Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 393 : Chapter 180 Dignity Does Not Come Without a Price

[Volume 49] Chapter 393: Chapter 180 Dignity is not without a price (1) ([-])


Chapter 180 Dignity Does Not Come Without a Price ([-])

One hundred thousand youths, one hundred thousand troops?This is a solemn and helpless oath and cry specific to this era, and it is the last desperate cry of the Chinese nation at a critical moment. This is fighting for the blood of the Chinese nation!For the independence of the country, for the freedom of the nation, in the face of the planes, artillery, and tanks of the Japanese invaders, there is nothing but sacrifice!I survive and the country perishes, and I die and the country survives!

The train stopped slowly, and many eyes were focused on these two special carriages. A group of soldiers with obviously different military uniforms were sitting in the carriages. In front of them were rare canned food and cakes. Food, portable machine guns that are rarely seen in other troops seem to be mainland products here, military boots, military uniforms and invisible murderous looks, if it is not for the military emblem and collar patch on the head, no one thinks this will be a military force. Guess what kind of army this is?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 39380

Gao Fei came to the one-armed veteran, and the veteran hurriedly leaned the military flag on his body, saluted with effort, and said, "Hi, sir!"

Gao Fei also replied neatly, "Which unit is it from?"

The veteran said in a lonely voice: "Report sir, the No. 70 Fifth Supplementary Regiment! Ordered to gather reinforcements in Taierzhuang, rest here!"

Gao Fei looked at the 500 to 1888 people scattered on the platform, many of them had only a military jacket or a hat, half of them were empty-handed, with old to tattered rifles, Gao Fei I took a look at the rifle from a soldier who seemed to be only fourteen or five years old. The Mauser 7.92 rifle, with a caliber of 19mm, fires smokeless gunpowder bullets and has a single row of vertical box magazines. The quantity of five bullets makes the gun a real modern rifle. In the [-]th year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty, the gun was imitated in the Hanyang Arsenal. Because there is a sleeve outside the barrel, it is commonly known as the old sleeve.

The lack of industrial base and ordnance industry makes the types of weapons in the country like a large exhibition of weapons eliminated by all countries. There are three kinds of heavy pointed bullets, and there are also special bullets, such as anti-armor steel core bullets.

Pointed bullets are used in the official series of rifles and Czech zb26 light machine guns, and round-headed bullets are used by Hanyang. Although the four-year type is 7.92 mm in caliber, some of them still use round-headed bullets, and the heavy-pointed bullets are exclusively used. For Type 30 or Type [-] heavy machine guns.

The old slide with the rifling smooth in Gao Fei's hand is made of round-nosed bullets. Gao Fei doubts whether this gun can still be fired?Will there be a danger of bombing?Looking around, it seems that having such a rifle is not bad?

Gao Fei returned the rifle to the soldier, lit a cigarette and handed it to the veteran. The veteran took it with a little panic and said, "Thank you sir, thank you sir, I've never smoked such a good cigarette! Which unit does the sir belong to? Look at your guy's speed machine and portable machine gun! It must be from the German weapon reorganizer, right?"

Gao Fei was a little surprised that such a veteran also knew the German Armor Reorganizer, "You also know the German Armor Reorganizer?"

The veteran said with some pride: "We used to eat food in the Shanghai Security Corps, and saw the majesty of the German weapon masters. Later, the Songhu War of Resistance was disbanded and returned to Canada. Now, our squadron will not lose the battle."

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