Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 253: Chapter 107 Asking for a Pension

[Volume 31] Chapter 253: Chapter 2 Asking for Pensions ([-])


Moreover, Fang Guozhong also negotiated with a knife from a profiteer surnamed Li that he had a large amount of penicillin hidden in a certain warehouse?That is a life-saving western medicine that is worth more than gold!One hundred thousand penicillins?The National Government allocated [-] tubes of this kind of special imported western medicine for the battle of Xuzhou, and it took a lot of effort?Who would have thought that there would be [-] sticks hidden in the treasury of a profiteer who made a lot of money illegally?Is this really too appalling?

Fang Guozhong remembered that Gao Fei once applied to the Logistics Department, but was not approved. The reason was that the US government gave China a tung oil high-interest loan of US$500 million. Supplies and equipment, so the Chinese government can only use them to buy medicines. Penicillin is not allowed to be distributed by individuals, whether in Europe or in China. Even hospitals are only available in large hospitals. Every use must be strictly registered, but 500 After returning to China, the medicine worth US$50 was less than US$[-]?It has shrunk by a full ten times and no one cares about it. Now it seems that most of these drugs are likely to go like this. ~~

If Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde were to talk about it, then they would definitely say that the robbery was really a physical effort, how heavy is 1000 yuan? How heavy is the ocean of 5000 yuan?How many pieces of gold are there for fifty kilograms?The busy robbery did not come to an end until four o'clock in the morning. For Xu Houde and Fang Guozhong, this fucking was much more tiring than daily training!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 25307

Gao Fei was stunned after counting the looted finances. The cash worth 10,000+ was going to be filled by a jeep?This is something that Gao Fei had no concept of before, more than 900 gold bars of various sizes, small ones for two ounces, large ones, two catties, even five catties of gold ingots, and a bag of all kinds of jewelry!

Are these filthy officials and profiteers really rich?Gao Fei, who always felt that he didn't have enough money to spend, found that he seemed to have found a way to make money?As long as you tie up a ticket and extort money, the owner will send the money in a steady stream, and you will make a decent note stating that it is a loan, attach interest, etc., and return it after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War?

But Gao Fei was just thinking about it, if he really did it like this, wouldn't anyone complain?I am not a bandit and robber, so I can figure out a solution if I have no money, but the solution cannot be made from the common people. If someone really leaves a note, will it be honored in future generations?So such things should not be subtle, and Gao Fei can't do such dirty things. Serving as a soldier and fighting, and being paid for food, nothing can be done without money. Money is not everything, but without money, it is absolutely impossible.

First, hide this batch of ill-gotten wealth that should not be seen. Gao Fei's plan is to take off all the gemstones from the jewelry, and melt the silver and gold separately, including the robbed gold. Yu Dayang is better placed, because of the silver policy implemented by the Americans, silver is appreciating a lot, whether it is the purchasing power of currency, or the profit from selling it through Hong Kong, the only headache is the gold, the gold The thing is too attractive, and it may be difficult to sell it in Wuhan or China, so I can only find a safe way to make plans.

After hiding this windfall, Gao Fei slept soundly and soundly, but Gao Fei was able to sleep soundly, but Dai Li became extremely busy. Called to the camp, in the three towns of Wuhan where hundreds of thousands of troops gathered, there was a vicious incident of looting several senior military and political personnel in the military and political department in succession?In particular, Major General Qian was stabbed more than ten times by gangsters, and was robbed of more than [-] Yuan.

Although the amount stolen was not high, the behavior was extremely bad. Chiang Kai-shek summoned Dai Li and Zhao Hanguang to the camp in the middle of the night and angrily arranged a three-day task to bring the murderer to justice.

Coming out of the camp, Zhao Hanguang looked at Dai Li with a helpless smile and said, "Zuo Dai! This brother is not good at solving crimes! I'd like you to be in command, brother, how about I help?"

Dai Li put on a smile and said: "Brother Zhao is serious, you and I are talking about the commissioner, the commissioner is a general, do you think that if something goes wrong, either you or me can escape? Do you know how many pairs of eyes are staring at you and me outside? Brother, although my talents are mediocre, there is no doubt about my allegiance to the commissioner. I am so amazing, and I was reprimanded by the commissioner. Is your Commander Zhao's Wuhan Security Commander able to do anything? gone?"

Zhao Hanguang's expression changed immediately when he heard this, and he said: "I would like Director Dai to take care of my brothers! Brothers must fully cooperate! If there is something to do, Director Dai can order it to go down and do it."

Dai Li nodded and said: "Qian Wenge and his family were robbed of more than 100 taels of gold in total? More than 7000 yuan was found in the ocean? Do you think it is possible? The thighs are so pierced that they are almost transparent. More than 100 taels of gold? More than 7000 yuan in the ocean?"

Zhao Hanguang also nodded and said: "I also feel that something is wrong, but they are victims, so there is no reason to cover up those villains?"

Dai Li smiled and said: "They really have no reason, the only reason is that the amount of their robbed is not clear at all, that is to say, the amount of their robbed property exceeds their net worth, so they dare not say, according to me It is said that a businessman surnamed Li has been doing business with the Ministry of Finance. He received at least 30 penicillins from the Ministry of Finance. His warehouse was emptied early yesterday morning, and four bodyguards were beaten to death. My people investigated At the scene, they were all killed by one shot, and there was absolutely no second shot. All of them were done by professional masters. This is a well-planned and well-organized major crime. After midnight, the three towns of Wuhan entered into a curfew. Apart from soldiers and military vehicles, who dared to wander the streets? At least 22 people were shot dead for violating the curfew in the past ten days.”

Zhao Hanguang was suddenly surprised and said: "Then what should we do? The commissioner was able to solve the case for three days. If the plan is thorough and the organization is tight, how can it be solved in three days?"

Dai Li said disdainfully: "There is definitely no way to solve the case, but we can find a way. Since the victim has never seen the face of the assailant, the so-called words of the assailant may be the work of the local faction troops? But three days is far away. not enough!"

Dai Li took a deep breath, waved to Zhao Hanguang, and whispered softly. Zhao Hanguang was very surprised at first, then hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Then I will ask Director Dai to order!"

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