lu Yifeng's opponent, Shen Zui, of course rushed forward to protect the flower, but the guns of both sides went up.

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