Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 466 : Chapter 225 Meeting Gao Shuxun for the First Time

[Volume 57] Chapter 466: Chapter 220 Five First Meeting Gao Shuxun (1)


Chapter 220 Five First Meeting Gao Shuxun

He Yingqin paused, looked around and continued to say in a deep voice: "During our army's blockade in Chihuai, Liu Shiyi's No. 30 Army and Yu Xuezhong's Army had a total of nearly 20 casualties, and Sun Tongxuan's No. 11 Army The Sixth Army of Gu Liangmin, the Group Army, was organized into three divisions before the war, and was reduced to No.30 Second Division after the war. Its strength is still insufficient. Although our army suffered heavy casualties, it also caused heavy damage to the enemy. More than half of the troops were lost and urgently needed to be repaired. The Ministry of Military and Political Affairs planned to use the Fifth Army, No.70 Army, No.80 Sixth Army, No.80 Fourth Army, No.90 Seventh Army, No.30 Eighth Army, and No.100 Eighth Army. [-] The Eighth Army, the Hundredth Army and other troops entered the front line, or planned a counter-offensive! In this campaign, the Japanese army mobilized about [-] troops from eight divisions and five mixed brigades, and our army had about [-] divisions before and after One million people fought on the two fronts of the north and the south. It lasted for more than five months. The officers and soldiers of our army fought bravely. First, they stopped the Japanese army on the south bank of the Huaihe River on the southern line and broke their attempt to join the Japanese army on the northern line. The Japanese army defeated in the Linyi area, and stopped the right wing of the Japanese army on the West Road in the Jiaxiang area, smashing the Japanese army's plan to join forces in Taierzhuang. *During the defensive operations in the Taierzhuang area, Li Zongren's Fifth War Zone adopted active defensive tactics, with a Defense on the inside, the other on the outside line, combined attack and defense, flexible and maneuverable, the Central Military Investigation and Statistics Bureau Loyalty Rescue the Communist Party Fifth Column Gao Fei Division, attacked the Japanese No. [-] station, and destroyed a large number of Japanese poison gas shells and materials, weapons and ammunition , and later blocked a part of the Japanese army's southern crimes, so that under the wise leadership of the Supreme Commander, the great victory was achieved."

After He Yingqin put down the file, everyone applauded enthusiastically. Chiang Kai-shek smiled and nodded frequently. He seemed to be waiting for the last sentence, under the wise leadership of the supreme commander!That means that he, the chairman, has won the Japanese in terms of strategy and tactics. From Taiyuan to Songhu, and then to Nanjing, the Japanese are suppressing China in both strategy and tactics. The route is the same as the route used by the Yuan Dynasty to destroy the Song Dynasty, but in comparison, the Japanese have more landing capabilities than the Mongols. It is a move between the north and the south. After the Chinese navy is completely wiped out, the long coastline of China is almost full of Japanese landings. The location, but thanks to the Japanese's low level of logistics supply!Don't dare to launch a jumping landing at will, otherwise the ** defense will be more passive.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 46625

He Yingqin looked at the applause of the crowd and seemed indifferent, because he didn't finish his words just now, because the commander of the highest military authority, regardless of the overall situation of the enemy's strength and our weakness, mobilized a large army near Xuzhou in an attempt to fight the Japanese army. passive.Nevertheless, this battle suppressed and consumed the vital forces of the Japanese army. At the cost of more than 2 casualties, the Chinese Army killed and wounded more than 11 Japanese soldiers. In addition to inflicting a huge blow on the Japanese army, it also delayed the Japanese army The speed of the attack bought time for the deployment of the Wuhan battle. Generally speaking, He Yingqin was very dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek's deployment, especially the Fifth Army, No.30 Army, No.70 Sixth Army, No.80 Fourth Army, and No.80 Army The use of the Seventh Army, No.90 Eighth Army, No.20 Eighth Army, and the Hundredth Army and other Soviet elite troops, as well as the issue of Tang Enbo's No.[-] Army and whether they listen to the announcement, seem to be very difficult The problem is difficult to solve. The officers and soldiers on the front line are bleeding and dying, but some generals in the rear are mostly drunk and dreaming of death! □□The filthy officials are rampant, He Yingqin wants to control all this, but he can't!

Chiang Kai-shek glanced at He Yingqin who hesitated to speak, took a deep breath and said: "Respect! The Fifth Army and No.11 Army are our last backbone and blood. In the future, we will have to make selective sacrifices. Sacrifice is inevitable in the face of a powerful enemy. At the last moment of the nation, no one will be spared, and no one can take chances. I am confident in the use of these troops. Will consider it!"

He Yingqin nodded helplessly, obviously he was suggesting the Fifth Army, No.11 Army, No.30 Sixth Army, No.70 Fourth Army, No.80 Seventh Army, No.80 Eighth Army, No.90 Eighth Army Generalissimo Jiang's sensitive nerves were touched by the issue of the [-]th Army, the [-]th Army, and other troops. When the battle reached this point, the miscellaneous army fought so tragically and heroically, while the well-equipped Central Government Army sat back and watched the battle ?It would be uncomfortable for anyone below.

No one can understand He Yingqin's sorrow, and no one can share Gao Fei's joy. After passing through two Japanese positions that were not well-defended, it is obvious that the main attention of the Japanese army is concentrated on the defense of the No.60 Ninth Army in the east. So Gao Fei and others arrived at the No.60 Ninth Army Headquarters in Wangtou Village after screening.

Gao Shuxun, commander of the No.60 Ninth Army in Pei County, directly delivered the order of the Supreme Military Commission to Gao Fei. Gao Shuxun, the commander of the No.60 Ninth Army, was full of gunpowder and exhaustion. Fainted, the accompanying chief of staff was also very excited, and even Gao Can, who was said to be Major General Xu from the Military and Political Department, hugged Gao Fei and cried bitterly?

Gao Fei feels very inexplicable?But for Gao Shuxun, Gao Fei was still very impressed!Thin and tall, with small eyes, protruding ears, long face, slightly buck teeth, not handsome or handsome, I can only say try not to go out at night, so as not to scare people.

Gao Shuxun, whose name is Jianhou, was born in Yanshan, Hebei Province. He was born in an ordinary peasant family. Because of the hardships at home, he went out to work as an apprentice when he was a teenager. Later, he joined Feng Yuxiang's army as a soldier. Soldiers progress through the ranks to division commander.

Gao Shuxun's Ministry itself has a long revolutionary tradition. As early as 1931, the Ningdu Uprising was almost a unique uprising in the early history of the Chinese revolution. A great shock, which continued to affect General Gao Shuxun for decades to come.General Gao Shuxun joined the Chahar Anti-Japanese Allied Army which followed him, which made him a thorn in Chiang Kai-shek's side.At the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Gao Bu was ordered to go north to attack the Communist Party. With Liu Deng Xinsheng's division in the front and Chiang Kai-shek's strict order to supervise the war, Gao Shuxun, who was born in the Northwest Army who was not a direct descendant, and his subordinates were deeply influenced by the Communist Party, finally in 1945. Choosing to revolt seems to be a matter of course.

It can be said that Gao Shuxun has always been a mysterious character to Gao Fei. Gao Fei has always wondered whether Gao Shuxun is also a time-traveling character?In 1945, when the Nationalist government had an absolute advantage and could wipe out the Communist Party within three months, did they resolutely revolt?His courage is also admirable, and Gao Shuxun has a very good personal relationship with Mr. Wang, Liu Bocheng and others.

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