Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 355 : Chapter 156 Historical Changes

[Volume 45] Chapter 355: Chapter 150 Six Historical Changes (2) ([-])


Fang Zhiming reckoned that the Japanese may be used to dividing the ashes by the catty. This habit is really wicked. The ashes of the Japanese are not kept at home. It is not his own father!A meal of worship?I'm afraid I don't know who Bai De is, and it's pitiful enough. .

After Fang Zhiming caught up with the troops, he immediately reported to Gao Fei what he saw. Fang Zhiming vividly reported to Gao Fei the tragedy of the execution and beheading by the Japanese army. This reminded Gao Fei of the nuclear leak after the earthquake in Japan. The Japanese Self-Defense Forces directly rejected Prime Minister Naoto Kan's unreasonable order, unwilling to send people to pour the nuclear reactor.Subsequently, the Ministry of Defense issued a statement, willing to take over from the Self-Defense Forces for suicide pouring, and asked the Self-Defense Forces for protective equipment.Gao Fei was completely shocked when he heard the news at the time. Is this still the crazy nation singing the spirit of Yamato and shouting [-] million pieces of jade?Is this still the group of strong, resolute and even crazy enemies in the impression?The Meiji heroes who dedicated everything to the revitalization of Yamato for the future of the nation, and the kamikaze boys who shouted allegiance to the emperor and drove the plane into the enemy, if Izumi knew it, they must have cried and couldn't help it?

The army refused the government's order?Dao also inherited the glorious tradition of the Kwantung Army, but the so-called national spirit of the Japanese is only the last curtain to cover up the shame in later generations. It will collapse on its own, and it is not worthy of becoming a disadvantage that threatens China's security. The kamikaze is gone, and the steel knife is broken. This nation named after the chrysanthemum and the knife must be beaten until they are only accompanied by the chrysanthemum. .Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 35556

However, Fang Zhiming's last mention of the Japanese army's automatic convoy and the news that the troops were about to depart made Gao Fei's nerves suddenly tense. Gao Fei immediately rolled out the map. The others leaned over at the same time.

Gao Fei pointed to the position of the Japanese army on the map and said: "Even if the Sakai troops of the Japanese army were killed by the poisonous gas, there are at least 8000 to 1 people, including the [-] people of the puppet army. Now there is no military station to stick to. This army is a surprise army, if the enemy army also follows our retreat route and invades Xuzhou along Weishan Lake, our army will have no soldiers to send on the outer defense line!"

Wu Qiusheng also stared at the map and said to Gao Fei: "Do you think the Japanese devils will attack the Xuzhou area along our retreat route?"

Gao Fei nodded and said: "If the commander of the Japanese army is not an idiot, it is very likely that the Japanese army will be divided into two groups or even more. Taking the wing or brigade as a unit, multiple routes will go hand in hand. Not only can we find the weak points in our defense, It can also quickly intersperse and divide our army. Once the main force of the Japanese army appears behind our army, the steadfast troops can only choose to retreat, while the Japanese army in front of them will take advantage of the situation to pursue, and the battle situation on the entire battlefield will be reversed!"

Gao Fei's guess was very correct, but at this moment, the Sakai unit has become Oshima's unit. As the temporary unit commander, Oshima went down the mountain and organized the Murakata unit and the Takahashi unit under his command into a mixed unit. When attacking Peixian and Fengxian areas, if they engage in battle with the large forces of the Chinese Communist Party, the regiment will immediately enter into interspersed and divided operations in the form of a brigade. The attack target of the troops is directed at Xuzhou, and it will respond to Seishiro Itagaki's Fifth Division.

After hesitating again and again, Gao Fei still blew up the large Japanese army depot by himself, and made a detailed report to the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth War Zone on the conjecture that the Japanese army might invest a brigade or so of troops in a surprise attack on Xuzhou along Weishan Lake.

But this time, Chief Li didn't have time to care about Gao Fei's guesses, and the confidential staff officers who attacked the Japanese soldiers standing in the commander's headquarters of the Fifth Theater seemed too boring. Hundreds of thousands of troops were fighting the Japanese in a dizzy manner?How dare you, a small major guerrilla captain, send a report to the commander of the theater casually?Doesn't this distract the officers?The position of the buttocks determines what the mind thinks. The little major dares to discuss strategic decisions when he is full?That thing is played by the Supreme Military Council!

In fact, Li Zongren is very busy at this meeting, because his fifth war zone is a big gathering of miscellaneous brands, and the people below are very dissatisfied. "No-name", in terms of weapons, ammunition, clothing, food and pay, the Central Army received as much supplement as possible, while the no-name army was deducted layer by layer.

For example, when the Sichuan army arrived in Xuzhou, Li Zongren tried his best to ask for supplements, and the central government made an exception and supplemented 250 rifles for each army with great reluctance. Some have plenty of food and heavy shoes, excellent weapons, and domineering arrogance, while others have hungry faces and poor equipment?How could it be possible for them to work as hard as they could without complaining?

If Li Zongren's fifth war zone also adopts Chiang Kai-shek's attitude towards miscellaneous brands, and treats the troops stuffed into the fifth war zone like crappy goods, what will happen to Xuzhou's defense line?It is not difficult for Li Zongren to answer this question. I am afraid that the fifth theater has already collapsed.

Li Zongren understands the difficulties of the miscellaneous army very well, because he is also from a miscellaneous background, and he was fed up with the anger of Chiang Kai-shek's central army. Deng Xihou and Sun Zhen were very moved and said in unison that the firearms are too bad and the bullets are too few.

Li Zongren repeatedly asked the Supreme Military Council to replenish bullets and mortars for the Sichuan army. This practice made the generals of the Sichuan army who had been discriminated against since leaving Sichuan very grateful, and the soldiers were deeply encouraged. After the fall of Teng County, the Sichuan army still used its two wings to contain the Japanese army , The momentum of fighting to the death is high, in fact, it is to repay Li Zongren's kindness of knowledge.

Compared with the Sichuan Army, Pang Bingxun's Third Army was also a motherless child. Before Pang Bingxun came to the Fifth Theater, his Third Army was in danger of being disbanded and disbanded. The Central Army expanded itself by annexing these miscellaneous troops, but Pang Bingxun It is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it is still capable of dealing with this situation.If you want to cancel the compilation, I will electrify and resist the Japanese.You can't call me Pang Bingxun not to resist Japan, can you?But Pang Bingxun's legion is only five regiments?Compared with Tang Enbo's No.20 Legion, the Third Legion is a group of out-and-out beggars.

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