Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 411 : Chapter 191 Killing You Didn't Discuss

[Volume 52] Chapter 411: Chapter 190 Killing you without discussion (1)


Chapter 190 Killing You Didn't Discuss

So, Lu Yifeng, who was furious, poured a pot of boiling water, which scalded the dog's legs barking, beat the dog and wanted to kill the owner. The young man in a blue plaid suit and red tie waved his hand and said, "Rush in for me, I'm going to fuck these three stinky bitches today, and play with these three scumbags to death!"

A short man with a cigar in his mouth curled his lips and said, "Young Master Lin, when Huang attacked Lin Shujie in Nanjing, more than a dozen people died, and he almost got involved. Gao Fei is not a good idiot, we Ordinary boredom, just make fun of beautiful women, break into the house and rape? **? This is a big deal, Lin Shujie and Lu Yifeng are the people who wear hats in the military command, and Qin Wanyi was also taken care of by the military command!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountain and River 41191

The one surnamed Lin curled his lips and said: "A little major surnamed Gao, he should be honored when we play with his woman. It's good that he didn't let him push my back. What if something happens? You can't talk about him. I don’t know? The one who suffers is his high-flying woman. He has the nerve to shout all over the world? Even if he takes a step back, it’s better to spend money with him. At worst, the man goes to the United States and is no longer in the country. What can he do to him?”

"Whose master are you?" A cold voice caused everyone present to shiver. The evil spirit on Gao Fei came from the torn souls, just like the evil spirit on a butcher frightens pigs, the evil spirit on Gao Fei It was killed by a murderer, and ordinary people feel dazed and uncomfortable when they see it.

The military boots under Gao Fei's feet made clicking and clicking sounds when they stepped on the bluestone slabs. The young man surnamed Lin with oily hair and flour noodles forced himself to be calm: "I am the Lin Jiasheng! What are you?"

Lin Jiasheng, who was somewhat guilty, looked at the bodyguards and dogs behind him. No matter how stupid Lin Jiasheng was, he could guess who this guy was with five fully armed soldiers, wearing camouflage uniforms and wearing lion swords on his waist. The major is not unusual, but what is unusual is that there are only two Lion Dance Knives in the whole world, because the shape of this knife is so special, even if people who have read the newspaper can't remember Gao Fei's appearance, they will still remember this one Extraordinarily gorgeous Lion Awakening Knife.

When Lin Jiasheng turned his head again, he was surprised to find that his bodyguards and dog legs were all silently crawling on the ground with their heads in their hands, and Mr. Huang and Mr. Qu who came with him, as well as the three bodyguards were all convulsed in a pool of blood. Then, their throats were all cut open in a very measured manner, and their shoulders were also removed, the purpose is to let them watch themselves bleed to death, and the smelly liquid flows across the ground.

In fact, Gao Fei didn't issue a kill order, but half of his guards were Lu Yifeng's subordinates, and they were brothers who had drunk blood wine with him before. Big, so Gao Fei became the boss who did his part, insulting his sister-in-law and still not killing him?The brothers below can only say that the method of killing them is too merciful. If you have time, you can use iron rods to wear them and roast them with charcoal fire!

Gao Fei has nothing to do with the young master's life or death at all, because in his consciousness, he is still in a state of war, and Gao Fei doesn't care about human life at all. In fact, this is a kind of mental illness, and it takes time to get used to it. In history, after the counterattack against Vietnam, a deputy company commander of the conqueror Yinshan Heroes went shopping. His foot was stepped on. I ate a bowl of noodles five meters away and waited for the police to come.

This is a kind of wartime tension formed subconsciously. He knows that killing is wrong and against the law, but after coming down from the tragic battlefield, his contempt for life allows him to kill without scruples. Everyone is in this kind of situation. Although the five large-scale hand-to-hand fights with the Japanese army in the blocking battle showed the majesty and bloodiness of the Chinese Communists, it also caused many people's mental pressure to exceed the load.

Gao Fei was sitting in the jeep, Lin Jiasheng was kneeling in front of him, Gao Fei glanced at Lin Shujie, Lu Yifeng, and Qin Wanyi who were on the balcony, and smiled slightly. Gao Fei's smile made the three women feel a chill, as if they were themselves What did I do wrong in general?Lin Shujie knew that Gao Fei's subconsciousness might still be in a state of war, so it was useless to say anything to Gao Fei now, not to mention that being bullied and coming to the door was full of resentment and grievance, which one A woman doesn't want her man to be a hero and go through fire and water for herself?

Gao Fei was playing with a matte tactical knife, cutting his nails and said, "Tell me! Who told you to come, who told you where, and who else has been here?"

Lin Jiasheng was dumbfounded and said, "Do you know who you killed?"

Gao Fei disdainfully said: "I never talk nonsense with dead people, if I talk nonsense, I will kill your whole family and write to Lao Tzu!"

Trembling, Lin Jiasheng began to write the confession in his notebook. At this time, two black Buicks braked suddenly and stopped not far away. A truck of military police and a truck of policemen jumped out of the truck, but at the intersection The place stopped moving, and a three-wheeled motorcycle that was driving too fast rushed out of the road, because a German-made gray Type I chariot was parked in the middle of the road, and a door was installed on the turret of the chariot. A modified Fortlow [-]mm [-]-caliber cannon.

A fat man who was so fat that he could barely get out of the car door with the title of police inspector turned around and came to Gao Fei. The blood on the ground made him swallow unconsciously. A majestic errand, in fact, there are 27 deputy directors of the General Bureau of Chongqing Municipality, even if the 27 deputy directors are busy every day, the matter of an inconspicuous small villa in the innermost part of Qingshan Villa District The authorities have taken care of it, but those who make troubles are not to be provoked by the Central Bureau. Today I heard that these idlers have been punished. Fang Zhendong plans to have a pot in the afternoon to celebrate, but right now he is not in the mood to eat pot up.

More than a dozen corpses were thrown onto the truck, more than a dozen soldiers were cleaning up the blood on the ground, and the remaining bodyguards and their heads and legs were cut and executed one by one. Fang Zhendong was terrified when he saw it. It's just a little major who knows a big man!

However, for Fang Zhendong, the name Gao Fei is like a devil climbing up from hell. Killing people is like mowing grass, with a deadpan face and even ignoring himself?The second-generation ancestors who ran rampant in Chongqing even Chairman Jiang had a headache when he heard about it were like a dead dog, whose body was thrown on the truck.

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