Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 228: Chapter 96 Luojia Mountain Camp

[Volume 29] Chapter 228: Chapter 96 Luojia Mountain Camp (1)


Chapter 96 Luojia Mountain Camp

Gao Fei stood there in a daze holding the Lion Awakening Knife in both hands. So there is such a history of this unknown Knife?No wonder it has to be known, to obtain the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal, the First Class Baoding Medal, the First Class Yunhui Medal, the First Class Gancheng Medal, the First Class Loyalty Medal, etc., I am afraid that after a year, I will also add the Guoguang Medal, etc. The medals are all outstanding for first-class military exploits, so there is no way to reward them with the Lion Dance Sword. [e]

The Xun Dao in his hand turned out to be the first one in the true sense?Gao Fei couldn't help being a little excited!How much is this thing worth in future generations?Gao Fei, who was overjoyed, realized that he actually used money to measure honor, so he despised himself severely.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2286

But I am in Wuhan, and I have a long way to go!Without the full support of the Military Control Bureau and a large number of advanced weapons, Gao Fei would not have such confidence. Recalling that the commission letter sent by Shen Zui was the highest rank but captain, Gao Fei also realized that he would not give himself a promotion this time. I'm afraid Dai Li has already heard about the military rank, so the highest rank in the letter of commission given to the Fifth Column Independent Battalion is not captain, and the rest are all lieutenants, second lieutenants, and warrant officers!

Gao Fei was also very disappointed that his rank of major did not become the lieutenant colonel or colonel he imagined. Compared with the protagonists in those novels of later generations, he could survive as a regiment commander in a few years?Army commander?Even a war zone chief?It is simply unimaginable. Gao Fei only now realizes that **'s promotion assessment regulations and standards are not in vain. Even if he is Mr. Jiang and has made great contributions, it may take a long time to be promoted to major general, not to mention that he is a mere A Whampoa graduate officer with no background.

Back at the Luojia Mountain camp, Lu Yifeng's subordinates are undergoing rigorous training. A group of bandits with unique skills are receiving strict military training, which doesn't mean killing them directly. The Luojiashan camp was in trouble. Fang Guozhong, Xu Houde, the big bowl of noodles, and the little glasses crawled out of the dead?Life and death are but a blink of an eye, who can scare you?So a fierce melee broke out between the two sides. As a result, the gangsters with unique skills, the current independent brigade of the fifth column suffered a big loss, and the group fights were not as good as those guys who were much weaker than themselves?

After Gao Fei came back, he seemed to be invisible, with dark circles under his eyes and his subordinates who were still struggling. Looking at Fang Guozhong, Xu Houde, a big bowl of noodles, and small glasses who were all unharmed, Gao Fei said unhurriedly: "You four What's going on here? How did you lead the soldiers? The people below are like that? Don't you guys reach out as officers? Do you still want to lead soldiers in the future?"

Fang Guozhong was very surprised and said: "Captain, that is also our own team! Isn't it good to hit hard?"

Gao Fei glanced at Li Guofa, Wang Dakui and other independent brigade captains and deputy captains, and said: "You all know that you are from the same unit and you are making trouble? You are all soldiers? It takes time for them to transform, and they need approval! You can't laugh at your colleagues , Unconvinced, go out and challenge!"

Li Guofa and Wang Dakui saw Gao Fei talking to them, so they raised their chests and raised their heads, looking very unhappy, Fang Guozhong, Xu Houde, Big Bowl of Noodles, and Small Glasses were a little bit sluggish.

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