Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 266: Chapter 113 4 Gunpowder Smokes

[Volume 31] Chapter 266: Chapter 110 The third chapter is full of smoke (2)


After the Japanese Army on the Northern Front was commanded by Lieutenant General Zhou Libing to attack Fengyang and Bengbu in Anhui, the No.13 Group Army of the Chinese garrison, under the command of Lieutenant General Li Pinxian, took the No.11 Division of Liu Shiyi After the army resisted successively in the area on the west bank of Chihe River, because the Japanese army relied on the railway to have strong mobility, and the No.30 division was equipped with corresponding special forces such as tanks and heavy artillery, Liu Shiyi's No.13 First Army suffered heavy casualties, so Retreat west of Dingyuan and Fengyang. ~~e~~

After the No. 13 Division of the Japanese Army captured Linhuaiguan and Bengbu successively, the main force of its No. 13 Division was in Bengbu and Linhuaiguan respectively, preparing to forcibly cross the Huaihe River and launch an attack on the north bank. Guard the front line of the Huaihe River, and urgently transfer Xu Yuanquan of the Tenth Army to Hefei to support the main force of the No. 30 Army.

The main force of the No.13 Division of Huozhou Libing, who intended to quickly break through the defense of the Huaihe River, waged a bloody battle with Yu Xuezhong's army for several days. The Huaihe River was filled with corpses of both Chinese and Japanese armies. Casualties were heavy.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 26613

The First Army was reorganized from the former First Army of the Northeast Army. At the beginning of the reorganization, Yu Xuezhong served as the commander of the army, under the jurisdiction of Dong Yingbin's [-]th Division, Li Zhentang's [-]th Division, Mou Zhongyan's [-]th Division, and Xiong Zhengping's [-]st Division. The [-]th Division, after the formation of the army, successively participated in the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War and the Eastern Hebei Anti-Japanese War, and was ordered to be transferred to the Hubei-Yuan-Anhui Soviet Area and the Shaanxi-Gansu Soviet Area to participate in the campaign against the Red Army.

Before and after the Double Twelve Incident, a large number of Communist Party members secretly joined the army and became the backbone of the battle. After the Double Twelve Incident, Zhang Xueliang was arrested and imprisoned. The various departments of the Northeast Army did not gain the trust of Chiang Kai-shek, so they were recruited secretly. Yu Xuezhong, as Zhang Xueliang's hard-core direct descendant, was appointed by Gao Sheng as the director of the Jiangsu Appeasement Office because the first army was considered by the military commander to be a unit heavily infiltrated by gangsters. The army was transferred from Gansu to Huaiyin, Jiangsu for reorganization. Yu Xuezhong was also the commander of the army, and Li Zhentang was the deputy commander of the army. The designation of the [-]th division under his jurisdiction was revoked, and the troops under his command were reorganized into the [-]th and [-]th divisions. The Type A Army was relegated to the Type B Army with only two Type B divisions seriously short of staff.

However, the treatment of 51 is not the worst. Compared with Pang Bingxun's army, which has one army, one division, and five regiments, Yu Xuezhong seems to be having fun, but there are also people who are worse than Pang Bingxun, that is No.18 The group army, one army has only three divisions and another regiment, and there is also a new fourth route army, which is also an impressive new fourth route army with only six brigades.

Although there are few establishments and lack of guns and ammunition, the Supreme Military Committee of the Nationalist Government does not discriminate against the No.18 Group Army and the new Fourth Route Army in terms of combat tasks. The tasks given are that No.70 Fourth Army and Fifth Army The elite main force like the Army is jealous and envious, as if the No. 18 Army and the newly-organized Fourth Route Army can ride Tokyo and whip Mount Fuji in just one meal.

The First Army with only two Type B divisions fought against the No.13 Division of the Japanese Army along the Huaihe River for three days. There were as many as 21 members of the [-]th Regiment and the [-]th Regiment. Party members and officers died in action.

After the first army paid the price of more than [-] casualties and more than [-] officers and soldiers were killed, the whole army was forced to move back. Yu Xuezhong's two divisions were basically completely disabled and completely lost their combat effectiveness. The army was directly under the Yeshan Pao Battalion The heavy mortar battalion was completely destroyed by Japanese artillery fire and air strikes, and the supply of the whole army was interrupted for three days.

On the southern front, in late February, the Second Japanese Army, under the command of Commander Hisao Nishio, began to divide its troops and attack southward. On the east road, Hisao Nishio led the Fifth Division of Seishiro Itagaki from Weixian County, Shandong Province, and within a few days Lian fell into Yishui, Juxian, and Rizhao, and went straight to Linyi.

The No.40 Army of the Third Army Pang Bingxun resisted steadily. When the war was reversed, Li Zongren urgently called Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army to rush to help. Zhang Zizhong advocated attacking instead of defending. The 40th Army counterattacked the Japanese army in front of them. After five days and nights of fierce fighting, more than half of the Ninth Army suffered casualties. The battalion, company, and platoon leaders were all replaced twice.

However, the Seya Detachment of the Tenth Division of the Japanese Army on the West Road quickly crossed the canal from the Jining area and launched an attack on the unprepared Chinese defenders in Jiaxiang. The sudden Japanese attack was stubbornly resisted by the Third Army. Because of the influence of Han Fuju's execution, all the officers and soldiers of the Third Army realized their shame and acted courageously. They immediately launched a rare field battle with the Japanese Seya detachment. The officers and soldiers of the Chinese Third Army finally broke through the Japanese positions with dense crowd tactics, and vowed to defeat the Seya detachment overnight in the melee, but the [-] to [-] casualties also seriously injured the Third Army.

After the attack of the Seya Detachment, which suffered more than a thousand casualties, was frustrated, it immediately adjusted its deployment and shifted the main force of the Seya Detachment to move southward along the Jinpu Railway. The main force of the Tenth Division joined the Seya Division. Guqi Infantry No.30 Third Brigade was the main force, strengthened the special forces, reorganized the Setu Detachment, and attacked Teng County from Liangxiadian south of Zou County.

The so-called special forces by Rensuke Isotani are not the special forces that Gao Fei said. During World War II, many countries in the world continued the habit of World War I, using tanks, artillery, communications, engineers, cavalry, field hospitals, water supply troops and other field infantry Arms other than the army are called special forces.

The Japanese detachment is generally designated as a temporary force. It is mainly a brigade or wing-level force drawn from the main field division and assigned to other special forces as the backbone force to form an independent battle group. Temporary organization during combat, after the battle, the detachment's troops will return to the original organization, so the Japanese detachment is still a very difficult opponent for the Japanese troops who do not understand the Japanese army's organization and organizational system.

For example, the Seya Detachment, with the No.30 12rd Infantry Brigade as the main force, strengthened the 150th Independent Machine Gun Brigade, the 20th and No.[-] Squadrons of Independent Light Armored Vehicles, and the six field artillery squadrons under the [-]th Wing. There are two heavy artillery brigades under the Second Wing of the First Brigade of the Field Heavy Artillery Corps, and the third brigade of the Chinese Artillery Stationed in the Fields. The headquarters are equipped with [-]mm heavy howitzers, and the temporary field artillery squadron, engineer squadron, and automatic vehicle squadron are strengthened, and the North China Front Army Army Aviation No.[-] Seventh Attack Aircraft Squadron.

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