Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 320 : Chapter 140 Airdrop Leak

[Volume 31] Chapter 320: Chapter 140 Airdrop Leak (1)


Chapter 140

This is a typical so-called gloating mentality of Chinese people. If I am not good, I will not make you feel comfortable, and if I am not good, I will trip you up, regardless of time, place, or position!In many cases, national interests are ignored!Licking my face, crying tears and saying that I am saving the country with curves!

"Wang Hanlei" finally made a decision that harms others and does not benefit oneself. The reason is that because the military command is too beautiful, a certain woman in charge of the Chinese Air Force does not give tonnage, etc., under anger, it is extremely important and time-sensitive. Information is believed to have been leaked on purpose.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 32040

Coming out of Wang's mansion, Zhou Fohai returned to the attendant's room, because only the phone here could not be monitored by the military commander. Zhou Fohai called Gao Zongwu and chatted about the good weather. Seeing that there was no one around, he immediately informed him In the evening, an important airdrop supply plane will take off from Wuhan and carry out airdrops to the Xuzhou area.

Immediately after Gao Zongwu got the information, he found the handsome young man of Oshima who was stationed in Hong Kong by the Japanese flower agency. He actually carried out an airdrop to the squadron?Makoto Oshima thought this information was very important, so he gave Gao Zongwu 500 dollars, and arranged for a Japanese female nurse to accompany her to have fun. The headquarters of the dispatched army reported specific information.

Makoto Oshima's information was directly given to the head of the China Section of the General Staff Headquarters, who was in charge of collecting the intelligence of the flower organization. Kagesa Haraaki was born in Liuzu Village, Numakuma County, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. His ancestors were Hiroshima Asano vassals. He graduated from Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School No.20 Sixth Artillery Department, after graduation, he entered the Artillery Higher School for further study. After graduating from the 35th Army University, he studied politics in the Department of Political Science, Tokyo Imperial University with the rank of captain. Since then, he has a strong interest in China. Became an authentic China hand, and was sent to China by the General Staff Headquarters as military attache of the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai.

As for the Chinese army, it turned out to be resupplied by airdrops, which seemed extravagant to the imperial army of the Imperial Japanese Army?Yingzuo Zhenzhao immediately became vigilant. For intelligence work, intelligence work is to find suspicious things from the details and restore them to the root of the incident. However, there has long been no large-scale and organized Chinese Communist Party in the rear of the Xuzhou area. The squadron, the squadron wants to airdrop supplies to the guerrillas operating in the Xuzhou area?

Kagesa Haraaki immediately thought of the attack on Takashi Sakai's Sakai detachment a few days ago?Seems to be the work of a small-scale terrorist commando?The commando commando of hundreds of people caused over a thousand casualties to the Imperial Japanese Army, and two lieutenants were martyred. This is rare in large-scale battles, and Kagesa Haraaki did not believe Takashi Sakai at all. Being able to annihilate the so-called enemy army, the tricks that the troops below often play, Kagesa Haruka knows too well, but Kagesa Haruka also knows that he does not need to expose Takashi Sakai, because if he does, then the offender will be Most likely a large group of people.

Kagezuo Yoshiaki actually has a deep understanding of the so-called small troops operating behind enemy lines. As the saying goes, even the smallest weight can change the weight of the balance, and a small mistake may affect the outcome of a battle. Final Results.

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