Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 231 : Chapter 97 Replenishing Energy

[Volume 29] Chapter 231: Chapter 97 Replenishing Energy (1)


Chapter 97 Replenish Your Energy

For Gao Fei, the winter in Wuhan is not very different from the summer?The three towns of Hankou, Wuchang, and Hanyang are where the Great Wuhan is located. The war is approaching. The whole Wuhan is full of people of all colors who have fled from Nanjing and the whole country. There are poor and rich people. Heaven and hell are staged here every day. In the face of the brutal Japanese invaders and the ruthless and troubled era, it is not easy to live!

In Li Bai's poems, the fairyland of playing the jade flute in the Yellow Crane Tower and plum blossoms falling in Jiangcheng in May can only remain in the poem forever, otherwise it will be trampled to death by the iron hooves of the Japanese invaders.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 2317

The words spoken by Wuhan people belong to the northern dialect branch of Mandarin. Generally speaking, it belongs to the Han accent of Southwest Mandarin, which is also the easternmost branch of Southwest Mandarin. When they came to the Luojiashan camp, Gao Fei ordered some food. It can be said that Wuhan at this moment is also based on the Southern Accent and Northern Dialogue, and the same people who have fallen in the end of the world.Don't be stingy if you can help.

In the afternoon, when the troops were training, Shen Zui personally escorted more than a dozen trucks to the camp. After entering Gao Fei's command post, Shen Zui drank a large bowl of water happily and said with a long breath: "This Breaking the sky, where is there a little winter posture? This time, all the brothers brought you are military uniforms made according to your samples, all of which are small canvases with latitude and longitude lines, which are durable and beautiful. I will leave them to our military commander. Everyone in the office made one set, and the boss himself had to go for twenty sets. The bosses were full of praise when they put it on, saying that the clothes were comfortable and decent, reflecting the military temperament.

Gao Fei smiled helplessly. This was designed according to the short combat windbreaker style of the US military in later generations. It adopts the concept of a small canvas mid-fold raincoat, and is equipped with a sheepskin lining, which can not only prevent moisture and rain, but also keep warm. Gao Fei found a batch of specially-made steel plates in the factory in Wuhan. These steel plates were all small pieces. They were originally equipped for the cockpit of the Hawker fighter for bulletproof. The scientific name of this batch of special steel is nickel-chromium-manganese alloy surface infiltration. Carbon-hardened steel, its main performance is that after the surface is treated by a special process, the hardness is as high as 670-730hb, and the decreasing carburizing depth is about 40.00% 55 to [-]. All of them were lost, so the batch of steel plates remained idle until Gao Fei discovered them.

Gao Fei is naturally not polite, because this batch of steel plates reduced Gao Fei's bulletproof vest combat equipment from 27 kg of ammunition to [-] kg. It can be said that such a weight is not considered for the special forces of later generations. What, it is also within the range of the combat weight of officers and soldiers, and the bulletproof performance is much stronger than the previous ordinary steel plate. The five millimeter thick nickel-chromium-manganese alloy surface carburized hardened steel can resist the [-]-type rifle at a distance of [-] meters The rifle bullets fired can also withstand the bullets of the Type [-] heavy machine gun at the same distance.

But resistance is resistance, the huge impact force of the bullet still has to be borne by people, and more importantly, the nickel-chromium-manganese alloy surface carburized hardened steel is brittle, and it is easy to shatter after being hit continuously.

Shen Zui saw that Gao Fei seemed to be in deep thought, so he said mysteriously: "Brother, I got you a batch of new guys, but, 50 pieces, [-] rounds of ammunition, it is the bureau that passed through Hong Kong." Bought from the Americans with gold bars at a high price, it is said to be a very sharp latest model semi-automatic rifle, and it is said that the Americans are also planning to use it to equip the army.”

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