Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 217 : Chapter 91 Showing Courtesy for Nothing

[Volume 27] Chapter 217: Chapter 91 Courtesy for nothing (2)


However, China itself does not have the ability to manufacture and assemble, and can only carry out simple maintenance, so every tank is extremely precious to the squadron, so this batch is hard-won, so it is specially equipped with the Fifth Army The newly formed 44th Division formed the first mechanized division of the National Government Fu. Compared with the difficulty of purchasing weapons in the West, the favorable terms of the military aid loan provided by the Soviet Union almost made the National Government Fu feel grateful. You must know that Kong Xiangxi in the same period Regarding the purchase of aircraft before the war with European countries, the British side only indicated that they would supply more than [-] planes, and the French side had [-] planes, all of which required the Chinese side to pay in cash or precious metals, and the price was much higher than that of the Soviet side. More than double?

At the difficult moment of China's anti-Japanese war crimes, the European and American countries led by Britain and France still did not forget to continue to exploit China, climb on China's blood vessels and continue to suck blood. In international politics, the Chinese are orphans and have never had a real friend!

Gao Fei remembered that in history until June 1941, the Soviet-German war broke out and the Soviet Union's aid to China came to an end.During the period, the famous Soviet economic history expert Sladkovsky conducted statistics. The Soviet Union aided China with 6 aircraft of various types, 904 tanks, 82 tractors, 602 cars, 1516 cannons, 1140 light and heavy machine guns, rifles 9720 pieces, 5 million bullets, 1.8 bombs, about 31600 million artillery shells, and other munitions.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 200

It can be said pertinently that the Soviet Union still gave great support to the national government during the second period. Looking back at the so-called assistance given to China by various countries throughout the Second World War, was it really for selfless purposes?Soviets?American?British?French?Which country has never betrayed China's interests?They all gave help to the National Government when they were extremely helpless!Lonely China is resisting alone, this sentence can be described as appropriate.

Faced with a large number of Su weapons, Gao Fei still felt a little helpless, because the fifth column under Gao Fei's command was a combat unit under special operations mode, and the weapons and equipment it needed were also specially made. Equipped according to the needs and characteristics of the mission.

For example, the pistol and submachine gun mufflers that Gao Fei is particularly keen on actually have no technical content. Generally speaking, the mufflers mainly include expansion type, eddy current type, energy absorption type, closed type, and barrel opening type according to the noise reduction principle. Etc. The expansion muffler with better effect is to install a large-volume expansion chamber at the muzzle, so that the high-temperature and high-pressure gas can be expanded, decompressed and then released. This method of muffler is more effective for single-shot shooting, but Doesn't work for burst shots.

The only mode that is effective for continuous shooting is the barrel-opening muffler, which has many small holes on the barrel near the muzzle, and the muffler is set outside. When shooting, the bullet is fired before it exits the muzzle. Part of the gas enters the muffler, thereby reducing the muzzle pressure and muzzle noise.

Gao Fei chose a composite silencer, that is, an expansion silencer combined with an open-hole silencer. However, while obtaining a good noise reduction effect, it is at the expense of the killing kinetic energy of the bullet.

Gao Fei knows very well that most squadrons are good at defense and most lack the awareness of offense, and what Gao Fei needs in the next stage of the battle is not only defense, but more offense.

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