Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 260 : Chapter 110 Bai Chongxi's thoughts

[Volume 31] Chapter 260: Chapter 110 Bai Chongxi's thoughts (3)


Li Zongren actually met him in such a confidential place?I'm afraid there is really an important task?What important task would it be?Could it be that he was preparing to assassinate Terauchi Shouichi?Gao Fei laughed at himself!His desperate battle in Nanjing allowed ** to retain more vitality and strength. It is said that history will have a butterfly effect of chain translation. Status can make a huge difference.Some small things can be ignored, but if these small things are magnified systematically, they are very important to an organization and even a country. The so-called butterfly effect is fascinating not only because of its bold imagination and charming aesthetics The tone lies in its profound scientific connotation and inner philosophical charm.Chaos theory believes that in a chaotic system, very small changes in the initial conditions will cause extremely large differences in its future state after continuous amplification. In fact, this theory was understood by the Chinese ancestors thousands of years ago. Yes, a gentleman is careful at the beginning, if the difference is as small as a small amount, it is as far as a thousand miles away.

But Gao Fei seems that this butterfly effect is only aimed at the Japanese?He didn't see the effect of the butterfly effect on the Chinese side at all?Most of the elite troops withdrawn from Nanjing have been reorganized, but they are all deployed near Wuhan?The Japanese army was attacking Xuzhou in an attempt to strategically connect the North China Front Army and the Central China Front Army?And the government is still looking after itself?

The generals below are thinking about how to preserve their strength to avoid the war, and the supreme commander is thinking about how to consume millions of motley troops faster?When deploying troops, the chiefs of each theater were able to understand the intention of the Supreme Military Council very well, and deployed the temporarily organized local miscellaneous troops at the forefront to consume the morale of the Japanese army, and placed their own direct troops in a relatively relatively weak position. In a safe position, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 26010

The elite troops of the Central Army are arranged by the combat plan approved by the Supreme Military Council early in the morning. For example, the most elite and well-trained troops in the fifth theater are Tang Enbo's No. Organizationally, it belongs to the fifth war zone, but Tang Enbo, as the head of the legion, has the power to report directly to the Supreme Military Council? No.20 Corps is the mobile unit of the fifth theater.

The so-called mobile force is the general reserve force in the general sense, a unit that picks the fruit or dies in times of crisis. However, in the case of the No.20 Army under the command of Tang Enbo, I am afraid that most of its mobile meaning is to pick the fruit and die. It is someone else's business to spell it out.

While Gao Fei was thinking wildly, he followed a guard to the door of the war room. The guard politely opened the door for Gao Fei and made a gesture of invitation.

Gao Fei stabilized his mind. Since he came to this world, besides hovering on the edge of life and death, he dealt with the most influential figures of these times. The pressure was too great!

You must know that the influential figures of these eras are not the ones fabricated in later online novels. They are fools who jump into a pit. If you jump into it by yourself, you have to thank the Lord of others.

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