Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 248: Chapter 105 Asking for a Pension

[Volume 31] Chapter 248: Chapter 1 Asking for Pensions ([-])


Chapter [-] Asking for Pensions

After listening to Shen Zui's introduction, Gao Fei hesitated for a moment and took off his Lion Awakening Sword. I don’t even come with you, you will be made things difficult for you whether you bring the honored sword or not, this is the rule at the gate of the yamen, the king of Hades is easy to see, but the little devil is hard to deal with! With this honored knife, they will make things difficult for you, and I have to weigh it!”

Gao Fei scolded angrily: "These bastards, Yan Ziji's deeds of resisting the enemy and becoming benevolent are publicized every day in China, but the list of martyrs' pensions has been reported for so long? Except Li Minglei and Qin Changbo each have a fourth-class Baoding Medal , there is no more news? Could it be that they want to be greedy even for the pensions of the martyrs who died in battle?" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountain and River 24805

After listening to Gao Fei's words, Shen Zui looked at Gao Fei like a monster and said: "On weekdays, there are many people in charge of military pay, ordnance, and supplies, and they have money for everything. When there is a war, the General Logistics Department of the Military and Political Department is regarded as a sweet potato." Well, the troops below have never had the habit of being fully staffed. They are used to eating empty wages. When replenishing after the battle, a bunch of Zhang San, Li Si, and Wang Er Mazi were reported to receive pensions. There are no such people, and the higher-ups have to make money from it, so the General Logistics Department of the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs has come up with a one-size-fits-all approach, that is, no matter how much you report, you will start with four or six. The officers here have names and surnames. Except, the roster of soldiers can be compiled casually. When compiling, remember to copy three copies of the same handwriting, one for the base, one for archiving, and one for transfer with the army. Ten people are counted, but the pensions of these forty people are deducted by two layers according to the usual practice, and the rest is the real number, understand?"

Gao Fei stared dumbfounded at Shen Zui and said, "These bastards don't even spare the martyrs who died in battle? Even the dead have to squeeze out a layer of oil? It's so frenzied!"

Shen Zui said with a helpless face: "This has long been a practice, because many of the supplementary troops who have been recruited from below have gone to the battlefield without even touching a gun. The national disaster salary is two yuan and ten cents, the pension is 22 yuan, plus three months' salary, and half a year's customs salary. It seems not much? But we sacrificed more than 20 brothers in Songhu! Among the people who died in battle, can It would be good if one-fifth of them received pensions. Now that the troops are mobilized frequently, the next chief will not care about the previous affairs. Maybe the entire army will be wiped out in a big battle. , until you can’t afford it, or to put it worse, until you die. The family members of the strong men and the supplementary soldiers only know that their family members go to serve as soldiers to carry guns and eat food, but few people who understand it know what kind of soldiers they are? Which officer’s subordinates Waiting for these, there is no way to find them, so all the pensions went into their pockets, otherwise, how could this group of people be full of fat and carefree in the rear?"

Gao Fei sighed helplessly and said: "Soldiers are the backbone of a country and even a nation. Facing the Japanese invaders, although our weapons are outdated and we are bound to lose in every battle, and the corpses of our soldiers are strewn all over the field, our will is still there." , our heroic and unyielding spirit is still there, the enemy can only kill us and step over our corpses, even the Great Wall of flesh and blood like the Battle of Xiaguan, has never flinched, but the rear is too chilling Even the pensions of the martyrs are greedy, it’s unacceptable! Doesn’t this prove the sentence that you and my brothers chatted the other day? The front is tight, and the rear is tight? I stick to the Luodian position, and I have no ammunition. Since the corpse of the Japanese aggressors, he still desperately defended against the enemy, thinking about it now makes his heart shudder!"

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