Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 451 : Chapter 216 Corpse Can Talk

[Volume 57] Chapter 451: Chapter 210 Six Corpses Can Talk (1)


Chapter 210 Six Corpses Can Talk

Kageko Kagemoto listened to what Kifu Yamashita said clearly, and said a little dissatisfied: "I'm very curious that Major Yamashita Kifu's corpse can talk about theories. I want to know how you judge that the other party is shooting from 37 meters away? With an effective range Only a [-]-yard shotgun can shoot a target [-] meters away under severe lighting conditions, and it must be above the commanding heights, and there must be at least a [-]-degree overlooking shooting dead angle. You also said that deer hunters can only pretend Three bullets? Where did the other four bullets come from? There may be more than one sniper on the other side? And I asked the military police who were attacked, and the other party shot and knocked down seven people in less than five seconds, even if it was a military policeman At that time, I panicked and misremembered the time. Is it seven seconds, one shot per second? No need to reload and aim?"

Kio Yamashita reached out and took an m1921 deer hunter shotgun from the side and said with a smile: "Then please let me explain to Ms. Kagiko Kagemoto how a master should use a gun! Make the gun a part of your body!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 45116

Yingben Jiazi Liu Mei stood upside down and said: "I am your officer, and my military rank is Lieutenant Assistant, not some young lady. I ask Major Yamashita Mufu to pay attention."

The strict class nature of the Japanese army forced Yamashita Kifu to really nod his head and apologize, and hey, he took a handful of bullets from the side and pressed three bullets into the barrel, bit one in his mouth, and held the remaining three bullets with his left hand. Stopped, and then Yamashita Kifu actually held the gun belt with his left arm, Yamashita Kifu looked at Kageko Kako with a slight smile and said, "Miss Kagemoto Kako, please watch!"

Kio Yamashita suddenly raised his gun to aim at the street lamp about [-] meters away and fired continuously. As the street lamp went out, Kako Kagemoto was surprised to find that every time Kio Yamashita shot, there was a brief moment in the back seat of the gun. Fill the bullets in your hand directly into the chamber in the gap?

At the moment when the last bullet was fired, Kio Yamashita actually jammed the gun with his finger that was emitting green smoke?He spit out a bullet in his mouth, pressed it into the gun chamber with his left hand, released the trigger and shot instantly, and the last street lamp more than 200 meters away was hit and extinguished.

Yamashita Mufu threw the shotgun to the military police on the side and said with a smile: "You're making a fool of yourself, five seconds! It's still a lighted target, but what I'm going to show you is this special rapid-fire shooting technique, which can shoot in a very short time. It is not unique to me to shoot consecutive different targets inside, and there are many masters in the folk who are self-aware, and their stunts are no worse than mine."

Seiichi Kita and Yoshiko Kagemoto were stunned by Kio Yamashita's unique skill. It's hard to believe that a shotgun can be used in such a situation.

Yamashita Kifu said very seriously: "I must remind everyone that this attack has a complete plan, the enemy has a clear division of labor, the firepower is well coordinated, the combat skills are superb, and the tactics are implemented accurately to the second. They are not ordinary death squads, they It is a special force that has undergone systematic training. As far as I know, there is no similar special operations force in the army. If there is such a force, then I am afraid that the only one is the fifth column of the Central Military Statistics Bureau, Loyalty Rescue**, Gao Fei's troops have this quality. Judging from the characteristics of their operations, this operation is very similar to what his troops did. If Gao Fei's fifth column appears in Beiping? Then we must be extra careful, because Gao Fei Fei is a truly excellent commander who can comprehend the true meaning of special forces operations and train a group of elite troops. Such a person is a huge threat to the empire."

Kita Seiichi said with some disdain: "Apart from assassination and destruction, what can a small army do? Tactical troops are always just tactical troops. The condition for winning a war is the competition of the country's comprehensive strength. An agricultural country with an extremely backward productivity that has not yet been fully unified in military and political power, how can it continue to fight against the empire? To put it bluntly, their soldiers don't even have enough bullets, and they can only fire three to five rounds each time they engage. Then we have to attack with the scorching firepower of our army, and there are many casualties under the firepower of our Imperial Japanese Army."

Yamashita Mufu looked at Kita Seiichi, and said meaningfully: "There are many, many conditions that determine the outcome of a war. For example, this time the high-flying fifth column surprised No. ?Is our army too incompetent? Or is the enemy too cunning? In fact, special forces are like a fulcrum in combat, and they can easily leverage the overall situation with one point. This is the way to win the special forces, and their existence The chief value of which is to let the enemy live in perpetual fear."

Kita Seiichi did not continue to speak to refute Yamashita Kio, because Kita Makoto found that he could not even find any excuse that could be used to refute Yamashita Kio's point of view, and he did not want to use his military rank to suppress Yamashita Kio, so It seemed very depressing. Gao Fei's military commander, the Loyalty Rescue Army Fifth Column, had been completely mythical among Japanese officers and soldiers. Many officers and soldiers even wrote letters to their families, asking their family members to buy some amulets from temples for themselves.

The elusiveness of the fifth column, and the fact that all troops attacked by them will have bad luck for a long period of time, what it means to have bad luck on the battlefield, everyone present clearly knows that bad luck on the battlefield is the most direct The effect is death.

Yoshiko Kagemoto slowly inspected the bodies of the Japanese officers and soldiers who were shot and killed, then took a serious look at Kio Yamashita and said, "Since Major Yamashita thinks that Gao Fei's fifth column has appeared in Beiping, what do you think of Gao Fei? Where will the target be?"

Kifu Yamashita said hehe: "This is not within my responsibility, it is a matter of your secret intelligence agency. I am an action force. The task of my Stalker Special Operations Force is to find Gao Fei after you find it. Annihilation."

Kifu Yamashita waved his hand and said, "I have carefully studied the equipment of Gao Fei's subordinates who died in the Battle of Nanjing, and it seems to be more reasonable and practical than the German weapons I used during my training in Germany. Moreover, the fifth column of Gao Fei already has a complete set of training outline and standardized training content. In this way, the lost members of the fifth column will be quickly replenished. Gao Fei is a very good commander, the Chinese There is an old saying that it is better to capture the king before catching the thief. It is better to take the initiative to attack and find fighters than passive defense. Only by eliminating Gao Fei can we completely solve the fifth column of the Military Command Bureau."

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