Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 461 : Chapter 221 Who Is Right

[Volume 57] Chapter 461: Chapter 220 Who Is Right (2)


The strategic battle between the front and the center is as important as the long-term stability of the occupied areas in the rear. It is a pity that not many Japanese commanders can see this and implement it. Their behavior of conniving subordinates is already serious. The killing of Wang Kemin and Pan Yugui shows that the Chinese who defected to the empire are isolated and hostile, and it seems that guys like Wang Kemin and Pan Yugui are not worth enough?

If you want to confront the Nationalist government and realize Prime Minister Konoe's declaration that you will not use the Nationalist government as your opponent in the future, then you must support an agent who is much more important than Wang Kemin. The Imperial Central Committee has always considered I realized that in order not to push the Soviet Union to the enemy's side, we should not treat the Soviet Union as an enemy on the surface. In the end, Chief of Staff Jae-in issued a secret instruction, requesting the North China Dispatch Army to temporarily abandon the main attack on the Communist Party of China and change it to a secondary one, to implement the essentials of the propaganda strategy of the Yan'an regime, and to follow it. The guidance of the General Staff Headquarters pointed out the political aspects of the Yan'an regime In fact, it is already an independent regime, and its ideology is gradually changing from communism to nationalism. This should be emphasized, so as to induce the enemy to give up the purpose of the war of resistance. We must actively launch such an ideological war. As the work progresses, we must From time to time, carry out local or local campaigns against the party and army of the Yan'an regime, and try to gradually expand and develop them!

Terauchi Shouichi didn't know what kind of crazy the staff officers in the military and staff headquarters could only stand in front of maps and sand table models, and had never led a small team of soldiers in their entire lives.You said that if you compromise with □□, □□ will compromise? □□ What advocated is the national war of resistance, national war means the determination and will to die rather than win!What do you say to these nationalists that fighting is not equal to surrendering the other party?It's strange if someone doesn't give you a shot.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 46121

Those pigheads in the General Staff Headquarters don't understand the reality of the Chinese battlefield at all. The traitors who defected to the empire are still a small minority. Most of these people are notorious people who can't get along in the country.

Moreover, Shouichi Terauchi's current main task is to solve the murders of Wang Kemin and Pan Yugui and the attack on Desheng Building. These two cases have made him lose face just like the fiasco in Taierzhuang.

Terauchi Shouyi looked at these guys who usually walked without looking at the ground, and now they looked downcast. Could it be that his North China Dispatch Army secret service has a group of idiots?Looking at Major General Kita Makoto of the Central China Dispatch Army, Terauchi Shouichi said reluctantly: "Since no one in my North China Dispatch Army secret service is willing to express an opinion, then I can only ask Kita Makoto from the Central China Dispatch Army secret service Major General, can you give us any advice?"

Kita Seiichi would dare to pick on me now!If he dared to speak out, he would undoubtedly offend all the members of the North China Dispatch Army's secret service agency. Kita Seiichi is not a fool. He, an old fritter, would not come forward for such a thing that offends people!

However, Seiichi Kita knew that there was someone who could solve Commander Juichi Terauchi's confusion, so he cleared his throat and said, "Your Excellency Terauchi, I think it is appropriate for you to ask Mr. Yamashita Mufu about the two assault cases!"

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